High Gas Prices are YOUR Fault

>COVID is a scam, but you still went along with it.
>BLM destroyed your communities and you let it happen.
>Trump won but you're accepting Biden anyway.
>Medical tyranny came and you participated or sat by and watched
>Inflation and supply chain shortages happening on purpose
>Indoctrination of your children happening on purpose and you justify it
>Great Reset proceeding ahead of schedule
>You still and wait for 2022 / 2024 to 'fix all of the problems'

When there IS a protest against any of this, you yell, "This is a glowie event!" and "They're gonna get beat up / their bank accounts frozen lul!"

You are the batteries that power this whole thing.

Attached: biden-gas-prices.jpg (656x572, 83.4K)

Other urls found in this thread:


"I can't do much"
- Josephs Regina Biden 2022 (81 gorliian votes)

>Demoralization thread

OP you should know that only faggot little cucks like you get Demoralized.

“I can’t do much” -most popular presidential candidate ever
I still don’t know a single person who voted for this nigger

so Rockfeller's 100+ year old oil monopoly Standard Oil (Exxon-Mobil + Chevron ) is our fault?
Well , let's break it up.
BP British Petroleum 100 year old oil monopoly is our fault? Let's break that one up also.
Let's see.
Oh, you shut down Keystone XL pipeline plans, and gave your buddy Buffet who owns railroad billions to transfer this oil. So it's yet more expensive.
Oh, french Total SA and Dutch Royal Dutch Shell oil monopolies are also our faults?

You fuckers supply useless "green" meme non working energy propaganda , with money from Rockfeller's and BP oil monopolies.
And you block nuclear industry , the only viable alternative to oil.
For 40 years.

Was this on your watch? Why did you not do anything about it? Oh, you've been getting millions $$ in kickbacks and gibs from this?
Also our fault, morons?



Holy shit, my sides

open the fucking pipeline

>Medical tyranny came
Medical mafia is so large, it's currently third largest industry in US, after financial and government. Overtaking energy.

It started with Rockefellers overtaking real medical industry over 100 years ago.

This is also our fault? Or will anyone in the government stand up and start doing ANYTHING about this, except Trump?

Is this also our fault?

How Rockefellers took over medial industry - The Rockefeller-Carnegie big pharma scam:



> politician is retarded
thats life
adapt and vibe fr

Attached: FB7s4j0XEAErld7.jpg (680x680, 67.1K)

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I know a few people that did, but they never talk about him now. But they still bring up blumph. I’m glad I moved and only see them a few times a year.

We're not looking at simply higher costs for energy and everything that oil and gas are used for (which is freaking everything). We're looking at shortages. Where people can't get what they need at any price.

1970s here we come!

Unfortunately true.

Can anything really be done about it though, we're in deep

>when russia more powerful than the us president

meanwhile in russia: a gallon of regular is $1.80
this was taken 4 days ago

fuck this captcha

Attached: gas price in russia.jpg (872x320, 45.07K)

i want to ride my bicycle
i want to ride my bike

good, joe. accelerate. make americans howl.

>When there IS a protest against any of this, you yell, "This is a glowie event!" and "They're gonna get beat up / their bank accounts frozen lul!"
This is true.
Anything big is a honeypot.
>You MUST act on small groups
>You MUST NOT engage with any other group unless you can vouch they are legit
>You MUST ENGAGE in vandalism and then terrorism
>You MUST only use cash
>You MUST NOT use any social network
>You WILL use legacy communication method

i know literally maybe 10 and i talk to like 200 people regularly. mostly younger people 20s 30s who care about politics and always vote at least since obummer

How long until it becomes trump's fault ?

>You WILL NOT follow e-celeb or self-proclaimed leaders

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