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Called it


Based Russians getting all that free furniture.

Let me get this str8 m8
>Corps punish Russia by closing operations in country
>Same corps push agenda to corrupt the minds of young people into believing they deserve free shit
>Russia takes their abandoned shit and says kthxbi

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This means what


>Noises of starving Russsians huffing GLU

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Western companies lose. Nobody ever does business in the West ever again. West collapses.

Ruble collapses in Western markets. Nobody in Russia notices a difference, except no more Levi's and instead a Chinese brand that is literally exactly the same made in the same factory with the same material called Lewi's.

Those companies will an hero, especially McDonald's and Starbucks. The whole business model is in the location and buildings.

Hope it happens ASAP kek It will stop this bullshit within days. They're not going to be happy with, what was it, 80 McD's locations?

this means free unplanned donations from woke companies to russia

who really wants to bring the USSR back

The West will do the same, and then a lot of arabs and similar will sell their properties.
A crash on the real estate market is a good thing long term though.
Finally a move where it's the rich that loose the most, in both the West and Russia.

lmao based

Maybe now these stupid globalist bastards will realize the risks of putting all their shit in hostile foreign countries.

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>Russians are biggest exporters of grain


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Why wouldn’t they? Foreign governments just stolen Russian assets, they’ll do the same.
If it isn’t obvious, Russia has planned to revive their command economy.


something like that. i cant wait to see this

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kek me too, yesterday
I hope they follow by creating the wario burger franchise

Cuckpitalism btfo

virtue signaling is no longer free

Most corporations are more like landlords, very few locations are actually run by them.
Now their rent money goes to Russia instead of foreign corporations.

Do it. If the Western corporations are going to end operations in Russia there is no reason for Russia not to nationalize all property and assets of those Western corporations

The West take over Russian properties.
The rich loose both here and there, so it's all good.

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Soviet Union 2.0

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It's fucking hilarious. This is the end of globohomo.

No western company will ever, ever, EVER invest in Russia again. China also did this in a limited fashion vis-a-vis 3M's PPE factory caused them to move production back to America last year and is why the construction industry as a whole is moving away from China (though Trump's EO forcing this has helped, as has Biden's formal subsidization of it). Whereas in China it's merely causing a major disruption to business relations, in Russia it will permanently end them. The other country that did this, Venezuela, is now a based and redpilled Marxist state with Marxist bread lines because Kelloggs factory was taken from them because farmers could not sell wheat at profitable prices so their farms were taken from them too. The supply chain collapse has only gotten worse and is why their government must now subsidize fuel as Venuzeulan laws do not permit easy construction of oil refineries.

That's the future for Russia (and eventually China too) now: Maduro.

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Lmao. Pretty much this. No need to spend time replicating the IKEA catalogue because the chinese will just make extra ones for Russia.
The west is dead on so many levels. Nothing but high IQ responses to this situation.

user, Investors lose all their money, so who then owns it?

So what cool loot are they going to get?

I hope it set off a cascade where everything foreign owned will get nationalized all over the world.

I thought it was north of 200 McD's.

The Russians get their McDonald's back. Thank god

kek. user id number k0hzemqz you are the winner on today's make me laugh. come on down!

West gets BTFO, jews seethe, Russia gains factories and cheap products

Communism is back baby, yeah

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They should just put a bullet in Putin's head and move on

You're so unique and smart


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This means we will not get any foreign company/service in Russia for a while.
Considering we don't produce anything either, we are going straight into deficit route with ordering everything from China at horrible ruble rates.

Cool inflation sink.