If you support Russia...

If you support Russia, it's because you are tired of globohomo and LGBT so you desperately search for anyone that would get rid of it.

It's so easy to get the support of someone if you make them believe that you'll get rid of the thing they really hate.

But Russia is not the good guys. They're not liberators. They are a poor shithole with censorship like China or North Korea. They want to destroy. They don't want to save.

You'd be miserable under Russia.

It's so funny you fell for it so easily. Shows how easy it is to trick people.
You're so delusional and so focused on getting rid of globohomo in your country, that you completely neglect to actually look at Russia for what it is and what kind of country it is.

This is very common behavior among people. And apparently Any Forums is no different. Same kind of sheep as everyone else in the world

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bro I support Russia because NATO expansion is a fully justified reason to invade and because the CIA clearly engineered a colour revolution in Ukraine in 2014, ousting a democratically elected pro-Russian president to install a right-wing dictator, as we always do.

It has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with my personal politics, which are extremely far left-wing and certainly not supportive of Putin (but they are supportive of the old USSR). It only has to do with recognizing the evil America has engaged in and how America is always warmongering and wanting to avoid WW3

Hello FSB agent

FSB = Russian CIA equivalent, albeit shittier

Main task: Intel gathering and propaganda

Tactics for shilling on Any Forums:
-VPN to use flags of the western/free world
-Preteding to be a non-Russian citizen
-They also have offices in other nations, from which they spam
-Giving shills a handbook on what to shill (outsourcing)
-Paying shills based on performance
-Stirring up anti-Ukraine/EU/USA sentiments
-Spamming selected, cherrypicked issues of western societies e.g US. airforce furry suit bomber pilots
-Worshipping Vodkamir Jewtins cult of persona
-Using wierd language due to shitty translation e.g. proofs
-Spreading propaganda of Russian military gains (mostly fake)
-Using insults specific to Ukrainians
-Claiming the West is collapsing/depression posting
-They never highlight any of the many, MANY issues that Russia has
-Posting racist, antijewish propaganda (non-organic)
-Praising le based Eastern Europe despite it being "Stalker" irl
-They profile nationalities, so use memeflags
-They also get help from Chinese propagandists

What you can do to stop thed Red Menace:
-Call them out, every single time
-Calling them svoloch (my favorite)
-Calling them mudak
-Calling them cyka
(Remember, they will not reply in Russian or Russian insults, since they are pretending to be Western citizens)
-Posting stacks of dead Russian troops
-Calling out what kind of distopian shithole Russia really is
-Ignore them, if you really want.

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I don’t think we ever claimed to be the good guys lol.

youtu.be/X6YeIM85SJg Vladimir Putin - "Empire of Lies"



youtu.be/5ESiqANzNpk russia send food

Jew rat Zelensky: no, I want make WW3, I don’t care about goyim at all, I am a jew.


>-Stirring up anti-Ukraine/EU/USA sentiments
Shill detected

It would be easier to overthrow a weakened and overextended Russian led government than a Globohomo one, technically.

globohomo, globohomo, globohomo (When it's on that's who you get, huh?)
globohomo, globohomo, globohomo (That's your motherfucking clique, huh?)
globohomo, globohomo, globohomo (You a motherfucking snitch, huh?)
globohomo, globohomo, globohomo

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Calm down Tomaz.

seethe harder, kike

No we haven't but Americans actually think we are. If only they knew how awful it is in the motherland. If only the kikes never killed the tzars we might have had a nice country.

>when your internationalist system is so widely despised that even Russia is a viable alternative

Any Forums is a cesspool of sheep shagging bastards

Yeah, this is a good take. No good government, no matter how fucking crazy and suicidal the West is, would hitch themselves to the fucking chinks, who are basically evil incarnate.

Why did I read this in an Indian accent?

Low effort, Z

> it's because you are tired of globohomo and LGBT so you desperately search for anyone that would get rid of it.
Yes. How could you tell?

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For me it's not about supporting Russia in which I don't. It's about saying fuck DC fuck the EU fuck Russia and fuck Ukraine because they're all run by corrupt monkeys and not just corrupt monkeys but stupid incompetent monkeys who bitch about ppl being pissed at them when they pull shit like pic related and then put billboards up all around the country to find the j6 trespassers and ask their liberal pets on Twitter to scour footage for j6 protestors. That's why I don't support the USA. I can choose to say fuck both sides. The fbi and CIA need to be defunded and abolished along with the DOJ and I'd add NATO and something better and not run by trannies and woke ivy league University students can take it's place.

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Very cool, Sasha. Keep me posted.

go be a glownigger
[reddit space]
somewhere else

this thread. again.

You also have to appreciate how the Kremlin basically infiltrated the political dissidents in the US to weaken it.

There needs to be a mass purge of 5th columnists.


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>have to
>There needs to be a mass purge of 5th columnists.
you mean the globohomos who have wrecked the constitutional republic?

>There needs to be a mass purge of 5th columnists.

So, republicans?

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Neo cons and neo libs plus jew gassed

>W-what do you mean you don’t support my heckin EU and the US government
>You must be a shill
How undeniably new must you be to sincerely claim this? Do you realize where you even are right now?

The anti gay stuff in Russia is only in the surface. Military and prisons are full of faggots. I wonder what the priests are doing all day long.

Sure, anyone who shows sympathy or provides support to Russia in any way should be physically removed.

>prisons are full of faggots
All prisons should be full of faggits

Op is posting from prison

That's not what the "the 5th columnists" means, commie lover.



>with censorship like China or North Korea
come on shlomo, you brainwashed faggots created "cancel culture" and complain about censorship. Say anything against faggots/niggers/whores and get fired and banned everywhere. Reddit, twitter and kikebook should be gassed at this point but they rule your society

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little trap? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Sneeds and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the adl and splc , and I have over 300 confirmed tranny kills. I am trained in gorilla glue warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another poo poo pee pee. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The day that Trudeau takes you’re license away will be poetic justice to your cucked cock. You're fucking dead leaf. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over six million ways, and that's with just your foreskin that I shaped into a spearhead. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United Canadian Navy SAS Jew Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kike.

The only reason foreign propoganda worked in the USA on social media (and other western nations) is that they appealed to basic human nature and primal instincts while our globohomo media constantly puts out ads all day bombarding us with fake moralism and fake compassion while the least moral and compassionate people (progressives) ban everyone who disagrees with them from social media or constantly demonizes 65 percent of the country who's white or even more if you add say Christians, men, etc. I remember being able to spot bots on here or other places years ago and still can though it's harder. Any feds or fed ngos that Biden funded with pic related just give stupid bullshit arguments. Same with how bunkerchan and other retards tried to "deradicalize" conservatives online when they're the ones who burnt down the fucking country summer of 2020. Also NATO nations post on here too. Alot of the anti Russian propoganda is also just videos of fags fisting on Any Forums lol. It's all so retarded. In other news, I guarantee you trucker convoys and something much bigger will come in a week or two when the excitement of the Ukraine war wears off and ppl feel the crunch from the price of gas and food. And once again the feds will get violent and retarded while kneeling for niggers and antifa.

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seeing as we are reposting, have this (again)
>muh russian propaganda
list of anti-Russia propaganda we have seen thus far:
- Ukrainian father crying as he hugged his daughter was actually a pro-Russian rebel in Donbas preparing to fight Nazi Azov Battalion
- 13 Ukrainian soldiers "killed" on Snake Island actually surrendered and are alive and well
- Russian tank that ran over civilian car in Kiev was a Strela-10 Ukrainian air defense system
- Photos of Zelensky in military garb with a helmet on are from 2021 border inspection
- Video of Ukrainian MiG-29 shooting down a Russian Su-35 was a Digital Combat Simulator animation
- Russian cruise missile that blew up the side of a residential building was actually a Ukrainian air-defense missile fired by the Ukrainian military
- Viral video of Ukrainian pilot shooting down Russian jet was a screen recording from Arma 3 video game
- Viral video of Russian jet exploding over Kiev was in fact a Ukranian Su-27
- Russian supply convoy that Ukrainian military blew up was a Ukrainian convoy
- Ukrainian military lied about blowing up 56 tanks that included General Tushayev
- Russian jet bombing near residential homes appears to be a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter targeting Russian troops
- Claims from Western-intel that Ukraine had shot down multiple IL-76 transport planes carrying paratroopers have yielded no evidence
- Ukrainian Ambassador to the UN reads fake text messages from 2ch (Russian soldiers aren't allowed cell phones in Ukraine)
- Russian attack on Holocaust memorial was an attack on a communications tower nearby
- Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant fire was actually in a training centre outside the perimeter where Ukrainian soldiers took up a defensive position
- Viral photos of "Children hiding in Kiev metro" were actually taken from one of the schools in Donetsk region (Druzhkivka school #1)

Holy shit fuck off you shameless jew.

i support russia because i hate you

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>list of anti-Russia propaganda we have seen thus far:

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Trips of truth. Dead kikes on the horizon.

>you are tired of globohomo
>is not the good guys
I never said they were
>shithole with censorship
in the last 6 years literally hundreds of thousands of accounts cancelled from social media for wrong think
plus get fired from jobs, lose financing, have bank accounts seized, have businesses destroyed.
>want to destroy
have you not heard of BLM burning down cities and given free pass by authorities?
prove thats russias intent. putin looks like a nationalist leader acting to protect his nation. if russian tanks enter Paris, I may change my opinion. Berlin is a given

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its over for you

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How's ruble doing? Have you started sucking cocks for food?

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i'm posting the info you won't. seethe, dilate, kvetch.

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>The polish guy cosplaying (internet) comissar to seek enemies of the West

How does a retarded commie nigger have more sense than half of you retards. Also, for the record, do us all a favor and get necked red filth.

This. Fuck shills and feds and defend and abolish NATO bcuz I guarantee you this terribly done propoganda on pol and other sites is from NATO nations other than the USA in large part.

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picrel: germany and france said NO

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One can

> A: not really care about Russia
> B: dislike globohomo in Ukraine

Wow. That was tough. Now fuck off reddit tier idiot.

I can post irrelevant maps too.

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