This will have the same impact as a swaztika in 10+ years

This will have the same impact as a swaztika in 10+ years

Attached: 1589715.jpg (1200x675, 64.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:

but unlike the swastika, in 70+ years it will be remembered fondly

Attached: z.png (1200x800, 25.35K)

kek, that's only for loser symbols. Russians aint losers.

Z means liberty freedom and denazification

Libshits will want to cancel it from the alphabet.

It already makes swastika impact


>inb4 they nuke Zorro

Attached: ZORRO.jpg (1280x720, 124.14K)

Attached: 1646356555496.png (638x420, 356.45K)

Don't forget your bubble suit.

Attached: zoltan.gif (400x210, 475.79K)

>civilians killed: 364 source UN

people are calling Vladimir Hitler because of 364 casualties after 2-3 weeks of a "full scale invasion".

This is wag the dog in real life


Z's the best hing to come out of this whole happening

Attached: zedd.jpg (509x510, 45.72K)

No it wont because its not an anti semitic symbol, in 10 years nobody will even remember they used the z in their vechicles

if Jews have nothing else to skreech about

Hello FSB agent

FSB = Russian CIA equivalent, albeit shittier

Main task: Intel gathering and propaganda

Tactics for shilling on Any Forums:
-VPN to use flags of the western/free world
-Preteding to be a non-Russian citizen
-They also have offices in other nations, from which they spam
-Giving shills a handbook on what to shill (outsourcing)
-Paying shills based on performance
-Stirring up anti-Ukraine/EU/USA sentiments
-Spamming selected, cherrypicked issues of western societies e.g US. airforce furry suit bomber pilots
-Worshipping Vodkamir Jewtins cult of persona
-Using wierd language due to shitty translation e.g. proofs
-Spreading propaganda of Russian military gains (mostly fake)
-Using insults specific to Ukrainians
-Claiming the West is collapsing/depression posting
-They never highlight any of the many, MANY issues that Russia has
-Posting racist, antijewish propaganda (non-organic)
-Praising le based Eastern Europe despite it being "Stalker" irl
-They profile nationalities, so use memeflags
-They also get help from Chinese propagandists

What you can do to stop thed Red Menace:
-Call them out, every single time
-Calling them svoloch (my favorite)
-Calling them mudak
-Calling them cyka
(Remember, they will not reply in Russian or Russian insults, since they are pretending to be Western citizens)
-Posting stacks of dead Russian troops
-Calling out what kind of distopian shithole Russia really is
-Ignore them, if you really want.

Attached: 1646577209385.jpg (744x535, 72.01K)

copy pasting the same tired shit thread after thread, you must be desperate

every time

Zati Russia

Attached: e1d.png (680x670, 738.97K)

Polish people are so pathetic it's crazy. Back to scrubbing my toilet, Pavel.

Attached: sieg_zion.jpg (265x360, 33.49K)

Cancel the letter Z!

Sorry, but you're not in EU anymore, mudslim will suck you ass and dick

What shape/sign will the politically correct crowd propose to replace the letter Z?
Place your bets

some nigger has an opinion and he must be fsb huh

what a chode you are grzegorz

Zatitu Errusia?

Oi! That picture is racist towards nafris!

Wolfsangel in solidarity with Ukraine

does that mean people will forget how to draw it properly?


were gonna start saying zed

I'll keep wearing Zs and if anything tells me anything i'll just tell them it's for Zampano and that they are uncultured swine.

Did you mean to say
>Sorry, but you're not in EU anymore, mudslim will not suck you ass and dick anymore

they'll just stop using in all together. Zebra will just become ebra and so on.

Counter sage

Ctrl + Z

Attached: 1646650109414.gif (303x335, 3.66M)

Sieg Zeon o/
And fuck the space feds