
>literal nazis

>muslim elite fighters
>«zog» symbole written on their vehicles

remind me again why you racists support russia?

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Nazis working under a jewish president, so basicaly
>literal retards

They dont. 99% of pro-moskals shills are not living in Russia and they consume globohomo stuff.

If you truly believe Putin believes he's trying to "Denazify" Ukraine you're a certified retard

because Ukrainian refugees right now are literally 30-year-old mothers and Mohammeds from India and Bangladesh with their children. Millions of them

I only support Russia because Bolsonaro is telling me to.

>Muh nazism is based
>3 billion explanations on what nazism is
>Every single natsoc movement leader ends up beeing a homo
>White race has been reduced to obese nigger worshippers
When will Any Forums get over this larp its getting boring as fuck

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If you actually think Any Forumsacks are choosing a side, you must be new.

The chud-right support Russia for the same reason the tankie-left do. They hate Western civilization.

because only newfags and glowniggers think Any Forums is a nazi board
Anyone who has half a brain knows that American Bankers controlled by the Jewish Monetary System funded Hitler
No one can speak for all of Any Forums, but I think anons cared more about NatSoc than Nazism itself

who does lula support?

>>literal nazis

He will support Russia because of BRICS, same for Bolsonaro. We won't destroy our economical and diplomatic ties with China, Russia, and others just because the West is telling us to.

>western civilization

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I just want this war to stop

The support for Russia during this whole ordeal is the most embarrassing shitfest in Any Forums history. I knew a lot of people had fallen for Putin's propaganda, but that this place was so far gone I would never have expected. I mean, I could understand that some American mutts would have fallen for it, given that they have little experience with Russia compared to Europeans, but it doesn't seem to be exclusive to Americans.
Put yeah, go worship your corrupt Soviet kike puppet who larps as a traditionalist. And no, being against Russia doesn't mean you support Biden or that Ukrainian kike.

Any Forums wasn't racist in a long time. It's eurasianist mutt supremacy all the way into irrelevancy baby!

/leftypol/ supports Russia. Any Forums doesn't really care.

they are not nazis
they are faggot neo-nazis, an offshoot of racial supremacy believed to be founded by Himmler.

holy cope

>remind me again why you racists support russia?
you wouldn't get it

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A bigger redpill is that this whole “conflict” is fake and gay. One of the biggest psyops of the 2020s.

But it's not. There is no proof that Russia or Putin is a jew or jew controlled though most oligarchs are jews