Energy independence

Why does this trigger conservatives so much?

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Many work for the coal and oil companies. You should be opposed to whatever is going to make you worthless and jobless.

How about finding a new job?

>entirely rely on chinks for batteries to make your shit tech usable in real life

>wat is EROI

Do you have a niggerphone?

>Energy independence

>Why does this trigger conservatives so much?
Because you're lying.

>How about finding a new job?
How about not being a kike?

Better get the dollar backed by sunlight. Petrodollar BTFO.

I don’t disagree but people tend to like the status quo and conservatives are inclined to support same. I offered an answer, not a solution.

Once upon a time America was a place where inventors liked to go. The battery problem being as wildly inefficient as it is is the real problem with trying to go green. We should have had our top minds working on a better one a long time ago.
Instead we're bogged down with making sure we all hate each other based on skin color entirely too much.

Because the energy density is not enough to power our country unless implemented on an unfeasibly massive scale to which the environmental impact (Chinese mining for rare earths, blocking out the sun over massive areas of land, disposal and manufacturing wastes) is not fully realized. Hydro is the champion of all renewables but it's basically fully developed already. Solar and wind just aren't strong enough. They can supplement, sure.

Nuclear is the clean energy that can meet the actual demands and not pollute. Investing in anything else heavily is a waste of time.

Obviously we shouldn't transition so fast that millions of people are left behind with no jobs but the transition would never be that fast regardless

>windmills are inefficient and funded by "big oil"

why does this trigger leftoids so much?

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>Energy independence
>But also no oil, coal, natural gas, or nuclear
Fuck off!

because it is not energy exports (surplus is beyond dependence). the better question is how a soverign nation can be energy dependent in the first place, and why its always lunatic liberals trusting science that causes this problem.

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Oil is not only for energy consumption.
It’s also used for plastics, fertilizer, chemicals, synthetic rubber, etc.
Windmills and solar is shit when compared to nuclear, hydro, and geothermal.

>largest battery factory on American soil


Like you found a new country Hakeem?

Geothermal, son.

>Why does this trigger conservatives so much?
Cause its a scam in America. The solar companies are MLM or pyramid schemes which create about twice the profit they should cost. The companies are set up becasue of Federal credits. They raise the cost to cover the 26% credit - customer pays more for system and loan.

So what happens when oil becomes too expensive to extract?

>windmills are not environmentally safe

why does this trigger leftoids so much?

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Wind turbines are an example of technology that was designed so that it's not too good. The Great Reset doesn't allow real energy technology. Just look at the design of a wind turbine, it's designed to scoop up as little air ass possible.

Their handlers aren't in the position profit from these green scams. Nothing more to it. What hallucinated "energy independence" are you talking about here when green scams still rely on a constant influx of imported raw materials?

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Something something cronyism

All by design.

Or their politicians are paid by big oil, yes


Geothermal is crazy underrated. Could cover most of a houses energy demands with a neat system

How much does a solar panel work through a day? How long do the solar cells last before they need replacing?
Go kys faggot. Also remember to take the booster shot.

Clean energy. Zero emissions. Why does this trigger the liberal so much?

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Ideally, we'd have more than just one change in society and people wouldn't "need" to disassociate, making our requirement for energy lower.
But that would mean we would have to get rid of non-european diaspora, as well as the central bank. I don't think amerimutts like the idea very much.

>Cause its a scam in America. The solar companies are MLM or pyramid schemes which create about twice the profit they should cost. The companies are set up becasue of Federal credits. They raise the cost to cover the 26% credit - customer pays more for system and loan.
For example my company charges 28,000 for a system that would cost you about 11.000. And if you get a loan, the cost goes up to 38,000.

I'd doesn't rigger conservatives. We love all independence. It's just that the infrastructure and technology don't support green energy at the moment

pretty much this.
I went full offgrid solar a while back, not due to false enviromental reasons, just to be able to cut off the electric jew. My "journey" made me realize just how inefficient solar energy is. You have to have lot more space for solar panels that you actually think. Also batteries, their life span and their cost.
Yes, it's kind of fun to be able to power your place without the grid, but upscaling this to whole towns/cities is complete insanity. Just not doable. It's the scam of the century.

won't happen for a long time
by the time that happens renewable energy will be cheaper and more reliable

why does this trigger leftoids so much?

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>So what happens when oil becomes too expensive to extract?
So what happens when solar and wind can't replace oil and natural gas?

What happens to all the solar panels and batteries which are toxic and can't be recycled?

>Clean energy. Zero emissions. Why does this trigger the liberal so much?
Because they saw a movie in the 70s that scared the shit out of them.

>It doesn't.
>you're a moloch worshipping degenerate that deserves the cross.

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Because it represents a path of failure driven on by midwits that don't understand either energy policy or the electrical grid.

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>How much does a solar panel work through a day? How long do the solar cells last before they need replacing?
Good point, they are great in some real not so much in others. In some places you can benefit for sure. Energy Cost here have gone up 15% over 6 months

Why does real feasible cheap energy trigger leftists so much?

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Literal retard take.

Nuclear energy is the best form of energy for energy independence in the vast majority of cases. You can easily get material from seawater if you don't have a reliable land based source. It is ridiculously abundant for all global energy needs. The problem is retards like you who think these fucking junk heaps are 'in tune with nature' and other backwards shit. Yeah let's power & decarbonise the world using old as fuck technology reliant on weather patterns. Take it from an actual engineer in the energy market, literally everybody 'afraid' of nuclear energy is either ignorant as shit, or a shill and money-loving fuck supporting gas usage and the handy fucking jobs + contracts being thrown out like candy for these intermittent '''''renewable'''' power sources.

So you're a faggot with boomer mentality who is happy to throw problems to the next generation, despite knowing the problem and the solution. Good for you I guess?
Any transition is painful. What matters is, are you fine with knowing generations down the line they will be force to take a much bigger hit than we would if we started transitioning?

true. tethered turbine kites are waaaaaaay better but the FAA needs to keep zooming elites around over flyover country so instead we get that large bladed spinning bullshit right above the ground. dumb.

STEM is racist, and propaganda made cooling towers scary symbolism.

I have completely changed my mind on nuclear after talking with an older electrical engineer years ago. Miss him.

Here in bongland if you get solar panels on your house it takes 15 years for the solar panels to pay for them selves, but after less than 15 years they have lost capacity and need replacing, a fucking scam.

Good idea too, lots of potential but it's an immature industry. Again - a possible supplement which could be explored further.

But here's where we're fucking stupid: California has geothermal vents, which literally vent shit into the atmosphere all day long naturally. They wanted to build a power plant there to extract the heat - but were cost prohibited because CA regulations would have forced them to scrub the naturally occurring steam because it isn't up to CA code. So instead you get nothing.

It's a scam

Why do all solar plants need a natural gas generation plant near by?

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>Any transition is painful.
Pain is a sign that something is wrong.

>What matters is, are you fine with knowing generations down the line they will be force to take a much bigger hit than we would if we started transitioning?
but you're lying. Clean energy and man made global climate change is a scam meant to give Liberals and Globalists power.

If you really cared about alternative fuels you'd be supporting nuclear and fusion, the only form of energy that exceeds the energy put into making it.

Your OP came off harsh, rage gets hits here, I know.

it's a huge waste of money and nuclear is better in every single way

If people cared about the future we wouldn't have millions of third worlders pouring into our countries and giving unaccountable politicians more power than kings

You need nuclear and hydro including pumped storage.

Also a large degree of independence is goid but the great European power grid is super useful to not do things that have local very diminished returns.

Do people turn their lights on when the sun is shining?

I find that hard to believe with your current electricity prices. We had to connect to your grids because it was too lucrative to not sell electricity to you

I'm sure they do.

the people I live with do that, it will be middle of the day and they'll have every light in the house turned on as if they can't see anything

i hate lights on during the daytime, it ruins any sort of aesthetic that a room can have. Women just don't understand these things

I never claimed to be against nuclear. I am fine with nuclear, we should build more nuclear. And I dont understand why you bring up climate change, this thread is about energy independence.
Learn to reason
So? That means we should pile on the already existing problems?
Learn to reason

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>I find that hard to believe with your current electricity prices.
The only reason solar is cheaper is because of government subsidies. Without those, solar is more expensive.

Also, the reason oil is more expensive right now is because of government regulation and strangulation of oil production and transport.

>not letting corporations make billions instead

simple as.

Women think electric cars save the planet. Try explaining to them how their new car is powered by coal and natural gas and watch the confusion on their face.

Why can't they just be melted down? I don't get why we don't just switch to nuclear.

>I never claimed to be against nuclear.
But the ENTIRE alternative energy lobby IS against nuclear power.
Your personal minority voice is drowned out when it comes to mainstream belief on alternative energy.

>And I dont understand why you bring up climate change, this thread is about energy independence.
Because the only argument for alternative energy is that oil/natural gas/coal is destroying the planet.

Without the threat of global warming, there is no need for inferior products like solar and wind.

Lmao that you dont think oil and natural gas dont have even higher subsidies.

Because its a bullshit agenda you dumb sheep. It takes energy to make those stupid windmills that dont make any energy when there is no wind. Making solar panels is so energy intensive that there is barely a net positive from using them for 20 years. And they are abysmal for the environment when it is time to throw them in a landfill. About the only energy positive clean energy source is nuclear. And of course you leftist idiots cry about that.

>I don't get why we don't just switch to nuclear.
Because the green fascists don't want cheap reliable energy they want power and control over society.

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Common sense is not an option.

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God damn you are confused. I dont care what others say. There are plenty of people who advocate energy independence and nuclear. Who gives a shit about shitlibs
And there is another argument for energy independence, it means other nations cant hold you hostage when they do shady shit.

No, you SHOULD go to ~15% or something Solar ASAP. Efficiency is good, panels already last 40y+ if the case is made well and can be recycled, stuff like that.

Nuclear has many issues. Economically available viable uranium is running out, molten salt reactors aren't a thing you "just build" very predictably at this point, deep geological waste storage is expensive.

>Lmao that you dont think oil and natural gas dont have even higher subsidies.
But those energies work better and are in place.

And again, the only reason those costs are rising are because of government interference.

Name one country that has achieved energy independence solely on "green" energy.

Because every time it’s a lefty boondoggle scam that is all hype.

I want to be a nuclear engineer so fucking bad bros. I'm 21 and dropped out of university because of Vax mandates and liberal bull shit. Fuck my life.

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If the thorium reactors do well then it will mostly solve all those nuclear problems

I love the term "biomass co-firing"

It's fucking wood, folks.

I have been told by smart anons here that "liquid thorium" reactors are the future, what are your thoughts on those?
My dad has solar panels on his house and loves them, he talks about them everytime i see him kek

i dont want the government to be energy independent i want individuals to be energy independent

You are brainwashed. You can literally watch a fucking YT video on solar power and their efficiency you low iq faggot.
Face the facts bongland and Sweden don't even get the fucking sun you dip shit.

Mutt cope is always the funniest thing you can witness.

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>God damn you are confused. I dont care what others say.
And your personal beliefs on nuclear don't matter because they're not being enacted. That's the point.

> There are plenty of people who advocate energy independence and nuclear.
They're not in power! They have no say in alternative energy!

>Who gives a shit about shitlibs
They're the ones pushing this bullshit alternative energy program!

>And there is another argument for energy independence
Alternative energy doesn't give a fuck about energy independence! They're all globalists who want to get rid of nations and borders.

>it means other nations cant hold you hostage when they do shady shit.
Which has NOTHING to do with alternative energy! No one is arguing that we should have 100% solar energy so another nation can't hold us hostage with oil/natural gas/coal

Also turning the environment into a heat-reflective hellscape while killing all life underneath them is undesirable.

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you cannot just replace a coal plant with a wind farm and expect it to do the same thing, you fucking retard

>Economically available viable uranium is running out.
Fuel is about 5% of the total cost of a uranium nuclear reactor, If you tripled the price of uranium ore your fuel costs would rise to about 6% because almost all the fuel cost is processing the ore into a fuel. Harder to extract ore wouldn't limit the viability of nuclear power. Not even counting the use of fast spectrum breeder reactors using up the other 99% of the fuel value in 'spent' nuclear fuel assemblies.

classic american egoism. kudos to you fuckheads for spreading this shit trait all over the west.

the uranium rods have to be stored somewhere. And since no one has figured out a good way of storing them for the millenials of years they still give off radiation, they are not entirely green / clean.
but you fucking americans would kill your newborns for a year of free burgers and only care for youselfes. god i hate americans

My idea:

Every house for the most part is energy independant, using geothermal, solar panels, well designed houses (with MVHR ventilation systems, good insulation).
Solar can be used without batteries. Hot water boilers for example, are batteries in themselves, and can be heated during the day for consumption during the night.

And many other things to make houses more energy efficient. Imagine if you could reduce energy consumption by 90% of houses.

On a national level, hydro reactors, nuclear reactors, solar farms and wind farms to supply energy needed for stuff other than residential such as electric cars, factories, electricity grid and so on.

It is possible to get rid of the oil jew. But people need to be more creative

around 8 hours of decent output, depending on your latitude and time of the year.
modern panels should work for decades unless a nigger breaks them with a rock. The problem is battery life. Modern Li-ion batteries have around 6k (5-15years) cycles of life span and they are by far the most expensive part of the installatio>The only reason solar is cheaper is because of government subsidies. Without those, solar is more expensive.

indeed. Get it while it's cheap, it is heavily subsidized and the raw materials used for buidling the shit is skyrocketing.

>Efficiency is good

define "efficiency". You need at least 50m2 of panels,a shit load of batteries and a decent inverter to live at aroud the same kw/h usage of being on-grid. How the fuck is that efficient? It's also not cheap to install.

>Also turning the environment into a heat-reflective hellscape while killing all life underneath them is undesirable.
Weird how we never hear about the negative when it comes to mass solar fields.

"Greenies" are retarded because they think just building a bunch of wind and solar will end fossil fuels. Even though Germany tried that and it failed epicly. Pic related is how to actually do it, basically what France's grid is.

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