Top Kremlin propagandists whine that the war is lost

For those who do not understand Klingon moonspeak, the main points:
>two weeks have passed, and the front line has hardly moved
>not a single large city except half of Kherson was taken
>the whole world hates us
>victory is no longer possible
>it will only get worse
>we are depressed
It's so fucking over, poopeenbros. Cope-cages and fantasy-maps from Mordor MOD won't help you anymore.

*Also, for those who are not in the subject:
> A) Both propagandists are JEWS (!)
> B) The senior one has (had) a luxury villa in "rotten" Italy, that he no longer has access to due to sanctions.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>trusting a random retard

Russia has been holding back because they don't want to level the entire country and cause mass casualties. They can increase pressure at any time. They have only committed a fraction of their firepower.

>>two weeks have passed, and the front line has hardly moved
does this board have adhd, they had a cease fire to evacuate civilians. we talked about that last week.

dont be too harsh. probably the first real life war for zoomers that only know "combat" from Escape from Tarkov

Russia is getting completely and utterly fucked. I love watching all these videos of them getting shit on.

That's a Jew.

how dumb do you think we are

>Russia has been holding back because they don't want to level the entire country and cause mass casualties. They can increase pressure at any time. They have only committed a fraction of their firepower.
>muh hidden power
>they're just humanitarians!
>I'm not coping
>2 more weeks

> They have only committed a fraction of their firepower.
find some new way of coping, this one is old

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>everyone I don't like is jewish

>They have only committed a fraction of their firepower.
I don't think you realize how fucked the Russians are.

Even if we assume there is massive firepower being held back, it is useless in this war. If they start really shelling the cities and level them to the ground where will be massive amounts of dead Ukrainian civilians.

Good luck occupying the country after that.
I'm sure the Ukrainians will forgive and forget.

please do your part

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This war is so boring now. The only thing that's been intriguing me is schizo's making skyking threads despite US HF-GCS's last Skyking transmission being in 2019. Russianfags, you've disappoint me.

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Soloviev is a Jew.

2 more weeks until total victory over globohomo with no civilian casualties. trust the plan


>A Jew cries against its host

You're not helping your case retard

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Wrong reply meant for OP the memeflaggot

I only drive Nazi tanks in World of Tanks in solidarity against russia

It means that western sanctions on Russia are making it worse for Ukrainians?

He openly self identifies as jew, the bald man are living in Israel.

are you using free vpn lmao
so poor nigger

>Russia has been holding back because they don't want to level the entire country and cause mass casualties.
North Korean levels of smoothbrain.

>Klingon moonspeak
this coming from a jew is hilarious

The conflict has lying gay jews on both sides, so there is no way to know anything without an intelligence agency at your disposal, and even then they will lie a lot about what is happening too.

That's not what they said. It is taken out fo context, but I am not surprised, because that channel is owned by a Russian/Ukranian jew and Navalny sympathizer.

Today is blackout day.

Obviously you shill are gonna go heavy on the claims today and tomorrow as soon as the lights turn on and Kiev is under russian control you will cry murder.

Russia may have more missiles stored away in the motherland and in Belaruss. But the people in russia start to realize that shit will hit the fan and all their little luxuries they have to endure this shithole of a country are being taken away from them. I mean, look at them. Standing in awful long lines for McDonalds? For fucking shitty gamburgers? Russia is becoming the new North Korea. If this shit goes on, they will flea the country at some point or start a revolution.

So two more days or two more weeks ?

These two are jews and they literally say that they will have to end up genociding ukrainians like jews do to palestinians in order to win.

Unironically yes.
All will be revealed in two week.
If Russia won or lost