Could any other president have handled the Ukraine crisis as well as Biden?

Could any other president have handled the Ukraine crisis as well as Biden?

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King George would have done a better job

does he even know about it?

Why does it look like he has a boner?

He was only up at 3 am because he needed a diaper change

The way the media sucks the Dem dick is such a fucking embarrassment. I am ashamed of my nation. Jesus fuckign Christ.

Speaking of credit… the price of gas is higher than my credit score

any president in the past that would have said "lol fuck those losers let's make america stronger ourselves"

That stupid old fuck made it worse.
Even that retard Trump wouldn't have led to this mess. He already told NATO to fuck off and stop being asshats.

what reality do these people live in? fucking insane.

Covid restrictions, SWIFT, banning Russian energy imports. This senile old fool has constantly been following instead of leading.

Pretty anyone could've looked confusedly at the camera and don't their pants, it's really not that hard...

My left asscheek would have done a better job

If this really goes bad, it's going to come down to Putin believing Biden will nuke the Russian people or not. That would never be a question with Trump.

Até ao lavar dos cestos é vindima

TP;DR We haven't won yet

>guaranteeing a recession with sanctions that won’t make an iota of difference in Ukraine
>Uniting China, Russia, and even India against us.
>all for one of the most corrupt and poor countries in Europe that has been enriching American politicians for decades.
This is not a battle we can win and it’s not a battle worth fighting.

>twitter spam garbage
>doesnt even have the common decency to post a link to the cunts twitter
yup herbs & spices.

Attached: twitter1.png (640x480, 333.59K)

Imagine believing what media tells you.

This, all it has done is cause an even bigger divide in geopolitics. A fucking huge one.
Biden thinks cunts have his back, NOBODY does.
Nobody of worth, at least.
This is what happens when you let other countries become your factory for cheap labor due to obscene human rights abuses.

Sanction away, memory champion 2022, enjoy the American era dying in a decade and China becoming the new de-facto superpower.
Russia and China have way more partners in this and way more resources.
The losses from export bans (if he is stupid enough to sanction China) will set America and NATO back decades as they try to replace the lost assets with new mining operations and other partners around the world.

I would do a better job by just playing video games all day.

these faggot ass lying kikes are testing my limits.

Surely even the most diehard of shills would think that Obama could have handled it better

Obama raped the country with his terrible presidency.
Yeah na.
Obama was 100% charisma 0% politics.

Read my post slower, bong. Obama is literally jesus for shills

Oh i know, I'm just saying. Obama lost that touch as time grew. People have generally saw him for the failure he was.

Trump did. He didn't fuck around in Ukraine and escalate shit and he told Putin to fuck off or he wouldn't like the result. Simple as.