Belarusians are joining the fight against Russians

Belarusians are joining the fight against Russians

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Better not, or else

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More nazis. The whole world is nazi!!!!


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Will there be a link to something I could read or watch or..?

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>For Belarus!

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Жывe Бeлapycь!

>*cough* *cough* im dying.... but for a good cause...

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>ugh... heaven... with the angels of belarus...

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I knew Lukashenko would come to his senses and abandon Putin as soon as Putin got his hands full with his new enemies

I hope Luka crushed them harder

>empire on many distinct peoples = globohomo
this is your brain on the enlightenment

wheres the lie?

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Also read this and reflect on its relation to what is said in

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I'm putting together a team

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Biggest power play for Lukashenko would be to switch sides now, he would be praised as a hero by the west and let him do whatever authoritarian shit he wants to

nice, saved

Putin is his lifeline, he's scared the most of his people rn.

Is that Belarusian shit real? I work with a couple people from Belarus who said that everybody hates Putin for this shit because of wage depreciation, etc. And that supposedly Belarusian army said "fuck off" when ordered to march against Ukrainians.

>yea goyims keep killing each other so your women one day can fuck niggers and sandniggers

kek'd audibly

That's because Dugin is a Chabad Jewish rent boy who is basically the VAUSH of Russia.

He's France's Jewish Warlord, careful of what you gonna say.

>Putin is his lifeline
thats why he needs to secure a better deal for his people right now from the west

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unfortunately luka is too dumb to do this
hopefully the military will have enough of his shit and hang him