NEET's need to be executed

NEET's need to be executed.

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I see no issue with this
Antivax chuds can die

We don't work, you gonna starve 13 kids like that cracka?

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Define "work"

>neets dont work

Nazi – National Socialism
jew label - reality
National – unedited families
Socialism – cooperation with out usury

In times of desperation caused by criminal jew gangs, dads for the love to their families unite to protect and provide.

No usury - that what makes kikes seethe, it means end of parasitic lifestyle, you contribute your part and use benefits created together. Jews mocking “Nazi” = friendship of families, morality.

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>commies hate God because God commands people to work if they want to eat
all makes sense now

fuck off slave

seethe shlomo

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That is a very nice fork and knife!

>NEET's need to be executed.
If there was a point to having a job I'd have one.
Why should I contribute to a society that hates me, my ancestors and my race?

That's how it should be but they're going to give me money anyway so why bother? I'd only be paying taxes to support this bullshit system.

We are accelerating
What are you doing?

checked, based

>DOJ and SEC are investigating Barry Diller, David Geffen, and Alexander von Furstenberg for insider trading after they bought Activision Blizzard share options - now worth $168 MILLION - days before Microsoft bought the videogame firm

>Intl nuclear watchdog claims it’s not getting data from Chernobyl plant

>A Dunkin’ manager fatally punched a customer after being called the n-word. He was sentenced to house arrest.

>U.S. ties easing of Venezuela sanctions to direct oil supply

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>god puts trees full of fruit, rivers with pure drinkable water and other food everywhere
>humans go there and write on a paper that a single motherfucker "owns" that land
>suddenly everyone else should starve to death

Id rather have my tax dollars go to neets instead of nonwhites
Even women by default are more of a negative tax burden on society than a handfull of basement dwelling anons

>If I choose to work, it's because some kike commands me to

Bunch of filthy lazy communists in this thread.

>If I work I give half of my hard earned money to jews and niggers thanks to taxes
No thanks


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even if fucking your mother will improve your genes i'' still refuse it.

They call themselves antivax now
Still sucking Soviet schlong to boot

Isn't Finland like the capital of NEETS?
Europeans are too picky when it comes to work. Fucking cunts.

Read Bawerk nigger.

i met your mom in a gulag

forget the NEET's what about the bankers and others who live on usury and other financial tools?
They don't work and yet they eat. They take money, something that is not fruitful, and make it thus. Its the inversion of sodomy.
That is the real enemy.
Execute the bankers

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Based. Neets desperate to justify their existence in this thread


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Why stop at usury?

Abolish the exploitation of surplus value
Abolish wage slavery
Abolish private ownership of the means of production.
Abolish land whoring and rent seeking behavior.
Abolish parasitism.

It's not bankers, it's the federal reserve banking system which operates thanks to government. Make stealing illegal to bankers as well and you won't have a problem.

But bankers are kikes and OP worships one, so

cry more wagie

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The vast majority of people who get bennies get off them. Either that or they are legit disabled.

The cost of identifying and punishing the ones who don't or aren't is way more expensive than just paying them.

And even if you identify and punish them... then what? If you send them to jail you're still paying for them. If you cut them off and they become homeless - you're still paying for them. If you conscript them into work battalions the efficiency of the work will be so low that there is no possible way they could actually earn their paycheck, so you're still paying for them.

It's a nonissue with no solutions so just ignore it.

>vote at every opportunity to expand the welfare state
>complain about NEETs
Stop enabling.


>NEET's need to be executed.
Honestly it'd be easier to just kill all middle management instead.

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someone post Neet peepee
I am on my phone bathing at 3pm on government dole

>Talmud book says things.

If I were to do things as said in the Bible I'd take you as my slave and keep you in chains. The beatings are mandatory.

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You are triggered by my post because you know you should kill yourself

You lost and you gave up, that's it. Everything else is just cope.

back to work slave no more opinions from you

>he thinks that's talking about physical food
The letter of the law always ignores the spirit. This is trivially simple and yet so few get it.

-t.clown world enthusiast.

I just got approved for SSI and make 840/month as neetbucks + Medicaid(free healthcare) and food assistance just for being mentally ill. I have no responsibilities whatsoever besides paying my family 250 a month. You mad?

Start picking cotton or starve.

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ID: >Joo

I'm going nowhere. I shitpost on the toilet and I get a fat paycheck for it, while all you have is cope and memes.

You're an idiot propping up financial elites, working for smaller and smaller returns on your work.

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>you gonna starve 13 kids like that cracka?
Whatever it takes sir!

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How about you execute the people responsible for everyone's misery and bring about a new better world in the process instead of being a wageslave attached to a bunch of fake bullshit like money and your position in the cattle farm that is society

ID: >Jw

This image is racist toward minorities. Do you think everybody eat with a knife and a fork biggot ?

that’s a great argument but i’m still not gonna wageslave

>Pretends to have the big sad
>Gets free drugs and a salary to do nothing
You mutts are always dissing Sweden and Germany but they're even more communist than the Soviet Union

When I ‘worked’ from home I understood how truly enlightened the neet is. Neets have it figured out. If you hate neets, you’re a fucking peasant

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Cunt can't even reply properly. Maybe you should stay out of the workforce

The time spent to make these faggots rich is funny to me. On top of that they are not even obliged to consider how high rent is when offering their shit salary

Why should i work a manmade job in a manmade society to earn a manmade currency? You should be the one to be executed for being a brainwashed slave you dumb fucking nigger. Every fucking finfag i see on here is a brainwashed fucking retard who appeals to authority, i would honestly chop your head off if i could. I want to see this society burn to the ground and see you vile niggers die with it.

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I'm a wagie but imagine thinking a Jew book is going to change somebody's mind.

>Why should I contribute to a society
to be fair most of the people who work don't contribute to society beyond paying taxes