Can you guys still afford to go to work?

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there is literally no other point in life.

If picrel were true that guy would just opt to go homeless/be a neet. Clearly it isn't though, which is why he works. What an entitled dumbass.

Hey, at least you can come home and complain to your supportive wife, oh, never mind.

I remember being a neet an if I got a job in one of the areas numerous factories, after taxes and car/travel expenses it worked out I’d have £15 more a week.
I’d rather not have the extra £15 and not work all week.
There was no incentive to get a job.

>Go homeless
The food and shelter problems still exist
>Be a neet
Only possible with understanding and financially capable parents

Oh sorry to intefere with your magnum opus writing.

Buy rental properties using jew loans with your good goy jew credit. Get other got to rent your property. Their labor will pay for your jew loan, giving you equity in property, and your profit for very little management if you don't suck. Scale up as you can, and you're like a mini jew.
In 10-15 years, your property is paid off and providing more profit or you have a FREE asset to sell for many shekels.

Working is a shit strategy. Owning revenue producing assets is the best plan.

Idiot A gets $2k in tattoos as teen. Has shit life.

Idiot B puts bullshit $2k teen bux into Amazon stock. Is multimillionaire at 38. Has hot chick suck dick on his boat.

you missed the part where blackrock buys everything reasonably priced and affordable before you even get the first loan

get a job then
whats the problem here?

want food? either grow it yourself or work for someone else to give you money to buy food
how is this a difficult concept to grasp?

>my employer profits from my work!
so should the employer, that paid for the infastructure, maintenance, logistic, distribution, materials, tools, etc, etc basically do it for charity?
then you do it! build your company and then give all your money to your employees and refuse any profit
lets see how that business model works

theres a reason every single communism country goes hungry lol

karl marx was a lazy jew, that never worked in his life and basically lived as a parasite to his friends.

>whats the problem here?

no one asks to be born or to participate in this shit, faggot

>Just enough to provide basic food, shelter and transport
>Is able to post on Any Forums meaning he has a computer or phone and an internet connection

I live 5 minutes from my office
But I do drive a BMW so I have to put premium in it which is like nearly $5 in TN

Kys fag

>grow yourself
govt would rape your ass with taxes and you cant grow literal money not to mention how massive your garden needs to be if you want to eat balanced meals or any meals throughout the year

I've been on paid admin leave for 3 months straight now, it fucking rocks

Poop on the jews

>Just overleverage yourself like a motherfucker bro
Lmao, just in time for another wave of "Oopsies feds say we don't have to pay rent for two years :^)"
Don't worry, the bank will happily take back the property

Barely, but my poverty and shit job is a result of my own terrible life choices in the past so I cannot complain.

wfh-wagies got a glipmse into the neet lifestyle and they're all seething extremely hard when they now have to return to offices, we truly are blessed

I like not working. My mom tells me about the shortages they have at the super market and I laugh. I'm happy to contribute to the downfall of the globohomo empire.

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And then when tenants stop paying/ mortgages go up faster than you can adjust rents you lose everything and beg daddy gummermemt to bail you out with tax dollars.