This is what most intelligent Russians really think about Putin

This is what most intelligent Russians really think about Putin.
It's only retarded vatniks and foreign useful idiots who actually like him.

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This is what most Westernized midwits think in any country, and Russia is no exception.

city dwellers and schizo gaslight, goes together like peas in a pod

Those retarded vatniks are like 90% of russia's population user.

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Whenever a pink haired person calls someone else a schizo it's a good indication that the so called schizo is in the right

>neon hair brigade

sjw opinions dont matter

>ask zoomers in main rich cities
what were you thinking?
also they still vote for putin cause he's a meme funny guy.

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Just proves that anyone who unironically uses that term is a commie.

Do Urban liberal Russians really think the West has positive intent with their Ukraine stuff? What do they think the US or NATO wants with Ukraine?

>t. cosmopolitan funkopop "intelligentsia"

dont find a colored hair freak and try to pass it off as intelligent

>Danger hair liberal twat

>red hair
FSB will jail her and rape her.

>posts his scripted copy pasta given to him less than a minute after a post calling him out is made
>wall of text
lefties can't meme

t. can't afford vpn

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>Hornrimmed glasses toxic hair color subversive element
>Representive for most intelligent Rusdians
Clownshoes funland

She cute as fuck, right?

I bet she watches anime and plays Genshin Impact.

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nice vpn russian cyka.

They don't think at all

cityfags are traitors in the west as well, what's your point?

No They think it is their right to take back the territorial divisions brought about by the defeat of the Cold War, they think it is normal and justified, you will better understand what the Russians are thinking if you first see through the lie that everyone in the world has a Western mindset.
And you will find out that Russians are absolutely retarded

shes so cute bros

This sure looks like the average intelligent Russian to me. More like U.S. embassy activist.

Westernized people need to be thrown in gulags.

>notice my iphone desu senpai

She is *literally* pledging allegiance to the West

We know. That's why we like him

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I think he's italian, look at the youtube logo

Don't. She appears cute but there's a reason people say pink hair is danger. Do not fall for the succubus.

keked and saved

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>pink hair
>cat lady glasses
Women are for impregnating, not for having opinions.

>Pink hair
>problem glasses


>most intelligent Russians
>pink hair hoe

Just like western liberals they are convinced that we live in a post-scarcity world and if everyone rich (not them though, they *have* to live in an expensive apartment and all their spending is on strictly necessary stuff) just shares a little bit of their hoarded wealth then everyone would be middle class.

>does not know how to swim
>jumps at black sea anyway

>lefties can't meme
Get VDV's Duginist shill

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That thing has barely enough IQ to be considered a human being

>not even in russia can you escape the stupid roastie

She’s not cute man come on wtf is wrong with you. She looks like dog diarrhea

thanks for the nad vlad! I'l be sure to use it when the time comes.

I'm not listening to a woman.
She's thr worst kind of retard too, look at her style. Gross.

>pink haired feminist

Kek, wtf

You faggot lefties are the worst about labelling people of anyone.

>1 screenshot of a 1 person from 144,000,000 people

picrel OP btw

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Dude, they don't waste their free time studying and talking about politics on the internet, what the hell do they know. Most don't even get that they have to be neutral to stop the war, and I talked to Ukrainians living here who are mad at Putler.

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>pink hair and problem glasses

a very advanced anti break-in system

>NO, don't say vatnik you hecking leftist
>that is hecking mean

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