Why won’t the west fight my war for me?

>Why won’t the west fight my war for me?
>Why won’t they send me their sons and daughters?
>Why won’t they give me money?
>Why won’t they give me weapons and equipment?
>Do they… *GASP* do they won’t ME to die slowly? The nerve!
Fuck this faggot. Fight your own war.

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You're correct but also a retard

"I don't need a ride, i need ammo."
-Some lying parasitic kike

>"why wont NATO fight Russia for me?"
Because the reason this clown is in power is to fight Russia _instead_ of NATO on NATOs behalf. It's to weaken Russia via insurgency war without turning it into nuclear war. NATO entering this conflict would defeat the point of Ukraine existing.

Western mainstream media
What do these things have in common? They're all calling for the same war.

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>Shitty neighbours climb over your fence and set your house on fire.
>There are too many of them for you deal with yourself, so you appeal to other neighbours to help you kick the shits off your lawn and put the fire out before it spreads to the rest of the street.
>Other neighbours tell you to shut the fuck up and deal with it yourself as they are to busy watching telly clips of your house burning..
State of the world today.

>kills 14000 ethnic Russians and shell their cities on a daily basis for 8 years
>Russia invades his country to end this farce
>oy vey why doesn't the world just start ww3 to save me?

He's a jew. The Ukraine government is corrupt and the country is poor as fuck.
Who gives a shit about them. Putin just wants some territory and he will improvement the live of the citizens there.

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I think Ukraine is like 4000 miles from my house. I don't care if their house burns because of the actions of my corrupt government.

Biden, stop discussing politics. It's bad for your health.

the biggest manufactured fraud in liberal history

he's also getting people killed, also potential getting the world involved in a war. liberals are cheering him on.

history will remember this.

what's going on with his eyes

russia has nukes and ukraine doesn't. there's no other option

He's about to become a goat man and harass women... such many cases

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He's jewish.

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That's probably what they promised him. When he asked them in private he got the "Morrie, you'll get your money" speech, but it never happened. So he figured he'd take his case to the media. Dumb move.

Attached: Morrie.jpg (963x481, 57.99K)

>invite people you know are hostile to your neighbor to live in your house
>neighbor gets pissed off
>demand those same people sort your neighbor out for you
>they decline

hes asking for help, not for others to fight for him
also fighting against Russia is a fight for the good of humanity

sick bastards

>mykola lets go, beat some moskalys
>lets! And if we get beaten?
>We?for what?
they've been trying big Pu's patience for years with their nato and eu backed shenanigans, the last and what decided it was his publically voiced nuclear weapons plans, imo no one wants half criminal regime with no control over their own criminals to have wmds, so pu rushed it.
Tldr poke a sleeping bear - get rekt

stfu you little bitch

those hard mother fuckers killed more nazis than you ratfucks could ever dream of. should learn to stfu when men are talking btw.