Honestly? He’s not wrong here

Instead of paying $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9 or even $10 per gallon for a expensive, inefficient and outdated source of energy: oil

You could be spending $0.00 to $0.08 per kWh instead while tapping to the cheap, efficient and updated source of energy: electricity

Don’t you care about saving more money, Any Forums?

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Right wingers are trained monkeys and will chimp out when the right wing media tells them to.

Because the price of electricity wont go up, thats impossible

> electricity comes out of the plug
> food comes from the grocery store

well you do because there are significantly more gas powered cars than electric cars on the road, thus if there is a gas crisis, cars will be backed up for miles thus creating traffic jams which will hinder ev drivers .

>oh you can't afford to pay your bills?
>just buy an $80,000 car that only lasts 5 years
seriously the biden admin is making dubya look smart kek

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Electric cars are totaled in less than a decade. How is this less wasteful and destructive to the planet than ICE cars?

Also, freight, trucks, and most other transportation methods cannot use electric power… so fuck this idiot

where will the electricity come from?

It won't matter soon, the plan is to make it so expensive the plebs can't afford to drive

>just buy a Tesla bro
We deserve to be nuked. I hate this meme country.

i’m sick of you retarded cunts going on about right wing left wing.
faggot it’s you against your masonic puppeteers.
you probably think boris johnson or joe biden was elected by the people, for the people!
in 4 years, we’ll vote in a new politician that will fix things!
fucking retard

Let them eat electricity

Until they tax the electricity to hell because "green movement"

Someone post the South Park gay mobile

yeah let me pull 40 grand out of my ass to get an ev and retrofit the house with a charge


yeah, you won't have to worry about gas prices.
you will have to worry about electricity prices though.
you think the state is just going to accept losing all that tax revenue?

gay as fuck, uh gay as assfuck
>1 litre of oil ~ 10kWh
>fossil energy prices drive electricity prices

So you instead decide to use electricity, which will pay the same amount on charging alone. Who's more mentally ill? That retarded literal faggot, or you?

Considering that a whole world exist beyond shithole cities with pockets of the overpaid laptop class, Bootyjudge is clearly pandering to the economically illiterate like you.

These people seem to think that store shelfs and door mats where Amazon deliveries are placed are Star Trek replicators.


Ive been saying this for 3 years and every one just ignores me.
Recently they "expanded" I-95 here from 4 lanes to 6 lanes except now 3 lanes are "express toll", that can cost up to 5 bucks to go 10-20 miles round trip, so in reality they made the interstate 1 lane smaller.
The express lanes are literally empty 24/7 and the free lanes congested as fuck.
It is fun to bend my motorcycle tag up and rip it through the express lane though.

It's like he doesn't understand there are people living in poverty paycheck to paycheck that literally can't afford the gas prices or an electric car.
>But just buy a used one
Electric cars over 8 years old need a full battery replacement within a few years, which averages to around 11,000$. This is why the Nissan leaf is the most depreciated car in the world, because it comes with a 8,000$ bill that needs to be payed on a random day within 3 years.

>this threads again.
Average electricity cost; $.1375
Energy of gasoline; 33.7kwh
Electric cost of 1 gallon of gas: $4.63

The faggot limey is a tv believing light switch brained faggot like 90% of the population that is too dumb to see the glaring jewish question staring them in the face. It's honestly best to ignore them. If literal Nazis were in charge, they'd go right along with us just as mindlessly.

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I was thinking about an electric vehicle, but only for a moment.

First off, Batteries are nowhere near where they need to be. They take forever to charge, only last 300 miles or so and there are very few places to even charge them. Even if you manage to find a place to charge it, it will take hours to charge.

Second, thy can shut your car off at any moment. There was a guy in YT who bought a salvage tesla. Fixed it up and they ended up turning off his ability to charge it. So now you have a 5,000lb paper weight.

Imagine for a second you post something the government does not like and they tell Tesla or some other manufacturer to shut your car off.

Batteries are not cheap. You only get so many uses before you need a new one. The cost like 5-10k for new ones. so every 5 years you need to spend 5-10k on a battery.

And lastly, unless power is coming from solar or nuclear power plants, you are going to be burning fossil fuel anyway to charge it. Plus, the cost and the manufacturing to make batteries also uses tons of fossil fuel.

Call me when you can run a car on water.

Anyone got 4chanx filters for 'He's not wrong' threads? sage

No you just have to worry about recharging your car every 8 hours or 100 miles, which ever is first, having the energy which powers those cars coming from hydrocarbons and hazardous lithium mines with toxic byproducts which therefore defeats any environmental argument in their favor, and then having a vehicle which requires a new battery—at the cost of $25,000—every four years.

How am I gonna go about working my farm when A) profit margins barely cover property taxes and B) when the cold weather shuts the EVs down?
I think it's sus how everyone is all up for gangraping oil companies yet are eerily quiet about how electric companies raise rates ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
And EVs haven't even started to tear into the grid yet.

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I have this faggot more than biden and the poonegress combined

I don't take advice from sodomites.

>poop comes out of the butt
Perhaps homosex shouldn't be in charge of society.

Assuming you're spending $20 more per week at the pump, if you bought an EV ($50,000), it would take 48 years to pay for itself.