I lived in the best timeline just two weeks ago, had a nice job and investments to a better future and all...

I lived in the best timeline just two weeks ago, had a nice job and investments to a better future and all. How did all this happen???
Let me out!!! Let me out!!!

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you’re fine. quit crying.

>me me me
Think about Ukrainians suffering instead of yourself, narcissist.

no money, no job, how am i fine. even upwork banned us so no more freelance.

come to india sir

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Lmao you think its bad, just wait till you get conscripted

You can be a full-time Putin supporter and ask for a few rubles to not starve.

Thank you, sir, maybe I will join narco hippie Russians in Goa and do yoga all day

im sorry russisn bro
hang in there things will get better in a few months

take care russbro :[

incel larping for attention
are you ethnically polish by any chance OP

spacibo frens

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it's gonna get warm soon brah
You can go outside and enjoy the sun sometimes
I know it's not much, but the sun always comes back and it always brightens any day for me
I hope the bad things end soon though

american boomers are suffering without wars bro. you can't let this happen. do a small something and sacrifice your life for their happiness.

I'm sorry they're doing this to you brother. It will be over soon.

Join the war effort the sooner it’s over the sooner you can go back to regular like



Consider getting into the drug trade. The demand for copium is going to increase exponentially.

Lmao get fucked loser

If I could sign up for Ukrainians I would

You think sanctions will stop if Russia occupies Ukraine? Nice cope

Yeah man, but in return you received my love. What is more valuable?