/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #474 /Chug/Not /cuhg/

Previous: >>#473

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.

>Biden's oil requests snubbed by Saudis and UAE
>U.S. Deputy Sec of State Nuland admits to biolabs in The Ukraine
>China demands the US release more details regarding the 26 US-backed biolabs in Ukraine ASAP
>Putin signs decree banning exports from Russia, imports to Russia of certain products & raw materials until 2023
>Berdyansk, Kherson, Irpin, and Energodar have fallen - Mariupol is surrounded and besieged
>US has banned russian oil, gas and coal imports
>US gas prices hit 4.17$ a gallon, an all time high
>Zelensky “ready to recognize” Crimea as Russian
>Zelensky: No longer interested in NATO
>Kiev Surrounded, M30 east of Kiev has Russian vehicles
>Ceasefires violated again after foreign students were evacuated
>Russia will ceasefire / attempt to evacuate civilians AGAIN tomorrow
>Irpin and Kiev mass exodus happening
>Irpin street fighting, Russia 22km from Kiev center
>Russia: Evacuation from Mariupol, Melitopol, Byrdansk prevented.
>European natural gas hits 2500, then 3800 euro/1000m3, a 6x increase in one month
>3rd round of negotiations ongoing
>Russia declares ceasefire in Kharkov, Melitopol, Sumy, and Kiev to allow for evacuation
>Reportedly explosions at the Kharkov research institute, which houses an experimental nuclear reactor
>Russia encourages Russian websites to migrate to Russian hosts in leaked documents
>Russian MoD dropped new info confirming the presence of US-backed biolabs in Ukraine




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Other urls found in this thread:


>Ukrainian position in Nikolaev being hit

>USA deputy secretary confirming the news about the 'biolabs'
files.catbox.moe/7kvy7m.mp4 (New)

>Bio Labs Damage Control (Schitz poster was right)

>Destroyed Ukraine Tanks
files.catbox.moe/pf02zi.mp4 (New)

>DNR flexes on bongs with captured NLAWs
files.catbox.moe/ah929j.mp4 (New)

>Russian supply convoy attacked, ambushers annihilated.
files.catbox.moe/vxxrd4.mp4 (New)

>I'm going to shoot down an att - ACK! ACK ACK!


>Ukraine Accidental Redpill


>Students rounded up like wild animal

>Russian Cruise Missiles ZOOOM

>funny man in a hat plants explosives in playground

>More Ukrainian Equipment - Kherson

>/our pajeet/ calls out Western bullshit

>ABC journo is confused that Russians support the invasion

>Buses arrived in Mariupol to evacuate civilians

>Ukie TB-2 shot down by a russian SAM

>Ukraine is Winn-ACK!

>Joe Biden wake up 9/11


>Massive stacks of Ukranian equipment captured

>War Crimes
files.catbox.moe/5htqz4.mp4 (2015)

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>US is working with Ukraine to prevent biological research facilities from falling into the hands of Russians — Nuland

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blessed first post

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Bros, I support Russia, but Putin has made his nation look weak and stupid with the way he has done this war. Complete logistics disorganization that still hasn't been solved, thunder runs into random cities that got wiped out, massive air loses, pausing for a week so Ukraine can get resuplied. It goes on and on. Is he isolated enough that he doesn't know what a stupid loser he's made himself look like? He needs to reverse this now or Russia is doomed in information warfare it was supposed to excel at.

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Thank you, bird.

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Thanks for the bake, fren

shills mad

Good morning chugfrens, how are we doing today? Any big news?

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Finally real thread

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Why is there no progress the last couple of days lads? When will Russian forces go on the offensive again?

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more r*ssians died

holy shit is that poca from arknights?

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I haven't seen more apparent concern troll.

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Finally a good fucking thread!

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Why girls with body like that exist in real life? This is so unfair bros

I come into your home, rape your family, kill your dog, destroy your job, blow up your house. Then invite you to come live with me.

Are you coming or not?

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cease fire
probably after negotiations

"A total of 2,786 elements of the Ukrainian military infrastructure have been destroyed over the time of the operation," Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said.

In particular, these targets include 953 Ukrainian tanks and other armored vehicles, 101 multiple rocket launchers, 351 field artillery systems and mortars, 718 special military automobiles, and 93 unmanned aerial vehicles, he said.

"During the day of March 9, Russian Aerospace Forces bombers and attack planes have destroyed 49 military targets, including two control centers, six air defense missile systems, four ammunition and fuel depots, and 37 weapons and military hardware concentration areas," Konashenkov said.

list of video urls from various sources files.catbox.moe/inhkcx.txt

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>bros i'm on your side but heres why we suck
i don't care
russia will win despite everything you said


like i said your gov does this to you and here you are shilling for them

Why can't*

remember to get your booster

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>14 days
>no cities
>no progress

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Zurück in die Ukraine mit dir, Schweinchen.

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kek literally

>like i said your gov does this to you and here you are shilling for them
no it doesn't? nor have I ever been conscripted to engage in such acts of depravity.

They do exist you're not getting close to one.

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maybe come up with something new so you stop glowing so hard

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>Temporary closure of the McDonald's restaurant chain in Russia will cost the company $50 million a month, Reuters reports, citing a statement from the company.

Right after the "ceasefires". Russia uses the ceasefires too to move supplies and troops from behind and recon i guess.
I bet tonight there will be some offensives.

They do.

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Russian troops captured another city today it is why the threads are glowing

Attached: Russian troops enter Skadovsk.webm (350x640, 2.37M)

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I'm lovin' it

Lol that seethe BAD KOREA

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maybe come up with a good answer for it

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its like they don't care anymore, kinda sad honestly

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Zelensky is going to cave to putin, make a deal behind US state department's back, and leave the west holding a giant steaming bag of finacial excrement.
Biden fucked us

My country has historically shown plenty of positive attitude towards the US even after all the Operation Condor shit, so why not?

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It's not rape when it comes to the cockholes;-)
Just like it's not a crime to butcher the pigs because they are not people.

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Russia gains far more from employment and taxes

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Saudi King mogs Biden, mfw.

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kys swede shill

As you can see, the shills are seething, coping, and, most likely, dilating.
That's not new tho.

I rejected your mom's advances

What would you do /chug/gers ?

Get help. You will never make a connection with a human being if you're like this.

>Short big tiddies

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I only eat "the invasion" burger

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There is absolutely no reason why'd you name it /cuhg/ than to be divisive shill.

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Do you like the Russian fine art?

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this must be the real thread, due to this based man being here.

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you have more willpower than me, i hit it

welp, that's one moist underage pussy right there

Z and V t-shirts arrived, also I want to fucccc the PM of Funland.

>mutt talking about disorganised army logistics
o i am laffin

Lol later bud
Cuhg typo but thanks for your bake effort

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What's the worst korea post say?

Need me a bossy shortstack woman that I can dick down on every surface of my home.


Write it right.

i think it was awful. are the people responsible for that still in power? what year did that happen?
not sure why you are dehumanizing your opponents again

What exactly is on it?

Go back to your inflated gas prices, mutt.

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>heh, people getting tired of feeding me (You)s because I'm posting the same garbage means I won!

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what is the pink sauce

Something like "bastard I'll kill you".


>that Swedish schizo

>Yfw America buckles and is forced to make a no-fly zone

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Erase your thread, and we will go on.

>KillNet claims they hacked SBU database with 49 000 names

I'll keep baking threads until the swede goes away

kek i will remember to use this wording it will really make shills seethe

He's an uhg shill

Orang sakit jiwa itu wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

>not sure why you are dehumanizing your opponents again
Russians and Ukrainians are the same people, he just hates himself

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that's a steal even for a Russian, isn't it?

holy fuck that was awkward. That guy needs his hard drives searched

honestly expect the worst, hope for the best.
not really much to do other than what you've trained for at that point

Your government killed a bunch of dogs and locked everyone inside for 2 years because of a flu

knowing Russians, it's probably beet-based.

look like ham/hoholberger

Chill out there pedo

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it is because he isn't Russian or Ukrainian. He doesn't even seen Russians or Ukrainians as humans. That is your clue to what "he" really is

Remember to ignore trash cans.

They're still gonna pay salaries, as per their statement. Well at least mcdicks will.