Has Any Forums ever tried to stop an impending event by sending positive energy?

With the threat of nuclear war right now I think this is something we should give a shot at trying since it's 100% peaceful and may actually help avert disaster.

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I don't deal with such energies

Nuke everyone

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It's not a threat, it's a favor

nuke are fake and gay and we tried with the convoy and started ww3 so our rulers really really don't like positive energy

>Has Any Forums ever tried to stop an impending event by sending positive energy?
literally every fucking second of my life, yet I'm still here stuck at the rock-bottom of the shit barrel.

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Let's send our vibrations together and warm Putin's icy heart.

>Any Forums
>positive energy
Pick one.

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Yes, but no for this cause, thevworld needs a good nuking and a cleansing afterwards

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Fuck that. Get popcorn and watch this clown world burn

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uh, yes?

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Yes. We do it here all the time. We just enjoy the choas mixed in.

no, I mostly send negative energy
made some girls car break down recently
just because she was american and I didn't like her attitude
maybe I should lighten up
maybe not

Why would you want to stop it? Do you honestly see a world offering a life worth the effort of living after what the neoliberal machine has turned the world clownshoes? The literal best case scenario is living in a pod and jerking off while eating bugs. Every other outcome is war, famine, pestilence, and death.

It's just a simulation, bro. We'll crash this planet with no survivors and wake up on a new one with our memories purged. Whatever.

Nukes are fake, put your positive energy towards the fulfillment of God’s grace. The parasites are seeking a dark harvest, they’re gonna use every trick in their book

If we can change things with positive energy then we can also make the world a better place for everyone.

Yes and if you meditate in the upper atmosphere and focus your intent and ask them to provide answers, they will get the information to you in one way or another.

On the disaster scale, globohomo > nuclear war
so nukes please

this is Satan's world motherfucker

When I was 16 I sent all my positive energy to Mr Satan to defeat kid Buu and it worked and you will never convince me this didn't happen.


Every day I pray for the end and the destruction of the cabal that tries to control our world.
If the only way for to end people like Klaus, Gates or Fauci is a nuclear holocaust, so be it.

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Raze everything.

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Based, let the world burn.

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>be Any Forums
>here about nuclear war
Bro this the asshole of the internet. I’m gonna focus my energy on making nuclear war real