I have a question for the darkies...

I have a question for the darkies? Why the fuck do niggers go walking around in public while on speaker phone with someone? 99/100 times they aren't even having a real conversation, just a bunch of grunts passed back and forth.

I'm being 100% serious. Can someone please educated me on why this happens? I'm very curious at the thought process behind these niggers. Most black w*men (excuse me for writing the word, have mercy on me Lord) do this whenever they are in a public setting. For what end purpose?!

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urban territorialism

>the thought process behind these niggers
they have no thoughts

As weird as it seems the hens all actually have a weird as fuck group chat now.if you listen to a flock of these birds you'd notice it's an old school phone party.

To be blunt they are probably working.

niggers sole purpose is to annoy and destroy anything that is developed and civilized. hence, leaving chirping smoke alarms on for months at a time, facetiming/live streaming loudly while at the grocery store, listening to ooga booga rap on a speaker on public transit, etc

they're bix nooding

this. A Wyatt Mann never stops being relevant.

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They have no respect for other peoples personal space, lots of them do the same but on a video chat now

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Every brownoid and chink also do the same, they can be on a quiet train and sit down with both hands free but the still put the phone on speaker and immediately starts SCREAMING into the phone. It’s fucking mindboggling.

I have NO IDEA. They literally just go back and forth yelling “what!”.

Circular conversation pisses me off to begin with… so I find this irredeemable

always bothered me

The Africans and Africanized nonwhites here also play ghetto music on their phone on speaker on public transport. Even if they have their headphones in, volume is up so loud everyone can hear it.

In Australia Aboriginals usually talk loudly wherever they are but apparently it's because they are all deaf from childhood ear infections.

It's just to be annoying. It's the only thing they have.

>leaving chirping smoke alarms on for months at a time
holy shit, I do phone hearings with black people for my job and this is so fucking true, that chirping in the background!
Up vote for you user.
I'm convinced that black people (and short squat hispanic women) do this just to start an argument with strangers who tell them to knock it off
Also add:
>black guys riding bikes with cell phone music blasting (used to be boom boxes when I was a young dude)


No one says this


I have a question for the namefags? Why the fuck do namefags go around making threads on Any Forums? 99/100 times they aren't even making a real topic, just a bunch fagging and masturbation


>Chriping smoke alarms

They do this shit too!!! I use to be a medic and work with the fire station a lot. These niggers would have 4-7 kids running around a cramped apartment with no working smoke alarm or fire hydrant ..... WTFFFFF

I remember the boom box days. While sometimes comfy, overall it was annoying shit that clearly would further degenerate and make the masses that listen dumber. I love listening to audio books, music, historical videos, etc, but I realize no one wants to hear my shit over there own thoughts and stuff so I use headphones quietly.

It's mind boggling to me

Who the fuck has a fire hydrant in their apartment...

I use farmer J because a few times there's a comfy role playing thread and I'm a community farmer in it giving my little knowledge passed down from wise older gentlemen on how to produce food and maintain a farm. Hate me all you want, but farming is in my blood and lineage and I'm fucking proud of it you city slicker

I'm not too versed on YouTube deep lore but apparently "Radical" Reggie* left a smoke alarm chirping for an entire stream lol.

I mean fire extinguisher. Excuse me, I'm not at work today and I'm slightly intoxicated from whiskey. Proceed to ridicule me for my retardation

why do niggers make phone calls like this? Do they not understand how the technology works? Do they not want their dirty greasy nigger head to come in to contact with their phone? someone tell me.

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the human bladder only holds so much or they'd resort to that too

>Entire stream

Dude they let that thing go on for months and years even. I have been called to the same house/apartment a few times while at work, and it's still fucking going after months or even over a year. We try to tell them (1 for their 'safety', but 2 it's really because it's so fucking annoying). The beeping never ends.... Sometimes I hear it in my dreams :(