How long can Russia afford to continue the war?

Especially given their current economic situation.
A month, 2 months, half a year?

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They can't, every loss is irreplacable.
Their demographics are already shit, and with sanction russians will make even less babies and men will kill themselves even more rather than be conscripted into a meatgrinder.
>Weapons and equipment
They can't get anymore military grade electronics, semi-conductors, aviation parts and chemical components for alloys. So basically the only thing they can do is build 60's technology gear until in 5 to 10 years their industry can upgrade. If they can bc rn they don't have any free cash to modernize their industrial capacities.

Considering they are already blocking every exchange in foreign currency I would say even less. Money is the greatest weapon

is absolutely right. I do feel Russian zealousness will be the floodgate to hold all the shit back. As long as Russian citizens prefer whatever stability they have now to living near North Korea-poverty and dying in a "special operation", Russia government will still exist

Why aren't they withdrawing troops then?

>Considering they are already blocking every exchange in foreign currency I would say even less.
A week then, got it.

Cause Putin's dick would shrink

so long as they dont open their stock market they are fine (no mcdonalds though)

>so long as they dont open their stock market they are fine
It doesn't work like that.

Kek, what are you even saying man? It's a catastrophe.

>As long as I don't lpent the letter from the bank that says 'we are confiscating your car's my car is mine forever

Oh yeah. The fact they can't afford it, don't mean they'll back down. Actually it might have the opposite result.
This war for a good bunch of Russians, including Putin is their last stand. At least they see it like it. The last convulsions of an already decaying body. That is what make them so ruthless to civvies and why they don't care about the international perception of this conflict.

So the question is not "can they afford it ?" but more "How deep are they ready to dig their hole to make their point ?". Functionaly, as long as they can pay their soldiers.

They are running a surplus and have enough food. He also has public support. So until many more people are dead I guess.

Not opening stock markets is not a solution at all. Closing stock exchange is just a way to stem abrupt temporary changes in the market by slowing down trade, the truth however is that trade of stock continues and with an indefinite closure the stock will be traded outside the exchange for even less than their actual value, further devaluing the market. Closing the stock exchange solves nothing, it just crashes their economy harder but slightly slower

>Functionaly, as long as they can pay their soldiers.
I wonder when soldiers start to ask to be paid in food instead of rubles.

Works with cope cages.

They are bumrushing to get any save face "win" like pulling a half assed "siege of Kyiv" that will be about as airtight as a swiss cheese. Also they need to leverage their barbarians stuck wandering inside that hornets nest in the upcoming peace deal, for they need to use every little thing they have to get the most crushing sanctions off their back. Like I will go out pre two weeks borders if you let us back into swift kind of deal.

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This. On paper the companies are still there while their stocks is being exchanged everywhere else without Moscow control

Depends on what they run out of first. Bodies, equipment or money.

>"Wheew man, this Ukraine campaign was hard, I lost most of my unit who burned to a crisp inside their BMD. Can't wait to go back to Moscow, I'll go to McDonalds first, then I'll buy some prada shoes to my girlfriend, and we will chill for a few days with Netflix. Maybe we will take some holidays this summer in Italy, should I get a international mastercard ?" Wait...

The government will not stop sending able bodied men to die until the Ukrainians surrender or the Russians run out of men.

The main pillar of Russian Nationalism is that their military is strong, if this is shown to not be true, the psychological damage done will be indescribable.

LOL. At least he’ll have all of those rubles from all of that accrued combat pa- oh wait. The ruble isn’t even worth anything anymore..

On the other hand this also means that if the Ukrainians manage to get their shit together and push the Russians out then Putin's regime is going to collapse into 1917 2.0.

They clearly cant solve it by body throwing honestly. More dudes with worse equipment is just going to exacerbate the absolutely awful logistical issues they are facing. Starvation of your own troops is the fastest way to lose a war.

>On the other hand this also means that if the Ukrainians manage to get their shit together and push the Russians out
...then Putin is going to go full bananaz and nuke Kyiv.

Balkanize the shithole.

He can't since it's not up to him to actually use the nukes. Russian nukes are decentralized to hell.

THIS. Russia is too big. Give Japan back their islands for being team players despite their history of being awful people.. because fuck Russia

>Well you see the problem is like this.
>You try to shove so many VDV through the northern highways all at once that they get stuck, like this.
>Kyiv never actually falls, because nobody can get to it.
Mr Putin Syndrome.

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Even if they manage to occupy Ukraine the sanctions won't go away. World will at least demand the separatist states to be moved back to statues quo.

With any luck all the warlords nuke each other and wipe Russia off the map, finally ridding us of the zit on the face of Europe.

Remember when Soviets bragged about being first in space? Imagine if Russians chose to be the best engineers, the best programmers, the best video game developers and bragged about making heaps of cool shit rather than embarking on military conquests every decade. It's a shame what modern Russia is. By all right they should be more like Japan of the Arctic and less like Saudi Arabia.

Unfortunately I fear that all of the people involved in launching nukes are crazed ireedentists who want to re-establish the Russian Empire so badly that they would literally rather turn Ukraine into an irradiated wasteland rather than it be independent.

About time. They are a drag on the world

Haishenwai Russian Autonomous Region, Part of China.


Cause Putin is being told bullshit how they are doing just fine and everything is going according to plan. Nobody wants to be the messenger who will be thrown out of the window. Putin does not follow any news media or find out about things by himself every paper he reads is screened by FSB first.

afford? If they cant even pull their shit together with this assault then how can they ever?
Ukraine is not USA, they need to beat it to become strong, how can they themselves call themselves an army? If you cant get your army together to solve an invasion your army was never there to begin with. Loyalty is at a all time low, but is that Putin's faulth or his people? You cant just expect shit to be taken care off FOR YOU. You can only represent a country with your own involvement in it, if you aren't then you might not even be a citizen, just a random person readdy to leave at any time, 0 trust, 0 connection, 0 identity, this person might not even exist to begin with.

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That’s a hot one… I feel like we’re going to have to deal with the CCCP sooner or later so probably not? What do you think?

And companies are already writing their Russian businesses as complete losses and will leave the country for indefinite time until regime changes. Putins party openly saying that they will nationalize businesses who withdraw does not help.

Russia has 1.4 fertility rate and is now on the brink of financial collapse. Who will bring their men back, who will stop more high IQ russians from leaving their country? Who will replace the equipment lost?

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As long as Putin is in control

Epic fail.

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Allegedly they are resorting to mercenaries now that they can't send in conscripts, along with their VDV cull. But will Genghis from Stan or Mohammad from Syria even go? Maybe, maybe they can convince some idiot who still think that Russia is a white paradise but...invading your fellow 'White' country is a big no.

They can pull out museum pieces but that is not part of Russian plans. Or beg China but even China is quietly backing out.

>Come back from several months of brutal combat in the Ukraine campaign
>Results foggy, no clear winner or loser
>Come home to a failing Pariah nation, completely cut off from the outside world
>Your military pay is now worth next to nothing
>Only thing on TV is RT and old Soviet war movies
>Can't even play Vidya because Steam banned Russia
The dev of Regiments is a Russian. I hope he's not getting too raped by sanctions. I was really looking forward to it.

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It's the financial equivalent of putting someone dying into an artificial coma. It's really just delaying the inevitable while hoping a miracle happens.

I don't think it's happening but I think it'd be a nice piece of karma cherry on top of the shit cake named Russia's Humiliation.

I think there will be national stock holders that make sure there isnt a complete collapse once it opens, but at this point Russia is spending billions fast trying to fix their economy, and the truth is that I dont think even USA's economy could stem of the economic issues

>if i don't take the aids test i won't ever have aids

Soldiers are paid in rubles. Food is paid in rubles. Fuel is paid in rubles. New advanced factory equipment or electronic components from abroad might be constrained.

It really is a sad fate to befall a people, but unfortunately it's hardly a new one. Russian history is essentially just a series of phases of suffering ebbing and flowing in intensity. They don't really catch a break, historically speaking. '91 could've been another chance to start fresh but I guess it wasn't to be.

I take your point. Fuck the Chinese government. But yes, the spiteful symbology of something like that would be beautiful. Seriously, fuck Russia. Responsible for so much misery in the world.

Replaced by Zhen Gongfu



Union Pay

Russia has made their bed with Chinese silk. They can lie in it.

Lol no. The three main branches of the Kremlin machine the mafia state the army the "securocrats" have almost all been severely burned by Putin monkes great adventure as evidenced by the utmost secrecy he took this invasion decision without informing the larger machine. If it ends in a clear cut defeat with the most combat capable parts of the army disintiegrating in there he is most certainly going to lose his head and his corpse turned into a scapegoat and negotiation chip.

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It's gonna be worse since Putin plans to cut off the internet. There virtually nothing left aside from vodka to escape their hellhole of a nation.

lets hope he does not cuck out to putin

Food is paid in rubles but tractors and mechanized equipment are not.

Fuel is paid in rubles, but to refine it and get the chemicals to do so you need other currency.

Also all spare parts that Russia uses are not made in Russia, Cina is good for.some electronics but all the automotive know how is between Eu and USA. They are being unplugged from the world, they deserve it but it's sad.


Any smart Russian is probably moving out now. Paradox is going on a recruiting drive.

>so long as they dont open their stock market they are fine (no mcdonalds though)

Problems aren't wolves. They're not going to run away I to the forest

Problems don't go away if you ignore them.

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>cant import materials or products because rubble
>cant export because sanctions and no one wants to buy subpar export products
>no one wants to invest because huge pr issues
>tens of thousands have already lost their job and more to follow as company after company shuts down due to being unable to even function

The fucking insane pipedream that russian economy is self sufficient is so absurd you should abandon it entirely

Sanctions has killed Russia. History in general is hard to learn from but one trend repeats pretty reliably:
Once unemployment in the young male demographic reaches about 30% a revolution happens. Give it 10 years and Russia goes full blyatmode. Nobody ever toppled their government while having 3 square meals a day, but you take that away and you have a large group of young males with nothing to do and no wife to fuck and things start up.

Even bank of China said that they cannot invest, too risky for the future and they could possibly never get their money back.

If you want a look at Russia's future. See Iran. Another petrol state under heavy sanctions, probs propped up only by China.

Let’s not forget, the Russian government, or the idea of a Russian union is a tsarist construct. It’s archaic, and it’s past it’s expiration date. This is the beginning of the end, and I’m happy to celebrate it with you bros.

>Remember when Soviets bragged about being first in space? Imagine if Russians chose to be the best engineers, the best programmers, the best video game developers and bragged about making heaps of cool shit rather than embarking on military conquests every decade.
Points is soveits were only good at bragging but not actual deeds. USSR invented nothing, it used western progress in science and industry to develop.

It is spiritual reason of this war Russians are not good at aything creative. They are orcs. And after realing it, been humiliated by it they are back to orcs habits, chimping out and attacking weak neighbors to stroke their orcish ego.

More like North Korea.

10 years? Lol. 5 weeks, I just fired 115 Russian employees (corporate hr here) with no regrets. No paradise of the workers for you comrades.

Ceausescu (execution), Milosevic (jail) or exile?

Mmm oh no no no

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Weren't their rockets made by German scientists 'recruited' after WWII anyway?

>he is most certainly going to lose his head and his corpse turned into a scapegoat and negotiation chip.
This is literally the only way out for Russia as a nation to go back to their status before the war. The longer they delay overthrowing Putin and blaming him the less they'll have to negotiate with.
It's that or becoming a new NK shithole as China's vassal.

Apparently Putin is bringing up another 40 BTG so yeah he's gonna keep feeding in men until he wins or runs out.

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Heh, another consultancy firm that we work with fired 700 in a day, another 500 will finish their projects within this month and go home. Just doing our part

>blaming innocent people for the decision of their government

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Apparently they’re admitting to using conscripts for logistics now, which should give you an idea of how fucked their situation is that they’re even admitting that.

On the one hand throwing in recruits from all Russia means you can send in soldiers more likely to kill since a Tatar, Yakut, has no brotherly feeling for Ukraine.

On the other hand, if they die, Poots would have pissed off every ethnic group in Russia.

Can't Russia build Ural-4320 or other vehicles independently? Which refining input do they need to import? How did they produce fuel during the Cold War?

The Russians have allowed a bunch of Dictators run their country to the ground for an entire century. At some point they just deserve it.

And they fucked up by saying that they are mostly used for logistics. When logistic unta are there ones whose burnt up bodies litter the countryside.

Ukebros, what's going on?

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>40 BTG
>cant even fix the logistics of the current force
God they really have no fucking clue what the issue is

Although I would like source

I cannot fire Putin man, also they keep giving him the thumbs up in the polls. Frankly it's up to the Russians to show to west that they are worth saving. As of now everyone is pissed and fed up with their bullshit empire claims.

The equipment used in oil/gas production, and the engineers that run it, are european (german, nordic). They’ve stopped lada production and will soon stop ural production. Everything is global now

>Country that didn't start the war is open to ending the war

He's been saying that since day 0 of the war, literally every leader of every every side of every war says that, including Putin in this war.

They’ve always been ready for one. If Zelensky can get prewar borders and into the EU, plus no military concessions, he’ll take it. That’s a win for Ukraine.

should've thought about it before you reelected monke for the sixth time bucko

Cold war was long ago, supply chain changed as economies integrated. The point is that even the manpower is missing and more missing if they keep sending young men to die

Just ignore the vatnikcope
It is so far removed from reality it is not worth engaging

That'll never happen, Crimea is going to Russia, as well as Donbas. Also Ukraine is not getting into EU.

>believes polls
>believes voting matters in the police state where all real opposition is killed
>blaming on the ones who managed to escape the hellhole

He is very much ready to give up Crimea and the two shitholes if it means getting rid of Russia for now. Getting close to the West and joining the EU for economic growth is the real plan to save his country.

Okay, gopnik.

is there anything left to lose?

fuck jannies

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Their gearbox was manufactured *drum roll* in Kharkov. And the lathes and tool to make gearboxes are manufactured in *drum roll* Germany, Czech Republic and Japan.
>How did they produce fuel during the Cold War?
Refineries in Azerbaijan, Ukraine and baltics. They do have the technology and refineries to continue to work for a few month. The manufacturers of refineries catalyst are BASF (germany) Shell (UK-NL)and Honeywell (US). They have ZERO domestic producers of catalysts. So basically in a few month they'll only have heavy oil to run diesel engines that will choke after a few thousand kilometers.

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Did you guys get moved from Any Forums or something?
