
Scientists have found and filmed one of the greatest ever undiscovered shipwrecks 107 years after it sank.

The Endurance, the lost vessel of Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, was found at the weekend at the bottom of the Weddell Sea.

The ship was crushed by sea-ice and sank in 1915, forcing Shackleton and his men to make an astonishing escape on foot and in small boats.

Video of the remains show Endurance to be in remarkable condition.

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fuck off op

No ukraine flag? Fucking chuds

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Unironically thinking of doing Uber eats so I have some extra money to stock up on things lads. Might as well as the Financial system is close to collapsing.

stop the larp

Why aren't individual states suing the Biden administration for declaration of war without consent of Congress? Why is the constitution being ignored?

you can add ur own tis just a template improve on it

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fuck off you impersonator
you're so obsessed with me


im the real josh btw
got a couple cunts trynna be me

will the real slim shady pls stand up

Watched the video, sad to see the once mighty Endurance sunk beyond any hope of recovery and colonised by invertebrate bottom feeders. Absolutely not a metaphor for anything.

thats me m8

please stand up

awright geez

What war?

will the real brit joshy please stand up

Attached: please stand up.jpg (800x763, 81.12K)


no but seriously lads
stop the larp now
im the real josh

please stand up


oi you're not josh

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which one do I shoot?!?

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mum tried to ring me today ffs

I contacted that bruderhof (off-grid Christian community) in the UK and I received a reply about coming to visit. It'll be interesting to see how it all is.


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i'm not josh

when they deliver me 2nd bedframe on friday or whenever I think I'll probs give the delivery driver a few quid for a brew or something as a sorry for the inconvenience of tomorrow's cancellation
if its the same one like
feel tight

I need a pop, but I can hear my housemates in the kitchen. I don't want to socialize.

careful lad dont want any psychological damage
none of that in regular british society of course

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sounds like a fed honeypot m8
open your heart up to judaism

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wot are you on abot


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ordered a bedframe yesterday lad
but changed me mind, want a different one instead
tried to cancel but its already been dispatched and they told me to just refuse the item so it goes back to warehouse, then to cancel
feel tight cos I'll be inconveniencing the delivery guy
dunno why they can't just get in touch with him and say do not deliver?

fuck off you poser
brindley road, runcorn
be there in 10 minutes
you wont


Is that second bed for me?

The finest little wooden ship ever built.

you gonna wear a maid outfit around the flat and cook me dinner?

oioioi! i thought you were asexual stella?

You're ID is an anagram of Arkham (asylum)
I'm being psychologically damaged in this society, I'd probably get a wife easy peasy in one of them compounds.

ffs was in town like and stopped inna shop like and the lass on the tills said alri la but I was like sperging out like so said u wot la and she said nuffin and looked at the floor right sheepish then so I said don't worry about it love you have a good day and I hope she did after I said that to her, what am I like lads? hahahahahahaha so rAnDum ::holds spork::

ah give im a choccie biccie

ive been found oot

fuck sake lads need a shit and piss and cum

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ye what I mean lad, will tell him on phone when he rings like if its the same guy I'll just give him a few quid for the inconvenience on the downlow

ffs was was was in town liejk and stopped inna party pli ep bri shop like and the lass on the tills said alri lala but I was like splerging out like so said u wot la and she said nuffin and looked at the floor right sheepish then so I said don't worry about it l ahaha ave a lard ove you have a good day and I hope she did after I said that to her, what am I like lads? hahahahahahaha so rAnDum ::holds spork::

imagine living in ireland and you can just say "not my problem" all day about whatever happens in europe. why do i have to live in the center of the heat...

ffs had a shit but is was massive like and it made me willy do a sex wee then I had a piss la, I'm laffin at meself now like what am I like?

fuck off you poser
what a boring post

Fucking staff do tonight lads. Really cannot be holed going, there will be ample gossip and other shit but free food and booze is a hard thing to turn down.

fuck off kraut
you're not meant to be here
brit/pol/ for the british
simple as

I'm not your slave
How is sleeping in separate beds sexual?

ahahaha im joshe

Q. Why did the BBC not do ANY-fucking-THING to commemorate the CENTENARY of the FIRST FLIGHT ACROSS THE ATLANTIC by Alcock and Brown?
Was it racism? Because they were white males?
If a negro stubbed their toe while stealing the first bicycle, they'd build a memorial to the event.
Why are the BBC not celebrating the real achievements of genuine humans?
In an open cockpit WWI BOMBER, ffs.
And no autopilot to take over, like that american faggot Limpberger.

Attached: Alcockandbrown_takeoff1919.jpg (1000x514, 102.14K)

moshe joshe

>How is sleeping in separate beds sexual?
because necessarily it implies you want to sleep with him. you're a fake asexual stella. ive exposed you.

What are Germans saying about the whole Ukraine/Russia thing

ffs was was was in town liejk and stopped inna party pli ep bri shop like and the lass on the tills said alri lala but I was like splerging out like so said u wot la and she said nuffin and looked at the floor right sheepish then so I said don't worry about it l ahaha ave a lard ove you have a good day and I hope she did after I said that to her, what am I like lads? hahahahahahaha so rAnDum ::holds spork::

why do germans have a bugman mentality
was it the communism la

Americans are screaming about paying £1 a litre.....

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Give over. They're the sort who will blame it all on brexit, russia, covid or whatever new trend is in the news at the time and if they do get shanked by bobo for supplies they'll still be of the opinion of "turn the other cheek".
Fuck them.

ffs had a shit but is was massive like and it made me willy do a sex wee then I had a piss la, I'm laffin at meself now like what am I like?

i probably speak better english than some of your lads. hell internet even made me think in english, i probably have more english thoughts over the day than german thoughts. i think one day it's time i move to people who speak english too.

moshe moshe josh josh

oi lads, cool it with the anti-semitism alright. it's bang out of order. wanna chat about the freemasons instead?


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>Sleeping in separate beds is sleeping with Josh

Absolutely the dumbest take I've ever read. And I've visited ptg. You should be ashamed britpol...

didn't ask, don't care.

ave a pie ahahaa

oi lads, cool it with the anti-semitism alright. it's bang out of order. wanna chat about the freemasons instead?

When I’ve had hard times in my life I read Shackletons accounts. The man was an absolute Chad. ‘Yes we’ve all been wrecked in the worst place in earth but now we will build a boat and sail off…oh ok yes wrong island right let’s build another boat and… ah ok wrong side of this massive mountain range let’s take the boats apart to use the nails in our boots as crampons and climb this massive mountain range and find the whaling station in the other side then go back and pick up the lads on the wrong island. ‘
He didn’t lose a single man. Absolute hero, and an inspiration. Well worth reading his works .

How many genders are there this week, lad?
What does the latest flag look like? A dog threw-up in an M&Ms warehouse?

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how many joshs are here then? you lot love to impersonate me. bunch of posers ffs

ive always wondered about that
whole world speaks english but what do they hear in the head la

lmfao this thread

The widow's son is just fine, thank you.

oi lads, cool it with the anti-semitism alright. it's bang out of order. wanna chat about the freemasons instead?

lmfao this thread

Attached: gollum2.jpg (300x168, 5.24K)

how many joshs are here then? you lot love to impersonate me. bunch of posers ffs

stop fucking impersonating me!!!!!

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cheese crompets aAhaha lolololo

annooo waddama lyke laaa?? ::dRoPs sPoRk::

thinking in english usually only happens when you use the language a lot, took a while but now i more and more often think in english. using german is still more efficient though when reading and trying to understand stuff.

annooo waddamannooo waddama lyke laaa?? ::dRoPs sPoRk::a lyke lannooo waddamannooo waddama lyke laaa?? ::dRoPs sPoRk::a lyke laaa?? ::dRoPs sannooo waddama lyke laaa?? ::dRoPs sPoRk::PoRk::aaa?? ::dRannooo waddamannooo waddama lyke laaa?? ::dRoPs sPoRk::a lyke laaa?? ::dRoPs sannooo waddama lyke laaa?? ::dRoPs sPoRk::PoRk::oPs sannooo waddama lyke laaa?? ::dRoPs sPoRk::PoRk::

This is supposed to be a video of the alleged Russian bombing of a children's hospital today.

Attached: blast.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

32.548seconds from now
Brindley Street

Real humans hear English.
The rest hear some shite that sounds like a Bulgarian choking on his milkshake and their inner voice telling them they wish they'd been born British.

i think 77th have done a decent job in derailing brit/pol/ over the past couple of months ffs

it's josh's world and we're all just living in it

Attached: blast 2.webm (1280x720, 2.71M)

ave a joshie biccie

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fucking cunts the lot of you

might go down the poundbakery lads
the lasses down there love me
the restraining order ran out last week