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That's fucking depressing.


>man who's given Ukranian heart dies

Ok but did he die *from* genemod-pig-heart or *with* it?

Died of covid


This is a direct revolt against god, we can all expect a second Babylon to happen soon we are literally all speaking the same language right now

Read the article. He died 2 months after the transplant with no signs of rejection. This isn't even that uncommon for people with transplanted human hearts.

>Read satanic scrolls

I'm loving how thoroughly gene therapy is failing for the elites

When getting a transplant always make sure it the organ doesn't come from Ukrainian donors.

covid got him

DESU this is a pretty good way to liquidate Jihadis and further science at the same time.

Wasn't this guy a piece of shit?

Does he taste any better after all that cardiac marinade


Not really that man was an ex convict who put somebody in a vegetative state. He was a piece of shit and I hope his piggu heart gave him some pain before he died

> Breaking: man given genetically modified pig brain joins immediately BLM

mup da do cof bin dub ho bix nood mufugga

If I recall, this guy was chronic alcoholic and had stabbed a man to death in his youth.

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Seems like a trend. They gave some nigger criminal a heart and he got killed in a robbery after shooting at a grandma a few months later. Womp womp.