It’s fucking impossible to get laid in this country how tf do I get out

I have approached 150+ girls within a year, only got 3 to kiss and then ghosted me the day afterwards. It’s fucking over women here don’t like men or some shit. Also all my friends are dateless as well, it’s not my fucking fault

>inb4 you are ugly fat short medshit manlet or whatever
Been to sweden and esthonia and got laid within 48 hours of arriving, stfu

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I thought Greek girls are super orthodox and don't easily put out. That's kinda a good thing.

>It's not you it's me
Good luck chud

Built for Small Greek Cock

>it’s not my fucking fault

you should kill yourself and hope you are reborn inside of a less mentally ill human body

>inb4 you are ugly fat short medshit manlet or whatever
But honestly, user
Do you consider yourself attractive?
Getting laid in Sweden and Estonia is a pretty low bar

Maybe the cold approach isn't your best bet

Its impossible to get laid in every country genius

Aren’t Greek men Egyptian tier aggressive?

Be whiter

You will go insane if you put yourself out there trying to get a girl trust me. Just let it happen naturally and talk and show interest in girls you don't have to go out of your way to meet

Is prostitution legal, if not are strip clubs legal?

Well statistically and historically, rape works well in the case of Greek girls.

Yeah greek girls are like that, far from sluts, when i was over there some years ago they all looked pissed off, none of them smile, those bitches are hard workers tho, all of the greek guys are pretty happy, guess it has to do with being in a country filled with trad women. But you probably already know all of this shit, quit being a coomer.

I’m aggressive yea idk about Egyptians

Post a picture of your face and then I’ll tell you why

HAHAHA Another "pureblood" who can't get laid thread.

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Get your finest white suit, a pair of Oakley Why 8.2 sunglasses, and take a flight to a country that's hotter than hell and your looks are a novelty. Get it all out of your system.

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Get on an escort website Pal. Don't they have a red light area? Massage parlors? I get that's not a final solution, but you can supplement with whores until you find a steady girl.

>be anglo master race
>visit Santorini with lads
>pick up a Greek tart and a sunbun

>he thinks this is only happening in greece
Retard , its happening everywhere. Its smartphone proliferation. Most countries now have this problem. And just wait until elon musk glowlink starts up, then EVERY place on earth will be like this. Also they will be able to track you from then on.

Its a prison planet, fucking retard.

Migrate to Sweden or Estonia then
No need to thanks, I'm here to help

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Go wash the dishes roastie

Whores are easy to find my dude
A bottle of vodka or some weed will have them sucking your cock like a snake bite
Good luck finding a woman who isn't a brain dead slut tho, most have double digit body counts by 18


>Greece is one person

Don't listen to those who tell you about how w*men in country x are totally different and shit. They are all liers. W*men are evil by default. It's nothing to do with your country. Take the lolipill or maybe try to rape one in minecraft.

This. Only valid post.

Well why the fuck is every off-topic relashionship post a greek flag and every greek flag a fuckin off-topic relashionshio post.

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>confusing cause with effect

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>take apple
>bind euro bill to it
>throw it at some girl
>she catches

Move to Czechia if you want to get laid with good looking women. Since i was 14years old i was always having sex and i look average. I had 3 long term relationships and 8-10 sex buddies. Currently fucking my 22y old nurse gf. She lives with me but soon i will change her for new model i keep her now because she makes good food and cleans my house. I never heard about incel problem in my country all my friends are getting laid. Im 27y

Dude youre trash but these are the times were living in