CNN is absolutely right

We rather pay more at the pump to hold Russia accountable to their war crimes.

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if anyone has their pulse on the american working man it is cnn

1+ million civilians dead in Iraq alone and the yankees still think we want to listen to them about war crimes.

Reply S to spit on the great satan.

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No we're not. I don't give a fuck about Ukraine. I wouldn't mind seeing russia get embarrassed but not at the cost if higher gas prices

Cnn is trying to push propaganda because they know people are pissed about the sharp rise in gas prices

They had it coming

Fucking faggot op ywnbaw

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>t. Raytheon salesman

don't care muhammed

>hold Russian accountable
>by charging Americans more
the jew on this is strong

Fuck CNN. Fuck Ukraine. I have more of a reason to want to fight Biden voters than Russians.

Reminder CNN is 25% owned by Scientologists

I see this as nothing more than a non-disclosed CYA contribution to the Democratic Party to alleviate the shellacking they will receive thus November.

Based Biden giving the American people what they voted for!

>people who get chauffeured around in limos all day tell you that they don't mind higher gas prices

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I'm running out of words to describe how ridiculous this bullshit is.

No one buys this. Fucking no one.


this shit is a joke

yeah as in strangulation

Wouldn't it be neat if there is someway we as a nation could voice our opinions about this. Some sort of voting system perhaps.

So does pisskraine

I wonder which “americans” told this to (((cnn)))?

Fake news says fake shit?

>reporter lies in name of their citizens

what else is new in the west

Oh, that's funny. I don't remember ever being polled or asked about this and giving my opinion. I don't like it when other people speak for me. No, we're not okay with this.