Swedes and Australians Should Unite

Why don't the Swedes and Australians unite? It seems they have a long history of cooperation and joining forces could make them a world superpower.

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>muttland flag

I'll give you credit for finding europe

australia tried to conquer sweden, since then swedes went full neutral

Australians run like little girls.

Blame Canada

But arent we famous for being fembois ?

let's see how many morons fall for the oblivious bait thread

>But arent we famous for being fembois ?
I thought you guys (gals) were known for protecting the holy cheese?

shut the fuck up france, obliviously you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's not bait. All Australians live in Europe you dickhead. Why do you think we have PAL region consoles?

What is the holy cheese ????

No, you are famous for chocolate and clocks.

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what goes on in the grey spot in the center?

Tax evasion

swedes are gay cunts

>What is the holy cheese ????
I thought that's what the Swiss Cheese Guards called the Pope when they are in the Vatican, the Holy Cheese.

both are wierd cowardly inbred fucks
you should expect much from these people they would let white children die for some extre shekels.
both of them are godless inbred kike niggers

Damn it feels good to be Austrian

Attached: 20220310_030237.jpg (720x557, 81.25K)

>t. der ewige memefahner
show judean flag

>not Swiss

American education, everybody...

Kek, mustard ham and swiss swedes are all anus tonguing globohomo cock jockies.

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cunty bait thread
cunt cunt
cunt cunt
cunt cunt

our emperors originally are from those mountain germs but those ungrateful fuckers kicked us out

Liechtenstein is basically whats left of the holy roman empire but its so small that everyone kind of forgot about it

Are you from Georgia state?

Attached: Flag-of-Georgia.png (2000x1333, 18.52K)

Absolute Monarchy.

The only hope for Central Europe.

Attached: 1643022333031.jpg (784x901, 568.21K)

America and Israel should unite