"Cultural Marxism" never existed. There is Cultural Liberalism...

"Cultural Marxism" never existed. There is Cultural Liberalism, and within it is the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School created in the West itself, which sought to make an epistemological review of classical Marxist theory and also in opposition to the USSR. The moral subversion of the West is not the product of the KGB, but of the CIA which went so far as to finance "modern" art throughout the West because it considered Soviet realist art a propagandist danger. The KGB subversion was about funding and infiltrating parties and syndicates to instigate strikes and revolutions, as well as funding armed guerrillas. The CIA subversion countered this by seeking to turn revolutionaries into hippies, fags and potheads.

On the right wing, the CIA created a false opposition to communism using a bionic patriotism infused by pop culture that attracted conservatives, always praising the free market and big American capital so that it would remain untouchable. The purpose was only one: to make conservatives oppose communism without opposing communism's initial financiers. Then the lie was told that the New-Left was a thing of the USSR so that unwary conservatives thought that fighting progressive shit was fighting communism, without realizing that such shit came from big capital, untouchable and ideologically defended by conservatives. Today, however, everything is more explicit and only those who were victims of propaganda believe in the myth of Soviet moral subversion. Many of these adhered to the culture war discourse without ever going further to attack the root of the problem: multinationals, banks, media, liberal democracy, freedom of association for the conspirators - all of this is treated as a "defense of Western civilization", which is another Cold War propaganda speech.

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>"Cultural Marxism" never existed. There is Cultural Liberalism, and within it is the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School created in the West itself, which sought to make an epistemological review of classical Marxist theory and also in opposition to the USSR. The moral subversion of the West is not the product of the KGB, but of the CIA which went so far as to finance "modern" art throughout the West because it considered Soviet realist art a propagandist danger. The KGB subversion was about funding and infiltrating parties and syndicates to instigate strikes and revolutions, as well as funding armed guerrillas. The CIA subversion countered this by seeking to turn revolutionaries into hippies, fags and potheads.
>On the right wing, the CIA created a false opposition to communism using a bionic patriotism infused by pop culture that attracted conservatives, always praising the free market and big American capital so that it would remain untouchable. The purpose was only one: to make conservatives oppose communism without opposing communism's initial financiers. Then the lie was told that the New-Left was a thing of the USSR so that unwary conservatives thought that fighting progressive shit was fighting communism, without realizing that such shit came from big capital, untouchable and ideologically defended by conservatives. Today, however, everything is more explicit and only those who were victims of propaganda believe in the myth of Soviet moral subversion. Many of these adhered to the culture war discourse without ever going further to attack the root of the problem: multinationals, banks, media, liberal democracy, freedom of association for the conspirators - all of this is treated as a "defense of Western civilization", which is another Cold War propaganda speech.

tldr you're jewish

>"Cultural Marxism" never existed.
right, leftists call it western marxism

Imagine maming your school after a hotdog.


>"Cultural Marxism" never existed
Not reading and basically you're a chimp with a computer.

Holy pilpul, Batman!

The Frankfurt School, Institute of Sexology and Marxist Institute for Social Research were created by Jewish Intellectuals who entered Germany as Refugees from the U.S.S.R. you fucking idiot.




also you are a nigger

You have to go back.

Stfu we all know about Frankfurt and hess

Cultural marxism is a pretty stupid term that just means cultural communism, i.e. all cultures both national and cultural are equal and should be accepted even if the Africans are cannibals and the trannies fuck children. It's deliberately meant to deconstruct culture in of itself and destroy the fabric of preexisting society(which the communists believe they will rebuild).

Pure evil.

The Communism is a product of capitalism to decompose states directly or indirectly.

That's why Marx was a fervent defender of the free market. No global market, no global revolution. Communist revolutionaries just didn't get it. But I don't blame them, Marx never said what should be done.

The corporotocracy of big capital will generate global control over the market, which will then subjugate all nations. That's why it's no coincidence that big capital promotes progressive shit, serves to break local customs and impose a standardized global custom that are the identity affirmation movements and urban tribes. Mass immigration is part of the process.

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There are several examples besides the one in the first pic. The "Foro de São Paulo" (the organization responsible for Leftism in Latin America) was created within the Inter-American Dialogue, which is an arm of the Democratic Party and the CFR in Latin America.

The push for "social justice" in video games can be traced back to DARPA, among others.

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Shill bait derail thread here

Speaking of MKULTRA... The Soviets had their version of this.


Arizona Wilder talking about it:


More stuff:


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This ^^ Bokshevik jews from the Soviet Union.

It's invalid to describe Marxism/Communism in a cultural sense. The whole purpose of this ideology, and various others, is to destroy the culture people already obtain.

Marxism is very similar to various other ideologies, such as freudism, capitalism, and Darwinism, b/c there's no way to prove them wrong. If I were to say the teachings of freudism are wrong, the counter is I'm acting out of my sexuality; in the same sense, if I attempt to prove Marxism wrong, I'm speaking out of my class position.

Now what's the point of these Ideologies? Well, I think they're an attempt to destroy destiny in peoples lives. What replaces destiny is causality. Once this is accomplished, you're able to control people by influencing their environment.

Sure, there will be anomalies in the most extreme circumstance. But It's a lot easier to control people when you've stripped the people who make up your sphere of influence.

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Just for comparison:

Nazism and Communism are both collectivists, but one defends ethnic racial collectivity and the other economical class collectivity. Communism defends the end of borders, religions, the family and cultural plurality. Nazism reject this and embraces these things with a certain idealization for their "glory of the past" (they were extremely fucked up after WWI, that's why they turn in it).

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>Lt. Col. Duncan Chaplin Lee (1913 – 1988) was confidential assistant to Maj. Gen. William ("Wild Bill") Donovan, founder and director of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), World War II-era predecessor of the CIA, during 1942-46. Lee is identified in the Venona project as the Soviet double agent operating inside OSS under the cover name "Koch", making him the most senior alleged source the Soviet Union ever had inside American intelligence

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>Stanley H. Biber (May 4, 1923 – January 16, 2006) was an American physician who was a pioneer in sex reassignment surgery, performing thousands of procedures during his long career

>Biber was born to a Jewish family in Des Moines, Iowa as the older of two children and the only son of a father who owned a furniture store and a mother interested in social causes. His parents hoped he would become a pianist or a rabbi, and he briefly considered both before World War II began

>Biber served as a civilian employee with the Office of Strategic Services during World War II, stationed in Alaska and the Northwest Territory. After the war, he returned to Iowa and enrolled in school, with plans to become a psychiatrist. He graduated from the University of Iowa medical school in 1948

>He began performing surgery while in residency at a hospital in the Panama Canal Zone. Biber then joined the Army, where he was the chief surgeon of a mobile army surgical hospital during the Korean War. He finished his service at what is now Fort Carson, Colorado

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>Gloria Marie Steinem (/ˈstaJnəm/; born March 25, 1934) is an American feminist journalist and social political activist who became nationally recognized as a leader and a spokeswoman for the American feminist movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s

>In May 1975, Redstockings, a radical feminist group, published a report that Steinem and others put together on the Vienna Youth Festival and its attendees for the Independent Research Service. Though she acknowledged having worked for the CIA-financed foundation in the late 1950s and early 1960s in interviews given to The New York Times and The Washington Post in 1967 in the wake of the Ramparts magazine CIA exposures (nearly two years before Steinem attended her first Redstockings or feminist meeting), Steinem in 1975 denied any continuing involvement. In 2004, however, a 1975 report by Human Events which reported Steinem's CIA ties and which had been classified by the CIA was made public

>In her book My Life on the Road, Steinem wrote about the relationship she had with the CIA in the 1950s and 1960s and defended the CIA relationship, saying: "In my experience [the CIA] was completely different from its image; it was liberal, nonviolent and honorable." However, it was acknowledged that Steinem in fact served as the leader of the Independent Research Service when it was receiving money from the CIA. She also maintained ties with her successor Gene Theoroux, who acknowledged that he covered up Steinem's ties to the CIA and that she was "very pleased" when he "killed the CIA reference to her" in his "column"

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