
discuss here

Attached: 133138-8443B981-382F-4F9D-A0B9-FCE0B409D7A7-0-1551526582.gif (640x480, 28.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

First for Körst

Attached: stupid.png (638x644, 675.32K)

your surrender request will be forwarded to körstinarmy leadership

>frenzone (official shadow substructure of kraut/pol)
>not invited
most of Pfernd's personae

Attached: apu autonomous zone.jpg (1800x1273, 405.29K)

Körstinarmy (Italian faction) inspecting new prisoners from tay"""forces"""

Attached: givi tv.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

POV: You aren't an Ethno white man

why is the majority of Any Forums acting as patriotic ethno [redacted] when in reality most of you are immigrants who want to be a part of a ex great western civilization

Attached: 1633549535524.png (1206x1516, 909.57K)

just in Any Forums because I am too old for Any Forums and to collect animal webms (and gore, but I will deny this)

captcha: G8 T0D

Attached: Bait 4 HQ.png (500x523, 38.5K)


Attached: 1519398893928.gif (245x245, 939.35K)

>who want to be a part of a ex great western civilization
ethnic scythian slav here, I choose east. the steppes are calling me

Attached: vgso6kynxsv31.png (1280x588, 430.96K)

lmao that dude... he was fucking drunk all the time, Stalin found that funny af during Yalta conference etc.

This is now officially a JoS thread.
Hail Satan!

>to collect animal webms
implying you wouldn't download this webm (pfernd's greatest fear)

Attached: 1631481149330.webm (460x692, 2.54M)


Kek, der botschafter ist nicht nur ein nerviger hurensohn sondern auch ein dreister.
Generell die Truppe um Selensky sehr unseriös Marke Drückerkolone

woher willst du das wissen, bist du olof scholz?


Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-09 at 19-02-25 Introducing the Kurgan.png (1084x569, 383.94K)

the nu chinese world order will make us based again

JoS is a LARP cringe. take the O9A pill

Attached: mk2r3t95wz561.jpg (2518x1208, 2.36M)

ladies and gentleman we got him

Extremely aesthetically pleasing

Attached: thumbs up.gif (480x453, 1.96M)

hello loveleys x

Fordert da andauernd unser gutes Bumdeswehr Zeug für Lau, will das wir da für sein Shithole Ww3 starten (flugvrbtzne), wirft uns da vor wir wärn Schuld. Drängen sich da in EU rein und versuchen die Ursel mit der Ausnahme Situation übern Tisch zu ziehen, etc.

Auch zivilisten bewaffnen & so ne IS style fremdenlegion …alles so sachen wo ich mir denke das sind blutige amateure und es is besser wir haben nix mit denen zu tun


cringe caption. I'm so tired of all the cringe

mommy merkel bistu des

Haben auch penetrant drauf gedrängt das wir ns2 für sie kassieren und dann diese ganze cancel culture gegenüber dem russen massiv befeuert….statt da de-eskalierend zu wirken

Only the dead have seen the end of cringe