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It's 2022 and it's time we end Nazism once and for all. We need to start exposing these far right extremists and banish them and their entire bloodline from our civilization.

Who is with me!?

Attached: Screenshot_20220309-095614_Twitter.jpg (1080x794, 305.18K)

Send them to a campus in Madagascar

Reddit, so try rounding up other npcs there

How do they have 300 Jewish workers?

300 faculties out of 300 I presume?

Toronto is one of the most diverse places on the planet and everyone hates jews, yet they fail to realize they are the problem..

Why do these nincompoops claim to be smart?

fuck jews
they whine a lot

>300 jews with fairytale level jobs complaining about mean words.

Turning 300 into 0

it's fucking Muslims and that fucking kike won't ever fucking say it's them. Why? Because kikes imported Muslims for Dieversity

>nazism = hating jews
can we stop this monolithic meme


All of them are pro-palestine leftists

All the chinese too

Attached: A Jew in Mao's China – The Forward.png (645x938, 220.49K)

Yeah I know but chinese students can be more openly racist and don't have white guilt. Anyway if you look at the tweets I was right, it was a far left pro-palestine protest of a holocaust speech.

Chinks just want to take over power from kikes

that's why kikes are fighting so hard to keep their racial selection process in elite schools. they know that Chinks are champing at the bit to flood credential mills

It doesn't matter how. It's the real number and to question that number is blatant antisemitism. Now, please focus on the topic at hand. Jews are the victims once again and need our help.

I suggest a small donation of $10,000 from each if us to a local synagogue.

Wow is everyone who works at that University Jewish?

Based pakis

3,000 jews are under attack in Toronto you nazi

why would 3000 jews sign a open letter?

>it cant be because i am personally an insufferable asshole
>You Must Hate All Jews!

300 faculty members are kikes.
No, Jews aren't running academia at all.

>300 faculty members are kikes.
I thought this as well, but there's 15000 faculty members.

fake and gay

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