Save a life. We need a no fly zone over Ukraine NOW

Save a life. We need a no fly zone over Ukraine NOW

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What does that even mean?

Where will u fucking Ukrainians run to if a nuclear war starts for the no fly zone?

>50 people at most

Nuke America.

Imagine doing current moral panic. Lol losers

Close the sky bigot!!!

world war 3

Means US war with Russia.

They're asking for free military services.

we will get it evntually and then Russia will be obliterated kek

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Where’s a nigger in an SUV when you need one.

That's a terrible idea, it would effectively let Russia take advantage on the ground with no fear of aerial attacks

I thought you guys are winning?

redditors want war between nuclear powers because Putin banned gay propaganda or something

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no. All this cringe begging about how NATO should close our skie is just for TV picture. At the end Britain/US will just give us missile protection systems as a 'compromise', that's it.

>Save a life
By starting WWIII?

Begging for military action with a bunch of pointless degenerates. The absolute fucking state of the Zog...

Almost like betting against your own population was a BAD CALL. Almost like 1000 people can't wag their fingers and stop the world from spinning. Almost like, you're the biggest joke in human history and there's no where left to run to.

Suck my dick

And you need to watch graveyard of the fireflies NOW!

If you can't survive COVID, you're won't survive a nuclear winter.

its obvious what it means chud stop gaslighting that is giving me strong sociopathic vibes

it won't save lives. you will just prolong the war.

hopefully in Chechnya or Israel.

Am I retarded for not understand how you can close a sky?

>save a life
>by starting a nuclear war
Really smart thinking there

It's not literal.
>Prevent air traffic from flying unharrassed
Is the literal

literally just shut down the atoms

> random normies require a no-fly zone over Ukraine because MSM ask them to
> never cared about any other conflict where NATO/US& allies killed millions of lives (Serbia, Syria, Yemen, Lybia, Palestine, and so on)
yes! putin is le hitler, save the globalists' money laundry machine.

They want nuclear war.

You won’t.

How are they going to harass the Russia air force? Who's going to do it?

sorry sweaty but do not question the science, the sky is closed and you will just have to accept it

Foreign countries shoot down Russian airplanes in Ukraine. Russians will shake their fists and go home. That's a no fly zone to toddlers who want NATO countries to be nuked defending hecking democracy of Ukraine's borders while their own countries borders have open season all year round.

A no-fly zone literally requires military intervention, so a no-fly zone over disputed land during a war coming from a country that isn't directly involved in the war would be quite the escalation, literally resulting in a world war against Russia. Since Russia basically has no ally that would be obligated or willing to jump to their side, the chances of Russia actually using their nukes would climb rapidly.
A no-fly zone in this scenario is not a good idea, and anyone advocating for it doesn't actually understand what you need to do in the real, physical world. A no-fly zone is not just some thing you enact with strictly paperwork, you need to actually occupy the airspace with planes and shoot down any Russian planes that enter the space, which would be an act of war, giving Putin reason to actually attack other nations.

We won’t.

out of all Russian military forces that Russia deployed for this invasion:
- 36% of IFV's destroyed
- 25% of the tanks destroyed
- 7.5% of the artillery destroyed
- 33% of the helicopters destroyed
- 15% of the planes destroyed
- 4% of ships destroyed
- 9% of the manpower dead

we're doing ok considering the sky is still not being closed

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These faggots better be marching for lower gas prices and lifting off the sanctions

Where is this?


unless the USA asks you to

I new mericans were dumb

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>save lives by making a regional war into a much bigger, potentially nuclear war between NATO and Russia
It would be nice, if these retards looked just a few steps ahead.

No fly zone over Ukraine = World War 3

This will definitely save a lot of lives, I'm sure of it.

they should stop supporting Zel and tell him to stop fighting. let Russia peacefully occupy the territory and then deal with the problems. less lifes lost. less economic impact etc.

they should go around with a map asking people to pin point Ukraine
however finds it can stay and protest

Hahahaha the cope is real

> save a life
> destroy the US with nuclear hellfire because of ww3.
I advocate

ain't ever gonna happen lol fucking idiots

NATO (Meaning US) Air Force.

They literally want to start WWIII. That's what this implies.

Just a reminder that these people are allowed to vote with equal weight to their opinion as specialists in international history & politics. They're literally begging for WWIII with zero awareness.

last i heard it was 6 gorillion dead russian soldiers including women and children and a dude in pajamas who looked like Stalin

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seewhy are poltards so retarded

Absolutely not. Fucking cattle

We still won’t, and neither will they. Putin has already been very clear that “any movement” in relation to enforcing a no fly zone will be seen by Russia as a casus belli.

>Don't look up!

>What does that even mean?

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>glowies stage fake pro-war protest
>media lies to push glowie narrative agitate for war

Is this surprising? It's been like this since the 1960s at least. Mockingbird.

Imagine believing in ukie propaganda. You claimed you killed 12k russians. The pentagon recently released their numbers and it was only 2-4k dead russians. You know you are losing when your own allies call out your BS propaganda. Muh ghost of kiev. Muh snake island defenders. Hahahahahaha cope faggot.

Keiv is San Francisco east. The satanic elite run their white slavery and pedophile rings out of keiv. This is a Christian holy war to decimate freemasonry and the satanic pedophile elite. Christ is king

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OK globohomo

lol why do they think Russia is Iraq and the USA can just send a carrier? Russia has thousands of aircraft and is right next to Ukraine. It's impossible without a large scale war.

No one will give you shit. Our gas prices are already 60% up.
Every single Ukrainian should die for all I care, I just want my economy back. The faster Putin finishes you off the faster things will normalize.

>The pentagon recently released their numbers

The final solution to the faggot nazi question: Vlad Putin

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sticking to the monke posting i see

>At the end Britain/US will just give us missile protection systems as a 'compromise', that's it.
That don't work against Russia's well defended convoys of tanks and artillery.
You need tanks, artillery and AA to have a chance.

Literally this. Tell homos they can't groom children and they're literally ready to cheer for the apocalypse.

Find Jesus

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What a bunch of npcs, they should get their 5th booster

Christ is king

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