Korean incel election

Hey, how is the Korean Incel election going?

Is the candidate approved by incels winning?

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This is what The NY Times is saying.


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Seems so

From what I gather Yoon is the candidate for incels. Korean anons what do you have to say about him?

Yoon is most likely to win
They haven't even counted the conscripts' votes yet

wasn't south korea being ruled by a cult? what happened with that?

leftygook psyop


Attached: incel winner.png (1226x983, 117.17K)

Yeah, I heard about that too, they said it was matriarchal cult and had to do with the horrific ferry sinking that killed a bunch of teenagers.

Remember user's
>More incels means less HIV transference

the troon shills went silent now that /ourguy/ won

Wtf how did this guy fly under Any Forumss radar

Any Forums misses out alot of cool stuff because of the weebs

Shit going down in Ukraine.

Yoonbros watch out for 3am mail drop ins. Stay on high alert and never leave your polls. You have been warned.

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i'll give Any Forums the benefit of the doubt on this one, we've been stuck on ukraine vs russia since feb 24, no one had time to look at anything else


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Well the president who turned out to be a puppet for the cult and was sentenced to 25 years got quietly released this last christmas after 5 years behind bars. Only one of the seven "goddeses" identities is known.
The cult still rules in worst Korea it just went a little more underground.

The PPP party? meme magic?
Pee pee pee
poo poo poo

Attached: Kek magic.jpg (461x755, 104.17K)

here is an archived post from this morning. I guess it was because of time difference. We had a good discussion with gookanons.

>Women's Ministry
I thought we were the only retarded country to have this shit. Anyone else does?

we've had a few threads on it today

Yoon was making gains way before ukraine though
Thank god Harvard Lee took over the operations instead of Yoon's initial lackeys


>too close to call
Fraud confirmed.

Left is the conservative candidate (Yoon)'s wife and right is the progressive candidate (Lee)'s wife

Both played a role in this campaign because of their corruption

Attached: wife.png (1312x604, 1.52M)

Moving past being ruled by a feminist cult is now incel tyranny.


>ministry of gender equality and family
>also known as the ministry of women
Just doing doublespeak openly now?

>Incel election
I hate America. The Muslims were right.

We won.
Chinks and cultural marxists seething.

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it's pretty clear he's won at this point

Meanwhile in unoccupied Korea.

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>VICE Globohomo outlet

congrats bro
please get the thot genocide started, we're taking your lead
i'm so heartened by this, glad I lived to see it
I have never travelled to the far east but I think I will come to see your country now


post links faggot. I need some winning pills


This is quite literally a once in a century chance. And it will guarantee a win in every election for 50 years.

>south korea making a serious attempt at become the best korea.

based beyond belief.

>Is the candidate approved by incels winning?
I think he just won

>Anyone else does?
Brazil too

Cue the roastie protests

Attached: hkjhhjhkjhj.jpg (1200x675, 170.31K)

Hearty kek
Women mad?

Yoon won with these policies:
>Harsher penalties for sex crimes
>Harsher penalties for false sexual accusations
>Abolish Ministry of Women and Families
>Safer country for women
>Reversal of Energy Denuclearization Policies
>Confiscation of illegal/illicit fundings of "grass roots" political groups
>Officially re-declaring North Korea as the enemy of the state
>Strengthening Korea-America Defensive Pact
>Additional THAAD placements
>Re-allowing 24hour business operations
>Abolish Vaxpass completely
>Material Reimbursement of COVID related business losses
>Abolish mandatory COVID vaccinations for minors

Attached: file.png (825x1027, 532.12K)

>"election of mysogyny"

roasties on suicide watch

lefty roasties mad
righty roasties coming out of hiding