Why are American neo-nazis such dysgenic messes?

Why are American neo-nazis such dysgenic messes?

Attached: FNOLvtgXMAEgojF.jpg (1600x900, 309.81K)

because they are Jewish and work for the adl

Why are you a mutt?

Because my grandfather was half Mexican.

They're federal agents.
Real Nazis don't go to big gay rallies in dress up.
Real Nazis silently and thanklessly kill homeless niggers as one might pull a weed from their lawn and then go back to their day job.

Except you can usually spot the zogbots by finding the people who are actually in shape and look like professionals with college degrees and not inbred trailer trash.

How can you tell somebody has a college degree by looking at them?
Why do you think there are no fat ugly people at the FBI?

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Any FBI agents that tried to question me looked relatively put together. If you can't tell someone's class by looking at them, then you haven't spent much time around the different classes.

Also, the majority of glowies on the ground are federal informants who just do the bidding of ZOG to avoid prison time. Failed criminals.
>"i'm a real dissident who gets visits from FBI agents"
>"and also I think all the people who oppress me are good looking"

Look at this enormous braaper

They are the same type of rejects who these days tend to flow to Marxist tranny groups. In need of belonging

I don't think it's controversial to state that people with better access to healthcare and fitness facilities and personal hygiene products tend to look better than people who are deprived of those things by the resource-hoarding upper class.

So were you in better shape than the multiple agents that visited you?

thoes are the most fit americans i have ever seen! that neo-nazi stuff sure seems good for you

The vast majority of people on the planet are a dysgenic mess.
We removed ourselves from the pressures of natural selection

I doubt medieval peasants were beautiful specimens.

because "neo-nazis" are mostly a bunch of peckerwood exconvicts with lots of tattoos, no education, no honor, no self-respect and no spiritual awareness. This said, actual nazis were super cool and are probably rolling in their graves. -

Attached: Uncle Adolf.png (500x483, 348.82K)

Because the only ones stupid enough to make a big public spectacle instead of infiltrating and fighting from within the machine via sabotage are low IQ untermensch.

Because all americans are either mutts, jews, niggers or spics

Why are you such an anti-White shill?

>said the degenerate faggot that gets dicks shoved up his ass.