I don't undestand

Why does Putin want to cut us off the Internet? What does he gain from this?

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Shut up. He's your leader and you will show him respect.

To avoid hackers

It's not him but you, who will gain from being cut off from the propoganda web of globohomo.
Can you honestly say you're life wasn't better pre-internet? Hopefully cell phones are banned also.

You're unironically becoming North Korea, have fun being China's puppet state.

To protect you from misinformation.

It's part of wef agenda, there will be a pandemic style cyberattack in different countries and the fault wil be appointed to you ivan.

>Yes, goy, being out of the loop will actually benefit you, trust me.
>Just consume state media, don't make up your own mind

To control the information you get to look at. And also to prevent being hacked again.

iron curtain 2.0 'bouta drop

Because without most people being able to access other media and the internet they can tell their citizens whatever they want and most won't be able to check it.

>source: blue checkmark
you really should be cut off the internet, bydlo

please no
a lot of anime piracy comes from Russia
we can't lose this essential service

Checked, Russbro. This sucks, i'll miss my CSGO buddies. Some of you folks are alright, hope you make it through this shitshow somehow. Good luck.

>noo now how will they know to eat ze bugs and be happy
ok klaus

>no Netflix Jewish subversion
>no instagram Jewish subversion
>no pornhub Jewish subversion
>no tiktok Jewish subversion
>no onlyfans Jewish subversion

>What does he gain from this?
That you stop reading faggots

with anarchist like flag to boot
no more games for you rusky

Cyber Polygon planned by Klaus Schwab. All the western institutions will be hacked. Blamed on Russia of course.

If you need the government to block those things for you in order to avoid them, you deserve to be shot.

I believe this is for government websites only or something.

Stfu subhuman

Question: is it possible to find a way to connect with russia after that? I mean using different routes (maybe through china even if sound retarded)? I'm curious for the actual viability of thos shutdown, i don't really think it's possible to go full north corea 100% for russia.

Dude you guys are owning the globalhomo thank you for your service

he gets to avoid the WEF/Israeli cyber attack

training exercise

So long, Russbro. It was an honour shitposting with you guys. Maybe we'll speak again in a few decades, assuming we don't all die in nuclear hellfire first.

To bankrupt all Russian tech companies

But I’ll miss my rus bros :(

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What loop? The one they built specifically for you? It's all state media, and I don't know how young you are but pre internet that tv was alot more varied and actually had different viewpoints, "state media" was a hundred times more free and varied than anything today.
The internet just gives the illusion of knowledge. misinformed people thinking they're well informed and laughing at the uniformed.
It's fun to shit post occasionally but admit it, the internet made people hooked on stimulation of information and made us far less concerned about the source of it. Once it's off, you are far better informed by simply looking at the world directly around you to gage an opinion on the actual issues and not as susceptible to having then which issues should garner your attention and in reality have nothing to do with you.

Would you prefer a nation of people who are concerned with the trans housing crisis in Africa and th possible implications on the interests rates, or a nation of people who see with their own eyes what is needed and where based on the world directly around them and their community?

Before the internet I was a socialist unaware of the jewish power over me.
No, that wasn't better.

Bye Jew the world hates you lol. I hope you can't take money out of your bank account or buy food next. I want you dead kek