What are you doing to help the war effort? I got a Z T-shirt

What are you doing to help the war effort? I got a Z T-shirt.

Attached: rt.jpg (877x667, 59.48K)

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I bought snow runner with all the DLC and also day z. I dunno if it goes to Russian devs but its worth a try.

I hope the carribeans or whatever kick down your door and beat the shit out of you. Literally funding terrorism

buy more goy

Attached: external-content.duckduckgo.com.gif (307x362, 6.88K)

I bought anti tank weapons on the dark web and gave them to Ukranians


Bohemia is a cucked Czech dev that simps for Ukraine
>things are looking good!

Link ? (For research purposes only)

I sold fake anti tank weapons on the dark web that are designed to explode when used, in hopes Ukrainians would buy them.

>Dayz, made by Bohemia studios

Attached: file.png (856x907, 605.57K)


Attached: 1646840293299.jpg (473x553, 79.24K)


Attached: 1619161361497.png (1080x1873, 653.85K)

>checks flag
Of course you did CIA


Dude, the Z just stands for Zorro, lmao. Don't be such a bigot.

Attached: Zorro3.jpg (796x1000, 63.97K)

I tried, i thought it was sabre.
I just wanted to send Russia my energy.

I checked yesterday and they didn't have anything that interested me in the least. It was all just reverse virtue-signaling swag.

Just a green plastic cube with the RT logo on it, I would pay $20 for one of those.

thinking about painting a Z on my car door

bought a bottle of smirnoff earlier
insh'allah i will not be able to stand come midnight

Attached: GOPfL5p.jpg (620x465, 66.12K)

based. you're probably on a D*GOS list now, but it's totally worth it.