Anons, wouldn't it be nice

if that piece of land disappeared overnight? Would we notice anything at all??

Attached: d60828fddabb3c2425b18e74aa7fef6dc5-06-world-without-america.2x.h473.w710.jpg (1420x946, 150.5K)

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Panama BTFO

peace in the world + the UK

Oh yea, we'd be a lot better off if russia were gone

Panama wouldn't exist as a country without the U. S.

Remove Africa/Asia (including middle east) and the world becomes a utopia

Degeneracy wouldn't exist and Europe would be born again... I think it would be good news for everyone

instant drop in globohomo and kvetching I could here from Israel after losing its best golem
nothing of value

Attached: weimart.png (1280x2688, 1.28M)

Only what your kike owners would let you notice.

Look at world more realistic

Attached: flatmap.jpg (1061x1500, 235.2K)

This ^

A good chunk of the world starves

you spelled the U S A wrong.

>kike owners
all my kike owners live in that land kek

I’d suddenly be living on the coast of a new ocean, would be kino

If this could happen to Israel, most of the worlds issues would vanish overnight.

World peace, no more globohomo, LGBT or feminism, no more foreign wars for ZOG

How's Spain holding up bros?
I work in software engineering and hear it's brutal over there (low pay and no jobs).

Attached: 1641077966308.jpg (326x267, 37K)

The world would start to heal

Only niggers. Mutt cunt

>deflecting blame
Nobody is buying that bullshit anymore user

OP fails to understand all sides are fucked and contaminated with retards. Becasue OP is too busy being a dick sucking cum bubble blowing girly moaning beta male cuckold faggot.

The quality of this board would increase by about 50%

yeeahh... actually not kek most Jews live outside Israel and 100 years ago the difference was even larger.

Yes, yes it would. Instant World Peace.

Americans aren't too good at spelling

Badly as it's been since 1975.

The people are the problem
not the land

I would hate it

Holy fucking fuck batman. Just when I thought society couldn't get any worse.

what would it be called?
Anal Canal?

You would all be speaking russian if we didn't exist.

You would be Putins bitch within a month