Why isn't this more of a scandal?

Why isn't this more of a scandal?

Attached: griner.jpg (733x742, 71.65K)

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Is that a woman?

what is that thing?

What if black people didn't commit ridiculous amounts of crime wherever they went, what if jews didn't subvert and destroy every nation they've ever inhabited, what if women weren't so entitled and emotional, what if...


I mean she broke the local law of the country she was going to at the same time that country has gone to war and is on very bad terms with the US.

Imagine if she wasn’t a POC celeb! We probably wouldn’t hear about this at all.

Because the media is tired of talking about transsexual rights


>be american athlete
>go to russia
>smuggled marijuana
>get caught
>die in gulag

Tom Brady is a much more talented and well known athlete. He is also infinitely more likable than some nignog.

Uhhh . . . she got busted for carrying drugs . . .

What is this idea that the law doesn't apply to American athletes in foreign countries?

Also, ugly nigger bitch. Russia can keep her.

No it's a nigger


>war in Ukraine
>massive sanctions
>soaring gas prices
amerimutts have the juju bongo neqraans on the mind 24/7, they are hardwired to think about niggers and how to worship them more extensively

yeah a 6'9 nigger bitch

Tom Brady wouldn’t bring hash oil to Russia. only a nigger would do that.

only white lives matter


she got busted by a sniffer dog, dumb fucking nigger. Should have double wrapped a condom up her big nigger asshole.

I'm a stoner and ik better than that nigger to try and do what she did.
Nothing was lost.


Why are they comparing her to Tom Brady, who's in a different sport, and not a nigger like LeBron? Oh right, because muh huwhite privilege.

she went too long without facing consequences for her actions

They will make a movie about it showing niggers are angels.
inb4 midnight express.

Tom would never be caught with drugs and would never be poor enough to beg for gibs in Russia.

Would be great. Fuck niggers and fuck Tom Brady

because niggers do no wrong . hope russia keeps it in prison for 20 years.

She isn't worth nearly as much when it comes to sports revenue


Tom Brady would have left the drugs in Russia and bought new drugs in the USA.

She seems to have problems with impulse control. usatoday.com/story/sports/2015/04/28/brittney-griner-plea-deal-guilty-domestic-violence-glory-johnson-wnba/26538559/

So it's a man.


Attached: trekkie.jpg (660x698, 114.1K)

>go to foreign country
>break an obvious law
>get jailed

You just know she's got a humongous purple lipped kangaroo sack between her legs. Imagine her legs locking around you as she deseminates you.

Fuck around and find out. Do dumb stuff in a foreign land and you’re now crying for mommy. Be glad she wasn’t in Singapore where they sentence you to death for possessing minuscule amount of drugs

>Commits crime
>Gets arrested
>Shocked Pikachu.jpg

Tom Brady would never.

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I hope they execute the stupid nigger

>imagine if someone more famous and culturally relevant were to swap places with some dumb woman nobody cares about

gee really made me think. Imagine if Joe Biden were in Russian prison right now I bet things would be totally different.

imagine if popular person was unpopular person. hmmmmmm

Because nobody watches the WNBA.

who cares about a circus chimp

>Why isn't literally who being treated like well known celeberty?

gee I wonder why.


That one rapper broke the law and Trump did everything he could to get his ass back to the US. Difference is though is that they where famous while this girl is a literal who.

Literally no one gives a shit about the WNBA anyway. You could put their best team against literally any men's college squad and they would get completely squashed.

Did Tom Brady get caught smuggling pot at the airport?

Because she's a nigger.

Wait so there's a women's NBA now? Since when?

If Tom Brady were being held in Russia because he went to Russia by choice and tried to sneak hash oil into the country I'd say that was pretty stupid of him and then I'd go on about my day. Idiots like this need to be reminded that there are other Americans being held in Russia right now. Nobody knows their names and nobody cares about them because they don't even have the minimal fame and notoriety that comes with being a WNBA player. It's why playing the privilege game is extra retarded. I bet not all of the Americans being held in Russia are relatively wealthy black lesbians, but we don't even know because the media doesn't care enough about them to give them any attention.

Because Tom Brady is a popular star of a popular sport
Nobody cares about the wnba or knows who this person is


That appears to be a nigger tranny.

man, Ronaldinho has really let himself go


tom brady wouldn't try to smuggle drugs into another country like a fucking retard

Niggers are so addicted to weed, thats why they have to legalize it some places now otherwise they would all be in jail or on probation

She took drugs to another country where it's easy to buy drugs. Let her fucking rot

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Manlets seething