Russia has saved the world again

All hail Vladimir Putin

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>probably more legitimate than the US media’s take.

You can connect it to the wed CERN time travel shit that has been making the rounds, a story worthy of the Alex Jones show.


Oh, it's Iraq all over again. Le weapons of mass destruction!

More believable than the usa corporate media

reminder about the Iranian "tachyon bending machine", apparently you can use certain radiation to "pull" light energy from the future creating some kind of "time reflection", in other words: Big nuclear machine can show you images of the future. The guy who invented it suddenly dissapeared, all info about it has been pruned from the globohomoNetwork and apparently Uncle Vlad was the one who took special interest in the "artifact".
Time bending has been a thing ever since WW2, what is zero point energy anyways? (look into philadelphia experiment)

Attached: philadeplhia incident.jpg (416x289, 45.25K)

Umm, sweetie, this was debunked by snopes. You are spreading Russian propaganda.

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Queen wrote a song about Putin who they nicknamed "Flash" because he's so photogenic. (true story)

damn the new huawei looks good!

ꤚ ꤯ ꤞ ꤞ ꤕ ꤏ

People complain of twitter shots, but don't complain about some shit ass headline scrap?

What the fuck

I can believe it, the US is ruled by fucked up people who make Putin look like a saint.

>bill gates BTFO

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I'm sure a junior journalist fresh out of college knows more about biological weapons than the russian interior ministry

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-09 at 10-17-14 Ella Lee USA TODAY.png (709x671, 112.08K)

I wouldn't doubt it, they may had problems with the biolabs and there were reports of Ukraine being gay inside nuclear power plants.

Or the US State Department who admitted to them existing yesterday apparently.

saved, thx fren

Jiminy crickets, gosh darn it will someone help me clear some things up?

You are telling me that the US Department of Defense was funding biolabs in Ukraine and using them as a slush fund for the rich and famous? You are telling me Metabiota is directly funded by Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca? That Obama founded the Defense Threat Reduction Agency in 2005 when he was a senator? That every election since at least 2008 has been pre-planned and every character a willing participant on a global corruption scheme where potentially billions (at least tens of millions) of tax payer dollars from nearly every western country were funneled into the pockets of the family and friends of our unelected officials?

Is that right? Is that what you are telling me? That George Soros used his money to fund these mostly fake* biolabs as a tool for bribery and coercion? These mostly fake biolabs that only exist on paper except(*) for the ones that only exist to develop a bioweapon to genocide every single ethnic russian on the planet? Am I over the target yet? Also let's not forget Saudi Arabia and the UAE who are both refusing to answer Biden's calls because they want nothing to do with this shit fest of a global scale watergate foobared clusterfuck of a fucking fuck up!?!?!?!

Thanks for the help bucko(s).

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