Western media pumping out hysterical propaganda about Russia being incompetent

>western media pumping out hysterical propaganda about Russia being incompetent
>meanwhile NATO literally shitting itself over this
>terrified of sending jets to Ukraine
>accusing each-other of wanting to send the jets like passing a hot potato
>falling over each-other to claim they have no intention of entering the war
Isn't it funny how the entirety of the western world is cowering in fear? Lots of chest thumping behind Russia's back, but when Putin turns around they get on all fours and plead. At least it seems NATO is smart enough not to make geopolitical decisions based off of its own propaganda. As they say, a drug dealer should never partake in his own product.

Be glad we're only taking Ukraine for now, pray we don't decide to take more.

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I thought NATO had orchestrated this war and their offensive into Russia was foiled by a preemptive Russian strike in the last minute. I thought this was all part of a giant NATO conspiracy aimed at destroying Russia and that they were goading the Ukrainians into starting a nuclear war. Did the narrative change again? It happens too fast.

>your silly western criticisms are no match for my brain cage

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oh no, please, don't try to bomb poland or something, we'll all collectively piss our pants and faint
please stop, you can't just call our bluff like that, everyone will know that NATO is a paper tiger noooooo

>smart enough not to make geopolitical decisions based off of its own propaganda
How exactly do you think we got to this point?

Are these threads false flags?

go back to pol subhuman

Russia still has nukes, only thing it has so sadly Putin being a baby is something they have to account for, overly conservative imo still though.

Also it wasn't behind your back everyone laughs at your little boys dying en masse to your face to the point you had to ban it and hide it.

Holy kek

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>vatnik thread
>starts with image of gay rapist
Can’t make this shit up


Just because they are incompetent doesn't mean they can't drop bombs and shoot at your people.

Is everyone in Russia a closeted faggot or what is it with you and ass rape ?

>Mr. President, we are losing the war in Ukraine, losses are mounting. We have had to arrest thousands protesting the war after only two weeks!
>He is right Mr. President. Now, we have even received reports that Poland has shipped jets to aid in Ukraine's defenses! What should we do?
>Hmm. Prepare a VDV drop for Poland.
>I did not stutter
>But Mr. President, we are already fully committed in Ukraine and we don't have any way to support another front.
>I do not care
>Where would we even drop the soldiers?! We have no valid targets at this time!
>It is of no importance, anywhere will do
>Mr. President...
>Make it so, adjourned

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That's literally only because Russia has nukes. If Russia didn't have nukes, we'd be invading Moscow by now. NATO would grind Russia's military into cat food and spoon feed it to Putin.
Unfortunately, Russia has nukes. So we have to watch our step, for the sake of the greater numeric good of human lives. Nukes are all Russia has.

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The biggest cope. Russia would never use nukes if Poland gave Ukraine some old cold war jets or even if NATO entered Ukraine. Nukes would only be used if NATO pushed into Russia.
>t-they have nukes we can't do anything h-haha we'd totally destroy them otherwise!

new tinfoil hat just dropped

If NATO intervened in Ukraine and destroyed the entire Russian invasion force (easily), what options would Russia have left?

And of course if Russia does use nukes, on NATO or in Ukraine, 100% chance of Moscow becoming a radioactive glass crater.

There is no way to disable the entire NATO nuclear arsenal before we can retaliate, and we will retaliate against any nuclear attack in kind.

If Russia uses nukes, it's guaranteed death in nuclear fire for Lizard Man Putin.

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Putin/ Kremlin litterlay threatened to use nukes, when NATO gave Ukraine 2nd hand rocket launchers.

it's all the sexual abuse every vatnik goes through

>Russia would never use nukes
>Russia would never invade Ukraine
>Russia would never threaten other countries with MAD were they to send troops to Ukraine
Be scared of the monkey with feces on its hand, lest you end up covered in them.

Because ignoring USA , every Western military is even less prepared than Russia. Some of them are more professional and competent, but they simply lack the punch to do anything.
Russians aren't even that incompetent, it's just that wars are fucking bloody and demand a lot of resources.

So far, judging from the documented evidence we have, and multiplying it by two, they have probably lost like 300 tanks or something. In reality that's absolutely nothing for two weeks of large-scale mechanized warfare, when you aren't facing absolute retards. Even when facing absolute retards: Israelis lost 1000 tanks in 19 days in 1973, and they WON.

Once I've mined my daily dose of /k/ope and salt.

How the fuck did the Russian Army get the prison gay culture?

oriental influence from the border region conscripts

Also, consider the absolute numbers: they have deployed around 10-12 divisions, 2 of these being airborne (they also have attached tank support).
Russian motor-rifle division has 1 tank regiment (around 90 tanks), plus each motor rifle regiment has a tank battalion (40 tanks each).
That's 220 tanks roughly for a division.
Tank divisions have three tank regiments (90 each), plus one motor rifle regiment with a tank battalion (40 tanks). So roughly 310 tanks.

Units are also rotated, some brigades are there and what not, but roughly speaking they have sent more than 2000 tanks in, thus their tank casualties are some 15% over two weeks.
That's nothing catastrophic.


lmao bunkercucks on full damage control

Bump. Fuck the shills.