Did Putin just completely destroy 70 years of German-Russian friendship building in a couple of days?

Did Putin just completely destroy 70 years of German-Russian friendship building in a couple of days?

Attached: train norway.jpg (1192x778, 392.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


youtu.be/X6YeIM85SJg Vladimir Putin - "Empire of Lies"



youtu.be/5ESiqANzNpk russia send food

Jew rat Zelensky: no, I want make WW3, I don’t care about goyim at all, I am a jew.


If Germans finally understood that you don't make business with unstable dictatorships then yes. I'm still not sure that's the case though.

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no. Germany will be anxious for all this to be over and for the gas to start flowing again. Even Angela Merkel thought the American idea to add Ukraine to NATO was retarded.

Attached: bush.png (716x824, 64.57K)

Hello FSB agent

FSB = Russian CIA equivalent, albeit shittier

Main task: Intel gathering and propaganda

Tactics for shilling on Any Forums:
-VPN to use flags of the western/free world
-Preteding to be a non-Russian citizen
-They also have offices in other nations, from which they spam
-Giving shills a handbook on what to shill (outsourcing)
-Paying shills based on performance
-Stirring up anti-Ukraine/EU/USA sentiments
-Spamming selected, cherrypicked issues of western societies e.g US. airforce furry suit bomber pilots
-Worshipping Vodkamir Jewtins cult of persona
-Using wierd language due to shitty translation e.g. proofs
-Spreading propaganda of Russian military gains (mostly fake)
-Using insults specific to Ukrainians
-Claiming the West is collapsing/depression posting
-They never highlight any of the many, MANY issues that Russia has
-Posting racist, antijewish propaganda (non-organic)
-Praising le based Eastern Europe despite it being "Stalker" irl
-They profile nationalities, so use memeflags
-They also get help from Chinese propagandists

What you can do to stop thed Red Menace:
-Call them out, every single time
-Calling them svoloch (my favorite)
-Calling them mudak
-Calling them cyka
(Remember, they will not reply in Russian or Russian insults, since they are pretending to be Western citizens)
-Posting stacks of dead Russian troops
-Calling out what kind of distopian shithole Russia really is
-Ignore them, if you really want.

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russia has such poor drainage

Whole thing will be forgotten in a couple of years or so.


Zelensky lie about nuclear catastrophe

Nukes are jew rat hoax fear mongering

Zelensky need two more lines of coke!

Kike is high !

Attached: ZelenskyComedian.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Germany is the best example of the US still needing influence over Europe. Without the US then Germany would have dodged all the sanctions and tried to carry on the gas business without looking for other sources

No, Germany did when they backed the US.

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you poland niggers are by now the most annoying niggers to read on pol. you gluesniffers are literally butthurt about being butthurt 24/7. close to filter your meme flag for good

Deer, cows, bears, etc., are always on the tracks, eating the grain that leaks from the grain cars. Once hit a bear in a canyon that just bounced off the walls like a blood soaked game of pinball.

>id Putin just completely destroy 70 years of German-Russian friendship building in a couple of days?

polski pezdetsi watch your mouth kurva or Putin will have to teach culture.

Yes, I frankly don't feel like Germany fully belongs in the EU, same with Hungary and, to an extent, Poland, but hopefully we'll be able to change the government soon and get back on the right track.

>without looking for other sources
What other sources are there that can deliver reliably at a low cost? Remember Germany requested Nordstram 2 and the Russians initially said no.

Don't forget to put your cope cage on, ivan.

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France dodge all sanctions against Russia

Zelensky need more coke

Germany put embargo on it self 50% depand of oil and 30% gas ..

Price rocketing to Russians favor ... kek

Zelensky negotiate high on coke



Zelensky last words: I need two more lines ...


Germans are american bottoms. They will only do what their master tells them. A friendship with a slave is dishonest

>lines of coke
What are you doing?

Putin did nothing wrong.

Attached: 7525.jpg (960x684, 272.82K)

This. Anybody here who is not a totally newfag can always tell the Russian trolls by their propaganda and language.

Attached: NATO NATO NATO!.jpg (720x540, 50.96K)

there is no ivan here you dumb gluesniffer. you are the problem you cocksucker

The USA forced his hand.
If Ukraine joined NATO their border would be 500km. away from Moscow, a 1 day march over flat land without rivers.
Putin also knows that the Americans are forcing our hand, so the only thing standing in the way of repairing Russo-Germanic relations is Americans fucking around.
They did it again. The USA started another war and claim to be the good guys.