I fucking hate foreigners so much it's unreal...

I fucking hate foreigners so much it's unreal. this morning some fucking beaner complains to me while my dog is pissing that there is a certain place for the dogs to go, that where he's pissing isn't an okay spot (it was a tree). Normally I'm a nice person and just let this shit slide. but this fucking beaner had accent so thick you'd think he just jumped out of the rio grande. so I simply replied "you know there is a country you can go home to"

So tired of shitty beaner music, the horrible smell of them and their cooking, how incredibly ugly and uncivilized they are. fuck all beaners from south of our borders they're all useless, ungrateful leeches.

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fuck disgusting beaners

I see that some Latinos are giving the inhabitants of Neo Mexico a hard time.

I hate mexicans in my country so much it's unreal.

To be honest I also hate Mexicans from your country so much.

Tell your cousins to stop playing their loud music every morning

lol I actually have zero problems with mexicans and any other foreigners that stay in their country. Really it's out own fault for not dealing with our politicians who bretay us for new citizens the way we should.

Not my problem ameripedos

And yet I'd trade a hundred beaners over one arab

My is about 14 years old and has trouble walking so as soon as he makes it down the stairs I let him pee on the grassy area closest to us.

its so funny too because there are a lot of beaners here and none of them pick up their dog shit.

At least they are Christian.

I also hate them andwanna get rid of them, can you just murder him and disspaear his corpse? we are full.

I hate seaniggers more. Fucking ugly midgets that speak worse English than the fucking Chinese.

That's impossible, the people who do that here are called "Buchones" they are stupid who believe that their shitty music is a debut feature that needs to be heard by all the neighbors.

Kek... Poor people problems

Not really

that seems to be pretty universal unfortunately, but in my area we are having a surge of tejano and what sounds like idk more central beaner music. I have never heard it before, i think it's honduran shit because I am seeing a lot of their flags now.

Make Mexico Spain again

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What the fuck is a seanigger? You mean Puerto Ricans?

well you have guns no? Make a squad and clean up your country

Just do what I did and leave. 50% of the adult population is non-white. Like 70% of kids are non-white. Maybe if we had managed to slam that wall up in 2016 and started deporting like crazy. But now there's no hope for neo-Brazil. This is the future you chose.

As a black I support the recolonization of America by Mexicans. They should have the entire regions of the westcoast that used to belong to them. It's time to start removing these whites from our continents lest their wars destroy us all

Is it true the government taxes you on the way out or charges you for renouncing citizenship or whatever?


lol shut up you dumb nigger, you have a whole continent you could go run free in like the nigger you are if you didn't just love being around White people so much. Decolonize your mind bruv, oh wait you can't because you speak the language of the White man. kys nigger.

you're not using the designated dog spot?
you're a nigger

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id like to see how someone would get doing this.

As a Chicano, me too buddy.

Kek this can't be real. Some beaner spic told your dog to use the toilet bowl?! How did you not inquire where it is dogs should pee?! I need to know now!!

based beaner. get your entertainment animal to piss on your own property

you think this isn't going to happen to every white country?

sneed more jew

why are niggers so useless.

>your continent
Sorry bitch Africa stopped being my continent when you brought my ancestors over to Murica and bred them. I now carry 30% white dna because of you, as a 30% colonizer it is my right to deny you and rightfully tell you to gtfo

I have an urge to stomp that kids head in, his tribe belongs below the rio my tribe kills aztec niggers

Only nice foreigners ever are whites and if it is not white it is always shit foreigner no matter what

My dog is old and has trouble holding his bladder in the morning, i get him out fast and to the first grassy spot. it's urine, it's not like I'm letting him shit all over and not cleaning up after him. he's old and more valuable than any fucking beaner here in my country. ah, shit you're probably a beaner anyway.

Just liquidate all assets, settle all your taxes and then move. There's lots of tax bullshit for expats but you can ignore most of it since it's generally unenforceable. It's mostly a problem if you plan on coming back.

Sure. But there are lots of white countries who are several decades behind and there's no reason to not live there.

>dog pissing on someone else’s property
>they politely tell you to not let your dog piss on their property
>sperg out with racist insults
absolute subhuman behavior

Because you are still white. Only people who love their country understand that. When a fucking ungrateful foreigner shitfuck says something like that poopshit kid it is only natural to have your blood boil, because that 50 IQ asshole should not even be at your soil in the first place

Si basado

your """country""" consists out of foreigners who were drilled hard by your """culture""" to loose every bit of decency they had.
The baseline in every country on this planet for acceptable human behaviour is higher than in the """USA""". Just stop exporting your """culture""" , and these people might stop coming.

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it's not his proptery retard, it's an apartment complex. I refuse to buy anything in this city especially and in this inflated market when I'm moving out of the state at the end of the year.