Whatever happened to conservatives being patriotic?

Whatever happened to conservatives being patriotic?


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good try

Not fighting your jew war, kike demon

seems like kinzinger is pulling a democrat move and appealing to dead people

I'm laughing that they turned WWE into fox news wrestling after spending all that time with the WWE people and all republicans saying things like keep sports of of politics

Republicans beyond retarded

This guy Kinzinger really sucks. Is he just a massive useful idiot or is he getting paid?

Perpetual war tends to have consequences. American military and society is truly entering “fall of Rome” tier.

WW2? Uh the war did come here, it was called Pearl Harbor, dumb fuck.

patriotism isn't dying for jews in a country you have no alliances or treaties with

Nation is not worth loving. God hates america.

niggers, trannies and women.
that's what happened.

This the same dude who tweeted that Sam Hyde meme? Seems like a fucking idiot.


90% of Americans opposed joining in WW2...

>its patriotic to kill you country over the private interests of rootless cosmopolitans

hey kinzinger, listen kid, im 40. fuck ukraine. God and country, implies MY country, not a blank canvas for elites to paint whatever they want on it. sorry the ww2 generation got suckered, but show me where north korea made an amphib assault, or isis, or the viet cong, or russia? show me a boko haram occupied city on the eastern seaboard in need of liberation? ill go there now to liberate.

yeah he's a real fag

When I was in the military all the people who wanted to go to war with Russia just thought it would be fun and exciting. Nobody EVER talked about patriotic duty. That's some civvy shit

He’ll “write” a book every few years for a $5mil advance

>retard leftist doesn't even know what he's commenting on

Real person posting here confirmed. Even the bots aren't as dumb as these liberals.

>the ww2 generation would slap him
>the generation that was isolationist until the war literally came to American territory

I want to beat Adam Kinzinger until he shits himself and goes into convulsions.

so why were we fighting nazis in french wine country?

>The WWII generation would love to slap him
Feelings mutual, fuck that generation

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>if you don't support nuclear war, you're unpatriotic. absolute state.

just drop these "patriotic" politicians off into Kiev.

>american education

Hey woah cool it with the antisemitism!

worried the Soviets would take over too much of Europe

never forget kizinger is the one who fell for the ghost of kyyyyyyyiv meme

he's a moron and anything he says after that fiasco is irrelevant

i dont give a fuck about russia or ukraine how is it patriotic for me to go defend someone elses homeland from someone who isn't attacking me

Kys worthless boomer scum

yes goyim go die for globohomo

>Adam Kizinger
Lol, no one cares what this blubbering little crybaby bitch has to say about anything.

Fuck off, glowie. Not fighting in this war and I'll treat anyone who does like we treated Vietnam vets when they got back in the 70s. With scorn and disdain.

get bombed by japan
fight germany though because we are in competition with our allies, not japan

Seems he is seething that he got called out on being a retard & decided to double down. This will continue, he is out of congress at the midterms anyway as the people in the constituency have told him to fuck off.



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> Why won’t you die for israel, you goy coward?!?

They were allied with the Wapanese.

>being patriotic
I dont think you know what that word means
I dont see how supporting the bipartisan grifter class by risking WW3 over a piece of dirt that has nothing to do with America is "patriotic"

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im gonna go old school and call you a triggered snowflake


Also this

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>Patriotic to fight for another country.
What does this fool think that word means.

No more foreign wars. If there are braver men and women who support the war then let them go fight it.

how the FUCK is going over to Ukraine the same as fighting for the USA? Adam Kinzinger is retarded.


Please fight so the Ukraine can rule over Russian majority regions

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Thug nasty is right on this particular issue

I don't live in Ukraine or Russia, why tf would I be patriotic about those countries?

>Muh WW2 generation
Ah yes the generation which flattened their ancestral home Europe, which allowed the WASP elite to fall and the Jewish one to rise, the one that fathered Boomers get the fuck out of here.

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>ghost of kiev

The United States likes to pretend it's a two party system, but the reality is there's only one: the Uniparty. People like Adam Kinzinger like to pretend he's a conservative, but almost all are controlled opposition. Both parties, mostly, support big business, wars, and fucking over citizens. The Democrats are just more brazen while the Republicans pretend they're fighting back.

yes. i was just building off your joke. i agree with you

WW2 generation was all drafted.

>people in the 40s died for Jewish interests, that means you should too
>by the way, we don’t need you; we have far “braver” people that will serve in the military
Where did this weird kike guilt trip come from? It’s not gonna work on me lol.

that boy is based as fuck. conservatives are fuckin clowns, politics is a bloods and crips gang for old white retards.

This is his last term so naturally he's sharting on his way out the door.

Whatever happened to my country acting for the benefit of its productive taxpayers.
That's what happened to patriotism.

>even in Arkansas
what did he mean by this?

>Whatever happened to conservatives being patriotic?
Same reason OP never posts a link anymore

source ?

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>The WW2 generation would love to slap him I'm sure.
>I'm sure
As if that generation of people wanted this fate as we have.

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pay high gas to help little vlad get his balalaika lessons, you fascist!

wow, who could have seen this coming…

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kikes that love to warmongle never want to fight. Hes fighting age looks maybe 30

Who needs the UFC when you have the ghost of Kiev and the brave sailors of Snake Island??

Some random coomer-bait I picked up from the other thread.
The Source is the voice of God within, my nigga.

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he means you fuck with arkansas youre gonna get fucked


but the ww2 generation didnt go to war until it came to america
>america didnt want to fight in the war
>pearl harbor is attacked
>now it has become ww2
this guy has no idea how fucking retarded he looks

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They're all getting paid

Ukraine is accepting volunteers, Adam. Age 16 to 60.

Don’t let any of us stop you.

dont forget the Tomato Pickle Jar lady of Rashka

If the Left, Establishment, Elites, Globalists, reddit, Congress, Soros, Big Tech, Rothschilds, normies, PedoWood, corporations, EU, Globohomo, Democrats, Military Industrial Complex, MSM, cultural institutions, NeoCons, Trudeau, social media, boomers, NATO, and literally every single other tentacle of the NeoMarxist NWO that controls WESTERN civilization; all side with Ukraine

Then I know what the truth really is

Dilate jewservatives

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Didn't he fuck a dude on Grinder?

I see that he is angry that some americans don't want to die for something that is happening God knows where God knows why (from the american perspective), but what is he suggesting? Does he want ww3 now?

That's what money printing was for.

That’s the truest shit I’ve read on this website since trump won in 2016

Now this is prime Talmudic Pilpul

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The WW2 generation, those few who are still alive, are probably wishing they stayed the fuck home.

People are starting to realize "patriotism" is worshiping a rootless mega corporation hell bent on destroying your culture, heritage and your people's future for profit.

It's a mystery, especially since jews (2% of population) are fewer than 0.5% serving in the US. armed forces.

jingoism isnt patriotism. The ukrainians dot have a free democracy to protect. By all rights the region should be split into 3-4 republics. It's many nations forced together by an empire that doesn't exist anymore.

you destroyed everything about this country we used to be proud of.
that's what happens.
I hope this nigger glorifying tranny dick sucking fag country burns in hell.
I want the real america back

FDR set the stage for Pearl Harbor as an excuse to enter the war.

>>america didnt want to fight in the war
debatable, fdr was just a pussy and knew he'd get chastised and probably hung if USA entered another european war with no direct provocation from germany.

>Some civil war like conflict on the other side of the war
>Fighting for your country
How though?