RUSSIA HAS LOST 10% OF THEIR INVASION ASSETS, 2 weeks into a "2 day" campaign backed by months of preparation...

RUSSIA HAS LOST 10% OF THEIR INVASION ASSETS, 2 weeks into a "2 day" campaign backed by months of preparation, against a country with half the GDP of Bangladesh, sitting literally on the Russian border.

This is the "near-peer threat" we've been warned about?
Oh but I forgot, they want to save civilians. Which is why they're already shelling Kharkiv, Sumy very very hard and also getting rekt by a javelin or stinger has nothing to do with trying not to hit civilians anyway LMAO

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Other urls found in this thread:

>based on US assessments
Annnnnd into the trash it goes

Based on US assessments they predicted the invasion months in advance already back in November while Russian shills like you were claiming it's just le drills up to the very end

>Send 10% of entire force
>Lost 10%
>Lost 1% of entire military force
>Zelensky already conceded NATO and is willing to demilitarize

Russia lost how, again?

I'd wager 1-2% in reality at the most. There's barely even any fighting.

Not the way I remember it

>losing 10% of forces 2 weeks into an invasion is a GOOD thing
Holy shit. Reminder 20-30% is where you should retreat

Man you poles are so fucked up over russia its unreal

Because you're altering your memories on the fly. Orwell described this pattern as doublethinking. All russian subhumans share it

>US estimates

US estimated Japan would fold after 1, max 2 nukes.

>10% lost
that's a good start, but they need to lose more. Much more.

>believing anything Ukraine or the US says
Tell me are the ghost of Kiev's kills factored into that number too? Are they estimating and including the number of casualties cremated on the go?

they weren't counting on captain ukraine and the avengers getting involved.

of course Ukraine doesnt want to be in NATO anymore if they can defend from Russia alomst on their own kek

>why won’t you believe my heckin Twitter source reeeeeeeeeee
Because I think it’s bullshit and I think you’re low iq.

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>us assessments

Ah yes, Kabul should be falling by now...

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No they haven't

Well, we're just 13 days in

As much as i hate to admit it the US assessments were pretty damn spot on in the months leading up to the invasion despite everyone else, including ukraine itself, saying they were peddling bullshit. They're biased but they weren't wrong. They clearly have good information sources within Russia

This post seems awfully organic

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>Man you poles are so fucked up over russia its unreal
our ass is on the line fucktard



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America "predicted" the invasion was imminent every day since Christmas.

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I guess all those grand strategy games had it right, invading is always hard

No one wants your fucking retarded-ass country, pollock.

is the OP a shill?

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You can look even at Russia's purely visually confirmed losses and come to the same conclusion. I recommend you the Oryx team they gather all the videos and pics and tally it up

Basically by now Ukraine has MORE materiel than it started with. It's so funny

The only reason you don't remember it is because you are a low IQ moron who forgets shit that happened 3 weeks ago because your cognitive dissonance doesn't allow for it.

It's okay to dislike the US government and still admit that they were right about Russia invading Ukraine


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They are fighting the entire west. Saying that they are up against Ukraine is a mild understatement of the situation and the amount of money and aids being poured into this conflict from the entire west.

I guess the Ghost of Keev is still flying

I reposted from /k/ and then the /k/ thread got moved to Any Forums welp

Ukraine bros??? Uhhhhh I don't feel so good....... reddit said we were winning!!!
When will our heckin based trans women (real women!) commandos come and bash the fash????

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It's called a handbrake invasion. Putin could carpet bomb the place and be done before the 31st.


I follow the KYIEEEV INDEPENDENT on twitter and they have assured me, numerous times, that the Red Army has suffered enormous (!!) losses in the range of upwards 65-75%

UKRAINE has WON. Love has WON. Inclusivity has WON.

For PUTIN, this is an UNWINNABLE war and his surrender will happen by Friday.

You’re busy today, kurwakike

Damn nice map in Cyrillic, totally not propaganda. So if I modified this map and painted all of Ukraine red that means Russia is totally winning

Reality check: there's no cauldron. They don't have enough units and the units they do have are at least 200 km apart. This map covers this up with thick arrows and thickened up "controlled territory"

They are not shelling very hard, thats a retarded claim nor are they throwing a lot of missiles at the ukrainians either, US info is also not reliable its pure propaganda

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>US intelligence didn't lie about something that it had no benefit from lying about therefore it must not be lying about something that it has a benefit from lying about

Russia has been building up their forces for months. Do you think Russia just decided to do this? Predicting an upcoming invasion before everyone else is a sign of good intelligence. They weren't giving dates until the invasion was just about to start. Iirc they were a day off. Meanwhile even Zelensky was giving the US shit for predicting invasion

They were even right about the false flag attempt on the eve of the invasion which was foiled because they voiced loudly that it would happen. You idiots like to forget the sabotage that happened a day or two before Russia invaded

>purely visual
So, a couple dozen trucks and tanks, three paratroopers and a helicopter? That’s 10% of their military?

Any polish flag spamming “Russia is losing!!!!” threads is the same desperate faggot

>>As much as i hate to admit it the US assessments were pretty damn spot on in the months leading up to the invasion despite everyone else, including ukraine itself, saying they were peddling bullshit. They're biased but they weren't wrong. They clearly have good information sources within Russia
No they don't. They saw the buildup on satellite spyshots and began speculating. They got everything wrong. Kiev to be blitzkrieged in 2 days was a meme spread by the US government that does not appear to have entered Russian strategic calculus based on their known actions.

>It's so funny
If you believed your bullshit you wouldn’t be seething so hard

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Based on all the videos of destroyed vehicles I've seen I can believe it.

They have been claiming the same during every large scale exercise with Belarus. Just like the stock market geniuses who predicted the last 30 out of the last 3 crashes.

That’s one interpretation, the other is they were instrumental in provoking the conflict. Ukraine was massing it’s army on the Donbas border and shelling it heavily, as reported by the Red Cross, even after Putin recognized the DNR and LNR. It’s funny that no pressure was out on Ukraine to abide by the Minsk accords.

Not a single video of combat from the last 2 weeks.
Just doctored horse shit and video game fakes.
There is no (((war))) russian troops don't want to fight if they did they have rolled in like Syria and fucking flattened the place


>They weren't giving dates until the invasion was just about to start. Iirc they were a day off.

No, they kept proclaiming "imminent". It's the equivalent of saying 'it's going to snow' every fucking day until it does and then saying you were right.

>They were even right about the false flag attempt on the eve of the invasion which was foiled because they voiced loudly that it would happen. You idiots like to forget the sabotage that happened a day or two before Russia invaded

Fucking LOL The worst part is you believe this shit, just like Russia deliberately trying to blow up reactors.

Nice sources OP

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How can you possibly believe anything any natocuck nations says ? There has not been a single statement that isn't a lie to have even been made by a natocuck.

I hope Russia takes off the fucking kid gloves and starts carpet bombing and mass artillery salvoing everything in Ukraine.
Russia should have already learned during WW2 that you can't treat nazis nicely, they are fanatics that will fight to the very last man. Denazification means killing a lot of nazis.

it was literally two weeks ago.

>makes wild speculations
really nigger?

There are tons of videos.

Read that. You'll see how accurately it described what is happening. Who am I kidding, you won't read it in fear of being wrong, so you'll dodge it and spam non-sense.

they've been predicting a russian invasion since 1946. Weird attitude from washington when they knew this was coming.

>No, they kept proclaiming "imminent". It's the equivalent of saying 'it's going to snow' every fucking day until it does and then saying you were right.
Perfect way to put it

can you fuck a Ukrainian girl for a candy bar yet or what?

Joe Biden running for office "There will be mass violence if we don't get Donald Trump outta office", BLM\Antifa commits the largest domestic terrorist attack in US history, and BLM donations were funneled into the Biden campaign.

US Generals give intelligence to China who then gives it Russia. Israel provides cooked intelligence and mitm the entire

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Motivated defenders can do extreme destruction on unmotivated aggressors. This is Winter War 2.0. Russia is getting rekt.

Imagine the suprise the shills come out full force on the day of Russia's media blackout.

And it's worse than ever!!!!!

You fuckin rats get cheesed every time on here, it must be the most d**********g and s*************a inducing thing ever. I will let you fill in the blanks by calling me them.

I am in no way a putin-bro, and I am hard against the invasion of Ukraine.
But the war is where it's at bcause Russia is holding restraining from using their best and most lethal weapons.
After all this time UN (today) estimates less than 600civilian casualties, and the majority of the civilians left have gas, electricity, water, and even communication systems. This have been one of the "kindest" war against civilians that have ever been fought.

Usa needed 26 days to break Iraq, and besides not using nukes they had no restrain at all. They even bragged about their "shock and awe" tactics as they selectively bombed civilian neighborhoods "to break their spirits".
Had Putin fought like the rest of the world fights this would have been close to over by now.

>several options
>not necessarily
>will likely
>could be

Sauce please and no, 'regurgitating my master cum is sauce' please.

2 more weeks guys

No way you read the article in 4 minutes while you're replying to other people. Way to prove me right. Now keep spamming idiotic stuff, fits your low IQ.

>based on US assessments
they were right about everything so fuck off nigger


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Based on US assessments Iraq had weapons of mass destruction

the longer this war goes on the higher gas prices will go

only complete fool would demilitarize ukraine when you have scumbag russian murderers at your border!!

wont happen ever!

No reason to lie, the vatniks can't see it anymore.

KGB came up with this: "We are conducting annual drills, western hysteria is laughable. There will be no invasion of Ukraine, troops will return to their bases"

US intel was right.

They’re right in the way geologists are about earthquakes. They know where the fault lines are but they can’t actually predict when an earthquake will happens and whether or not it’s a foreshock of one to come. They just tell you “We’re due for the big one anytime now” and brainlets like you eat that shit up as “accurate forecasting”

if you factor in the kill count of the ghost of kyiv, the avengers, and rick and morty then we can conservatively estimate that russia has lost 6000000% of its mobilized forces
now that wakanda and the trannie jannie volunteer battalions are providing direct military aid to Zelensky, it's safe to say that Putler should capitulate and take the vaccine

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Not. My. Fucking. Problem.

I read that. Possible invasion routes were known, it's just geography. Listing multiple political options doesn't mean solid prediction one way or the other.

It's vanishingly unlikely that Russia is going to try to open the can of worms of liking with the Transnistria forces until after most of East Ukraine is taken, so I don't know why

I predicted Russia was going to invade Ukraine since late 2016, btw.

>But the war is where it's at bcause Russia is holding restraining from using their best and most lethal weapons.
like, which? the t-80s have already been used and destroyed en masse, over a dozen of t-90s have been destroyed along with su-34s shot down with stingers. this is, in practice, all their best equipment because t-14 armata and su-57 are vaporware