US spending $1.5T on Ukraine aid


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Other urls found in this thread:$1.5 trillion Ukraine aid

Seems like a good fuse for civil war

Oh wow no source.
You should kill yourself Ivan.

i wish i could burn this money

Don't know if bait or really just a retarded american

>> Congressional leaders reached a bipartisan deal early Wednesday providing $13.6 billion to help Ukraine and European allies plus billions more to battle the pandemic as part of an overdue $1.5 trillion measure financing federal agencies for the rest of this year.

Typical /pol reading comprehension

Here you go, ma'am.$1.5 trillion Ukraine aid

>All of this is to cover their own corruption and dirty money in Ukraine

Really makes you think

>Congressional leaders reached a bipartisan
>deal early Wednesday providing $13.6 billion

it's $13.6 billion
the $1.5 trillion is for the whole government

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>american can't comprehend a single english sentence
Sounds abiut right

No they just broke up their 666 bill into smaller bites and then threw some ukraine aid money in to guarantee the neocucks vote it into law, which they almost undoubtedly will

>1.5 trillion on Ukraine
>1.5 trillion on American infrastructure
I really hope America doesn't keep fucking throwing and actually invests in it's roads, trade schools and industry

No sacrifice is too grand for Khazaria!

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.5 trillion on Ukraine
.5 trillion on American infrastructure
>I really hope America doesn't keep fucking throwing and actually invests in it's roads, trade schools and industry
It's not just Americans, the English also fail at English.

Yea. That's the best time to print more fiat money. The kike clown can't wait more

wanna burn with it?

Isn't that double the 2008 bail out money? Oy vey

Gosh darn it, help me clear some things up will ya bucko?

You are telling me that the US Department of Defense was funding biolabs in Ukraine and using them as a slush fund for the rich and famous? You are telling me Metabiota is directly funded by Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca? That Obama founded the Defense Threat Reduction Agency in 2005 when he was a senator? That every election since at least 2008 has been pre-planned and every character a willing participant on a global corruption scheme where potentially billions (at least tens of millions) of tax payer dollars from nearly every western country were funneled into the pockets of the family and friends of our unelected officials?

Is that right? Is that what you are telling me? That George Soros used his money to fund these mostly fake* biolabs as a tool for bribery and coercion? These mostly fake biolabs that only exist on paper except(*) for the ones that only exist to develop a bioweapon to genocide every single ethnic russian on the planet? Am I over the target yet? Also let's not forget Saudi Arabia and the UAE who are both refusing to answer Biden's calls because they want nothing to do with this shit fest of a global scale watergate foobared clusterfuck of a fucking fuck up!?!?!?!

>and European allies
by european do they mean the european broadcast zone and one very special ally

That’s a lot of javelins.

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Why do we send anyone money? Not our problem poorfag nigger countries.

Is that an act of war?


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Nobody asked me if i wanted to donate $40 to Ukraine. I absolutely do not. Fuck the American government. Not a single dollar should leave our borders. This is robbery.

suck it up goys you won't do shit

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>it's $13.6 billion
>It's not ALL going to Ukraine, just $13.6 billlion!
T-Thanks, Rabbi

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Oh wow, only 13.6 billion.
It's like nothing.
It just seems so small next to 1.5 trillion yeah it's nothing.
Just 13.6 billion.
Absolutely nothing.

Yeah dude, it's only like 50 dollars per American.

Pay up goy.

I hate the US government so goddamn much. I fully support China and Russia nuking DC out of existence

The US government continues to virtue signal with tax payer funds

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I think you meant top lawmakers reach deal to send 13 billion into the uniparty's coffers and the Swiss Bank Accounts of leading politicians.

It's worse when you remember like half of the country isn't going to be paying for this because they're children, vagrants, disabled / female, etc.

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>it all went israel by "mistake"