It’s unironically over

It’s unironically over.

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>I order you to think about it Jack
it’s nothing

well wouldnt it be great if they had a central bank digital currency ready to go right about the west imminent collapse of the dollar as the reserve currency

If anything comes of this that means that the US dollar then has to compete with other digital currencies.

LMAO they’re going to rug the USD
Imagine all the pissed boomers
I hope none of you fags are holding

If they made a 'digital dollar' would that mean it could be kept in a crypto wallet of your own or is it possible they could mandate all transactions happen through their own exchange? If the latter then they will guarantee restrict access to that exchange based on whatever the fuck they want.

Very nice. They won't possibly inflate the shit out of their USD coin.

Don't be stupid. It's obviously a centralized coin, and they will monitor all transactions. They like the idea of getting rid of cash because cash transactions aren't tracked.

It has no benefits for consumers, other than maybe counterfeit money won't be possible.

That's not what he did. The executive order is to have agencies prepare for the regulation of crypto.

Yeah that's what I was thinking was their plan. Fuck that. All they will manage to do is normalize crypto transactions and everyone can just trade in something else ignoring their shitcoin altogether.

Underground currency will be created to trade for drugs, guns, certain items, and certain services. People want it, people don't want the feds knowing about it, and so it will be done. The feds will treat it like they do illegal things now: Bust random people so it looks like they are doing something about it, but otherwise either turn a blind eye and/or profit from it themselves. If people are too miserable, the population will become unmanageable and ungovernable.

>Digital Dollars
Check these dollars

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lmao, for what purpose? they have their own ready to go and they need to competitors to be worthless to get everyone into the CBDC social credit prison.

A taxable one unlike those pesky dangerous other ones.

It already does via USD stablecoins. I've been stacking GUSD for the past 11 months.

It's easier just to regulate the existing system. Besides, all they care about is getting the tax money, so the existing system will work just as well.
>inb4: you can't regulate crypto
> the day they make it a federal office to transact crypo in the US, it's regulated for all but the harshest criminal.

I'm sure pensions will be converted over.

>US finally converts the Dollar into a centralized shitcoin with an infinite supply
>nocoiners who hate crypto because they have strong convictions about PMs or physical assets are onboarded by force to use USD Token
>nocoiners who hate crypto because of MSM propaganda also forced to convert their holdings to USD Token
>all propagandists involved in COVID fearmongering change gears
>brainwash the brainwashed nocoiners further into embracing USD token ("it's tightly regulated by experts to avoid scams")
>make people who hold something like BTC or XMR into the new antivaxxers
>pass sweeping crackdown laws that basically punish anyone who transacts outside their financial system
>punish them directly because they can't shut down decentralized crypto networks
>encourage the brainwashed to snitch on anyone they know who mentioned crypto before 2021
>they cheer on when the Feds arrest some autist with XMR
>polarizing crypto coverage in the 24/7 news circuit continues, forcing everyone to take a side

My work is kind of related to this stuff, and I can tell you with 100% accuracy that EOs like this that order studies and consideration are simply pocket-liners for whatever agencies are up next in line.
It's just Govt-to-Govt (((re$earch grant))) tier stuff. They'll spend years "considering" this stuff while offices get brand new high-end equipment, fancy motor pool vehicles, etc. and nothing comes out of it.

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To reduce printing costs*

>sign executive order
>please consider
>pretty please
What a pussy.

thats not what this is about at all.
they want control, and CBDC is exactly how they would do that and they cannot do it with the current cryptos.
This allows them to see every transaction for every product at any time and base a social credit system on that and punish you accordingly.
They would be able to program the currency and dictate where you can and cannot spend it on. They get to tax you whatever they'd like at any point and shut you out of society with the press of a button.
they can get their UBI to lure people in, they can have their climate credits, their CO2 credits, punish you for flying, for driving a truck, for eating meat etc.
Complete and total control with no way out.

Will this make my diversified cryptocoin HODL tank?

it goes far beyond just taxes

Why would they? Boomers are dying off and their voting power with them. All resources are going to go toward paying off millennials student loans

it wouldn't work like a block chain technology at all.
cbdc is in no way crypto.


Oh look an entitled little shit millennial.

>it's even more retarded than I thought

it will run on a private ledger that's all, same tech as crypto but they can do what they want with it otherwise, not make it anonymous etc etc.

You will never be debt free

It would be closer to you using the US Govt for your bank and debit card rather than your credit union -- and all that awful shit that'd come from having a DMV-tier bank + constant Govt. monitoring of every purchase you make with the power to turn off your money with no recourse available to you if they do so.

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Well you see what they're attempting to do to Russia. Trying to fucking cancel a country with the most nuclear weapons on Earth. What are they going to do to you when you piss them off?

Creating "money" is a function reserved to Congress under Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution.
But I guess I'm the only person who cares anymore.
>The Congress shall have Power ... To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;