/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #477

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.

>Biden's oil requests snubbed by Saudis and UAE
>U.S. Deputy Sec of State Nuland admits to biolabs in The Ukraine
>China demands the US release more details regarding the 26 US-backed biolabs in Ukraine ASAP
>Putin signs decree banning exports from Russia, imports to Russia of certain products & raw materials until 2023
>Berdyansk, Kherson, Irpin, and Energodar have fallen - Mariupol is surrounded and besieged
>US has banned russian oil, gas and coal imports
>US gas prices hit 4.17$ a gallon, an all time high
>Zelensky “ready to recognize” Crimea as Russian
>Zelensky: No longer interested in NATO
>Kiev Surrounded, M30 east of Kiev has Russian vehicles
>Ceasefires violated again after foreign students were evacuated
>Russia will ceasefire / attempt to evacuate civilians AGAIN tomorrow
>Irpin and Kiev mass exodus happening
>Irpin street fighting, Russia 22km from Kiev center
>Russia: Evacuation from Mariupol, Melitopol, Byrdansk prevented.
>European natural gas hits 2500, then 3800 euro/1000m3, a 6x increase in one month
>3rd round of negotiations ongoing
>Russia declares ceasefire in Kharkov, Melitopol, Sumy, and Kiev to allow for evacuation
>Reportedly explosions at the Kharkov research institute, which houses an experimental nuclear reactor
>Russia encourages Russian websites to migrate to Russian hosts in leaked documents
>Russian MoD dropped new info confirming the presence of US-backed biolabs in Ukraine




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Other urls found in this thread:


>US is working with Ukraine to prevent biological research facilities from falling into the hands of Russians — Nuland

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>14 days
>no cities
>no progress

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>No children.

No matter how his war with Ukraine goes, Putin has already lost the war with NATO and EU by showing how much weaker Russia is then them.

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List of anti-Russia propaganda we have seen thus far:
- Ukrainian father crying as he hugged his daughter was actually a pro-Russian rebel in Donbas preparing to fight Nazi Azov Battalion
- 13 Ukrainian soldiers "killed" on Snake Island actually surrendered and are alive and well
- Russian tank that ran over civilian car in Kiev was a Strela-10 Ukrainian air defense system
- Photos of Zelensky in military garb with a helmet on are from 2021 border inspection
- Video of Ukrainian MiG-29 shooting down a Russian Su-35 was a Digital Combat Simulator animation
- Russian cruise missile that blew up the side of a residential building was actually a Ukrainian air-defense missile fired by the Ukrainian military
- Viral video of Ukrainian pilot shooting down Russian jet was a screen recording from Arma 3 video game
- Viral video of Russian jet exploding over Kiev was in fact a Ukranian Su-27
- Russian supply convoy that Ukrainian military blew up was a Ukrainian convoy
- Ukrainian military lied about blowing up 56 tanks that included General Tushayev
- Russian jet bombing near residential homes appears to be a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter targeting Russian troops
- Claims from Western-intel that Ukraine had shot down multiple IL-76 transport planes carrying paratroopers have yielded no evidence
- Ukrainian Ambassador to the UN reads fake text messages from 2ch (Russian soldiers aren't allowed cell phones in Ukraine)
- Russian attack on Holocaust memorial was an attack on a communications tower nearby
- Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant fire was actually in a training centre outside the perimeter where Ukrainian soldiers took up a defensive position
- Viral photos of "Children hiding in Kiev metro" were actually taken from one of the schools in Donetsk region (Druzhkivka school #1)

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>things got so bad I'm forced to watch poo news
and I thought it was bad when I was forced to watch sand nigger media.

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For me, it's Mio Akiyama.

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Death to NATO

Death to GAE

Death to ZOG

Death to WEF

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the U.S are going to miss the next decade focusing on Russia and will miss the thin chance they had to contain China

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That too, makes it even better that they're losing this many young men

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Reminder the queen has entered the fight

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God I want one so badly

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Built for Z

Z my friend.

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>Zelensky vs Putin 1v1 soon

>CIA Nigger is jittery because he's getting called out

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No, the Koreans are just normal people. I remember a thread on Any Forums with a confirmed student from North Korea who talked how it is to live there for the poor and the wealthy, and it definitely doesn't look as bad as they're saying. Just a normal country.

I don't understand war rules at all. Enlighten me.
>Putin takes over Kiev.
What's next? Did he win? Is the country under his control? Are we in a computer game in which it is enough to capture the capital?
What if Zelensky is not there and has gone to Lviv or another country and continues to "rule" from there.

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/ourpajeet/ put that fat MIGA cretin in his place...

Was exiting the world state as a great power and becoming a Chinese vassal state part of his plan?

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Shillsn tongue my anus.


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Didn't zelensky already challenge him to a 1v1?

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Those are easily bought in europe starting from like couple of thousand euros

>defensive research

>Why Kiev was not taken in the first nanosecond? It's over!
Yes, we do not carpet-bomb cities like Americans do, but block them and encircle the enemy. You Baltic retards would never understand.

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not in burgerland unfortunately

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Some user post a video of an indonesian buying stuff in North korea, pretty normal, as a cold China city.

Genuine question, what are Russians going to do when the internet gets shutdown?
Don't a lot of people in Russia depend on the internet for work?


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offense and defense are one and only in bio-warfare

I am very happy I can speak to you. I have been given graciously with respect to Grand Marshal Kim Jong Un our Fearless Leader of The Democratic Peoples Republic Of Korea.

the narrative is falling apart in Indian news show. Indian news are more credible than western news lmao

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better than being Israel's vassal

what are you all eating
i'm cooking up some herb and spice chicken
no clue, either ukraine falls sideways and accepts it like belarus or it becomes an afghan tier shithole where insurgents shoot their own people for 20 years

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Please add Kim to /chug/ side on this pic

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Do you mutts really not undertand that by driving Russia close to the Chinese the west is losing in the long run???

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Its been 2 weeks and you haven't even got past the villages yes, besides you've done far more damage to Kharkov and Mariupol than America has to any city

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Ha classic russian technic. Americans are masters of the false flag.

If Russian forces were allowed to have phones with them, would there be more or fewer images of dead Ukrainian soldiers/molotov-throwers than of Russian soldiers?

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Pomfy Happening in Ukraine General

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It is debooooooked, it is that Russian sites must have russian hosting.

Do you have nudes of his sister? Bikini shots at least?

>things got so bad I'm forced to watch poo news

I get the impression that shitskins don't give a fuck about whites killing each other. They seem more concerned by the fact that America can switch off an economy's international links in a couple of hours.
Maybe it's time to say goodbye to the safe-haven dollar.

Zelenski isn't going to sign shit. He's a puppet who is OK having the population of Ukraine drop to 0 as long as he's getting paid for it- same applies to his ministers. So Russia will either have to take the whole country or whatever parts of the country it wants and to declare the operation "finished." if it's the latter, then hostilities stop and you have an east germany/west germany scenario.

Daily reminder

Use this one, ffs stop splitting

So what are we going to call it? The Kiev wall?


Did you fags couldn't even agree on having one thread?

Where's that seething american? I don't see his cam. Did he leave?

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our country is fake too, lad.

I love you

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Why is Klara so goddamn hot, bros?

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Poland won against the Germany invasion, didn't you know user?

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Attached: If you only knew how Kyiv things really are.webm (700x700, 2.19M)

China is losing face just by being associated with this disaster. You know how they feel about face........

What's the weather like today there?

The Kyyyyyyyyiv George Floyd wall

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>ATACS-FG gorka

Makes sense.
Thanks fren

I demand time stamp

Great respect to the people of Best Korea and their SUPREME COMMANDER Kim Jong-un and my best wished for the liberation of the South.

Send the bros from work kind regards from us.

The Seeyith Wall

We are normal people. We work live and laugh. We are not mean people to anybody. I play ice skates in winter and have a roller skate. I have a cat. Don’t let imperialist news media tell you that we are bad. We have deep respect for our culture and Our Leaders they have graciously given us all that we have.

t'as un bon proxy batard

>50,000 dead Serbians in Belgrade


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This aged well.

I took a screenshot of him seething but it won't let me upload it here. Any Forums says there is an embedded file in the image. I checked it and don't see one. I took it with the KDE screenshot tool. Never had that happen before.

I wonder if the ciashill.png file name tripped it. Something fucky going on. That's why I posted this test here: But yea he left as soon as they started to talk about biolabs.

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>I have a cat
now you have to post the cat

Peace, user, and comfyness to all Koreans.

America has nuked two cities, you moron.

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I need Kim Yo-Jong to step on me.
Also tell your leader to skip nuking Japan and try to hit San Francisco. Also try hitting Yellowstone. You'll enjoy the fireworks I promise.

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Glory to the DPRK

Vaush BTFO

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MOSCOW. March 9 (Interfax) - Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) forces are continuing a successful offensive in Mariupol, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said.

"Units of the Donetsk Republic's people's militia have advanced in Mariupol by over one kilometer over the past 24 hours," Konashenkov said at a press briefing on Wednesday.

Russian Armed Forces units have taken control of the communities of Krasna Polyana and Stepne, he said.

"A unit of the Luhansk People's Republic continued an offensive and has taken control of the populated areas of Toshkivka and Hrachove. They advanced by two kilometers. Donetsk People's Republic militia units advanced by four kilometers and took the populated areas of Syhnalne, Taramchuk, Olenivka, and Trudove," Konashenkov said.

Any chance the inevitable mass rape when Kiev fell get broadcasted bros?

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Love to Best Korea from Lithuania!

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Yeah not really

How one can get a nk proxy? That's impossible

>China and Russia should worry about leaks from their own third world security labs if they're really that worried
now look at this

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Is that closeted homo still a thing?

Post kot!

Nuke Japan pls

Glory to the DPRK against Globohomo. If I swing thru will one of your tour guides roll me a fat blunt?

A war ends in two ways, your opponent capitulates or you completely occupy them so their opinion is no longer relevant.
Taking a capital is a morale hit, and usually involves disrupting the governence or even capturing the leaders of a country which increase the likelihood of surrender.

If Kiev fell the war could still continue.

Looks like a rotting corpse


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Oh, you want to talk about WW2? Yeah the Soviets dindu nuffin

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i have no clue why we estonians have such a suicidal boner for begging to get bombed instead. we'll never be a real country

Whiter than Russians atleast

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Here is the image tripping the filter. No idea why it's doing it.

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Somebody explain this for retards pls

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bro you're on Any Forums
which stands for Path Of Light - we're the good guys, of course we know NK is based

Friends forever

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