How can the government...

How can the government, our political leaders and our culture encourage more young people to get married and have children?

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Lmao, she just keeps getting fatter and it gets me so fucking hard


>look at me
>I am the snorlax now

Give more equality and rights to women.

How does giving more rights and equality to women encourage them to get married and have children?

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Accelerationism. You can't put the genie back into the bottle without mass rape in the streets.

>It has to get much worse before it can get better through no action of my own

islam is right about women.

She hit the wall and came out the other side as a femboy

She's looking more and more like a pig.

She's trying to hide her jiggles

She has tomboy potential

raze the vatican

Really fucking simple: make an arranged marriage app. Just think about it, they already steal all of our info. Might as well create an app that would match people based on how well they'd get along. That would destroy the dating app market of course

Not going to happen, no one is coming to help us.

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Why would they want to? They can just import 3rd world brown people who will vote for every socialist while women go to work and pay taxes.

ayy mamacita...

>Won't someone, not me, do something, please!


That's more of a free market think, no? That's not something the government can do or push.

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they can't, because they are insane

lower body is starting to resemble the mexican cleaning lady at work, just imagine in 5 years when she's a mini-fridge with stick legs