Why can't we simply farm city garbage and use it to mine heavy metals like gold, silver from electronics...

Why can't we simply farm city garbage and use it to mine heavy metals like gold, silver from electronics, and melt the plastic into breakable compound we can use as fuel and electric energy and other compounds we can industrially use instead of throwing it away at the ocean?

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The fish have to eat something too.

the issue is we're killing them faster than they can breed.

In Cyberpunk 2077 (lol) Detroit becomes a economic powerhouse doing this
They've got the car batteries to eat, they'll be fine

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That is by far the hottest gook I've ever seen. I've seen a lot of them at American U in DC and fucked quite a few, none nearly as hot as that. Fuck I've love to smell her rice box. We used to in the 90s, taking the gold from cellphones and computers, but the price of it has tanked so hard it's not worth it.

t. former electronics engineer recycler

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inst urban mining now cheaper and more profitable than traditional mining?

I have a feeling that incinerating trash and recovering the energy from it then using cyclone separators to recover the raw materials is actually a profitable way to deal with the problem but fact is they WANT problems so that they can have reasons for use to give up our responsibilities to them.

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the issue is creating a way for companies to make a profit.

If jews can smell money by recycling waste, they'll do it as long as they can make money.

why the long mid face, gookbitch?

I'm not sure on that front, it mostly had to do with how cellphones used to stick literally a giant gold ring around the antenna as some kind of meme magic that would get you better reception. Also the meme of pulling a plastic antenna out to get better reception to a fucking tower 10s of miles away, lol.

If I had to guess, it's probably because the effort to ship it to a country in Africa where they don't care about getting cancer to recycle the metals then ship it back, is probably far cheaper than paying someone to go mine Lithium.

we do
>plastic fuel
most take more energy to convert than they produce by burning.

From what I know companies realized is cheaper to just mine from old electronic waste insted of mining thousands of dirt from bolivia and congo.

That sounds about right. I used to live near an electronics recycler in Dallas, and the amount of old junk electronics they had there was astounding. Literally parking lots full of 90s computers just waiting to be sent to Ghana so some starving nigglet can sniff lead fumes and get cancer for 20 cents an hour.

We already do that

again, is a mostly issue caused by american consumption.

No argument from me, fren. I think consumption will be the death of us all. All I need is my T420 and my stolen OC-192 business internet to be happy.

Is a technological issue because we're reaching the end of the capitalism consumption model.

Yeah I was just talking to that with some Ruski frens on Telegram. There's only so many times you can re-release the same bullshit and have people buy it. The dwindling numbers for personal computer sale and the increase of mobile sales shows people don't care about power anymore, they just want their social media updoot dopamine releases.

I think I need to read a bit of marxist theory, but I assume most of pol will call me names if I tell me I tried to read anything marxist.

I think you need to learn that not everything is black and white fren. Just because you hate the quantified system of superiority doesn't mean you need to grow a beard and revolt against the system. If you're disgusted by the low-effort debates from Any Forums who are just so checked out from the commie flags who just tell them to kys, then leftypol might be the place for you. But I've been there and debated them, and they're just as retarded.

A lot of the FARC LARPers (You might have some first hand experience with those niggers) are all about anarchy and not actually creating a community. Let's fucking rob, steal, pillage, extort and sell drugs to sustain an economy, way to go guys. Really showed the CIA with that one. Marx wants to preach alienation as some kind of fix-all for the problem. The real problem is we do have alienation in a capitalist society, you absolutely get to pick what you do. Just because you don't get to pick the projects you work on doesn't mean you don't have the freedom to tell your boss to go suck eggs and find another one for more money.

If you're really interested in a fix-all for our society, I'm sorry to tell you that capitalism is the best system, because there's only one way to quantify our human innate need to feel superior in the system. There will always be haves and haves not, and that's just the way it is fren. Might I suggest you read Nietzsche instead?

Ironically I dont think modern 2020 capitalism is anything similar to what you guys have in mind (classical economics).

If anything wallmart is closer to a plannified communist economy than anything from 1870.

You would need to go through several processes and steps for everything you are asking for. For every process you have to put energy into the mix to get any out. I assume that the fact that we are not doing this means that it is a net loss of energy and not profitable. I still prefer we use nuclear energy and use the abundance of energy from that to properly recycle the materials we use in a healthy way.

Damn, someone with a bigger take than leftypol, this is why I come to Any Forums. You're absolutely right. We tried communism in the 1800s with a town called Jamestown. It lead to serious problems with theft and non-contributing zeros who didn't put back into the community so it lead to a system of trade and barter anyway. Which is the same problem Walmart faces. They sell shit at almost a loss to help the community, while ungrateful niggers steal from them.

Is not an issue of net energy, is an issue of we need an issue for that shit instead of dumping in some landfill.

Ironically I remember I got it from /lit/ thread, which I think /lit/ ironically isnt as dumb as both pol and leftypol, because at least they pretend to read the books.

Capitalism is a meme, not an actual system. Countries get to choose between globalist materialism or nationalist idealism. Capitalism and communism are both just slight variations of the former

Hah! The board that birthed the train user meme gave way to high IQ takes on societal capitalism. When I used to lift there wasn't much else to do other than HMMMMMMMMMMMM. There was this QT blonde I used to lift at Gold's Gym with, and all she wanted to talk about was her fucking boyfriend and soap operas. I couldn't be fucking assed, I just wanted to stare at her ass while she did Pilates. In my mind I was debating if we lived in a simulation and will to power with myself.

we live in a simulation and women are biologically breed by human sexual dynamics to be dumb npcs that are hot but dumb as fuck.

Smart women dont breed, dumb bimbos and religious nutjobs are the women that breed the most.

Checked and correct. If you need evidence of the simulation, the double silt experiment is proof the universe is conscious code responding to stimuli.