Russia is based. It takes back what's its own. It took back Crimea...

Russia is based. It takes back what's its own. It took back Crimea, took back Kaliningrad which is an ethnic Russian land. Soon it will retake the rest of all you fake European countries that historically belonged to Russia and the Eastern Block. Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Finland and others are Russia's rightful colonies, the historical Soviet sphere of influence, fake nations invented by Franco-Anglo-Germanic nationalists and Napoleon. They betrayed us in 1939, 1968, 1991, they demolish Soviet statues. We will take them back and punish the traitors. Russophobia needs to stop. Futile are their attempts to prevent the greatest Russia-China alliance in history. Our time will come. Soon

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Based. Russia will save us. Fuck Russia haters.


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Do you have any claims on Australia? Otherwise I support.

>Our time will come. Soon
Lmao your country is a fucking shithole you won't accomplish anything except somehow getting rekt by ukrainian soldiers for some reason

Russia is monke, Russia take banan.

>BTFOing the west
Yep I'm thinking ba...
>so it can become a chinese vassal
Wait what?

>highest abortion and AIDS rate in europe
>highest Muslim population in Europe
>holocaust denial and "hate speech" land you in prison

wtf, so based..

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Yes, comrade. Victory will be ours!

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>Only thing what Russia is taking back within the >next couple years are living standards of the >1930s - hunger and gulag.


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Possible. Westerners are cowards novadays, they will not die for warsaw imo.

Globohomo nato will throw us under the bus, test how far you'll go, then Jalta again. Possible

Russia is shit. Literal shit. It murders the civilians of other countries to steal their stuff and their land. It cheats and reneges on agreements it signed and then whines about verbal ((( promises ))) made by some errand boy fetching coffee.

Worst. People. On. The. Planet.

sorry you believe all putin's shit
lyudmila left his balding manlet ass for a younger model
invasion of ukraine is beta cuck manlet rage
>lyudmila just you see, i'm a weeeal man

хoхлы бyдyт ocвoбoждeны

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Russia is just repeating history and it will collapse once they genocide enough of their own people

ya know, I fully endorse extermination of russian people, and fuck nato and globohomo stuff, I just wish most painful death upon, I want you to suffer for the sake of it subhuman

Haдeюcь cкopo бpaт, нaдeюcь cкopo.

Aбcoлютный фyндaмeнт, бpaт