In Finland, roughly half of the nation's legislative and ministerial positions are held by women

In Finland, roughly half of the nation's legislative and ministerial positions are held by women

And it's working.

Any Forums wronged again

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finnish men count as women for purposes

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Position is the integral of velocity over time.

>it's working
Define working Ahmed

They all should be sucking dick

Why is she so fucking weird looking???

The Ottoman Empire started to die when they put women in charge, just saying. The Ottoman Empire no longer exists.

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Happiest nation on earth. Period.

>And it's working.
Yeah, just like the vax

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Politics in this country is so apathetic that most men would be bored to death in those jobs. Better to leave it to the women.

>in these homogenous, small, 99% white countries, feminism works
wowie really?

>its working
coomers are funny

Lol uh huh..

Scandic and Germanic women are high IQ robots. Every other woman is an overly emotional retard. They probably all have low grade aspergers. It's why historic Germanic societies were more egalitarian.
Being egalitarian with an Italian bitch or a slav bitch is a bad idea.
The end.

that was before they were elected

>and its working, in spite of them

>it's working.
This is what women with authority are like.

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The world would be so much better if more countries were like this, Any Forums hates women but 99% of their problems is caused by choices made by men in power.

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Remember that time they had a hijab scandal? Wouldn't have been an issue with male leadership. Nobody takes them seriously and they'll end up being a non consenting party to a jogger Somalis sexual emergency.

>It's working
Yeah working against Finland, we are unironically going extinct as a nation

Roastie hate thread?

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