What went wrong?

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they gave their colonies up

I can see my house from here

Who lives in the Isle of Mann?

They got jealous of Jews choosing America as home base

Germany cucked UK into wars which overextended ability to keep colonies. UK could have joined Germany in conquest and owned additional euro clay.

UK made the wrong choices and it cost them dearly.

Probably women lol

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based and rared

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not mann

Looks like a mess imagine the disaster that happened when that island was created

Centuries of inbreeding led to retarded island babies.

What even happens in your country?

Ck2 fucked my pronounciations up.

it didn't went wrong, it was always wrong

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Idiots wanted peace and safety more than freedom, so they decided to become slaves. Not that they weren't always.

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We gave up.

It's become normal to mock our country and its achievements. To elevate the lowbrow and refuse to strive for excellence. To hold back anyone who tries to leave the herd.

It's a disgrace. Too much freedom stops people wanting to do the shitty jobs. Who wants to clean sewers, bury the dead, kill animals or harvest crops anymore? No we'll import a load of savages to do all that.

On pain of HR fucking your shit up, you keep your mouth shut to pay the mortgage. We're as controlled as anyone in a dictatorship, unless our views match the media zeitgeist.

I think our freedoms need to be warned again. The media's wings also need to be clipped.

>Normans took over
>Oppress Anglo and Celt cultures and history
>Invites Jews Back in prominent roles
>House Tudor
>King Henry VIII
>Abandoning God
>Meme Anglicanism
>Cucking Balkans and Greece throughout the century by siding with the Turks
>Created Israel

Yeah, we can point at the Normans. Normans and Jews are always behind it all.

crippled motorcycle riders.

You rebelled against me. I shut you down.

The House of Hannover stole the throne in 1714 by killing/poisoning Queen Anne in her 18 pregnancies so she didn't produce an heir. The House of Hannover and their Saxe Coburg Gotha spawn are the cause of all of our problems.

* Killing her babies not her*

It's just funny when they try to get land that isn't on their containment island.


The PlantagenĂȘts lost.

Just get them to hire some gigalo butler or something and then blame them for poisoning them like a normal person.

The arrival of (((anglo saxons)))

10 generations. No civil war to restart the empire

The half mutt kike Churchill

everything went apeshit when we allowed migration .... started in 1066 and never stopped since.

Judeo-Normans stole the throne from Anglo-Saxons

Should have listened to Thatcher.

Went bankrupt for Poland and got indebted to Muricans for the war the UK declared, nowadays fades into irrelevancy.

Pot kettle black nigger

>Invaded by Romans, Jutes, Saxons, Danes, Vikings, French, Norse, Normans, Dutch, Frisian, Angles, Celts.
Pick one

Wtf I didn't know France still had land in north America

It's been downhill since Victorian times. They allowed Jews and Faggots to serve in parliament in the 19th century.

sstill more relevant than you fritz,for a irrelevant nation you do sure seeth at our presence lmao we aint coming back,

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What is it with Normans and Jews? Charlemagne did the same thing

Would people from the UK realistically leave for somewhere more promising far away and isolated, even if it meant never going home?

>>Created Israel
Stupid mutt

Letting in the Wops and Micks.

Mainlanders are bad at enclosed spaces, islandcoons are bad at anything but farming peasants via usury.

Menn do

Never said USA wasn't shit too, but at least my ancestors didn't turn their guns in and my government isn't bold enough (yet) to (((openly))) defend rapist immigrants.

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Thatchers cabinet was the most Jewish in British history, and they used (((Milton Friedmans))) (((neo-liberalism))) to asset strip our entire economy. They stole British Airways, British Aerospace, Rolls Royce, British Telecoms, Vickers, British Gas, British Electricity, British Rail, British Water. They literally stole everything off Bongs.

Globalist infiltration.

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If hitler studied how Weimar Germany came to be he could have turned Poland to his side and swept Russia. Russia planned on only having to deal with 1d tactics and only operate on commands to go forwards and backwards from Moscow, when they're lost, they can go towards large cities within eyesight.

used to, years ago. quaint little place.

Mate, they are far from irrelevant, be it the good or the bad parts of Germany they are yet far far away from irrelevant.

Isnt there a Manx population,do they speak their own language and do they have their own phenotypes?

>my ancestors didn't turn their guns in
Lot of good that does when you're all too pussy to use them for their intended constitutional purpose. 2020 exposed you all as blowhard cowards who will do nothing inspite of being the most heavily armed population on the planet.
>my government isn't bold enough (yet) to (((openly))) defend rapist immigrants.
They just defend rapist niggers instead and pander to them endlessly while demonising founding stock whites

How is stating something that happened as "seething"

I wouldn't want you back, the EU is a shit union that was a prerequisite of reuniting Germoney, so it can be used as a cash cow still doesn't change what I wrote above though.

Say what you want, the gauls occupy the govt.

British society collapsed after it was flooded by far too many 10/10 women

ive heard quite a few people mention their dream is to move to australia