It's time to get behind him or get out of the way

It's time to swallow our pride and give him our support. It's mainly just shills that attack him but if anyone is still on the fence It's time to pick a side. Globohomo or Nick.

No one else has the potential he does. It hurts me to admit, no one else has built such a successful movement no one else has done as much for our beliefs as him.

We all sit here and wait for the next great statesman and he is already here. He will obviously have the same weaknesses as other young men of genius that take power but good advisors could mitigate that risk. He's the best hope we have and if you can't recognise it or can't accept it then you should get out of the way.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This nerd isn't leading a revolution.

Jannies deleted the last thread. It couldn't be more on topic. Talk about mask off.

No I don’t think I will vote for Republicans


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He will eventually take power. You can't stop it, Jared Taylor, Mr Jared Taylor spoke about Nick with open admiration in the last Amren podcast.

What worries me is what happens after Nick but I guess that isn't my concern as I am a lot older than he is.

They do if for free.
I mean to be fair I do this for free, I enjoy it. I hope they do too.

Bump, fuck jannies.

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I agree that Nick is the best hope for Whites living in ZOG territory.

Where did all my frens go?

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>It's mainly just shills that attack him
he says while shilling the booger eater.

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In any other context people here would unanimously laugh at twitter slacktivism. This closeted faggot is a joke. And even if he wasn't he is twitter slacktivism personified. I am just hoping OP isn't serious.

Oh there's one.
Henlo fren. Is this what you thought you'd be doing when you signed up to work for western intelligence?
I bet you used to dream about being a spy. Do they still tell you you're batman?

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Do you think Jared Taylor is a joke?

Why don't you tell us who isn't a joke?
The last shill when pressed said Richard Spencer, I hope you do that too.

>Literal memeflag.

The thing is he simply did shows consistently 5 days a week, wasn’t partaking in boozing, cooming, nicotine, or partying. Anyone can surpass him just by having enough consistency & discipline. All those alt right fags lost out because they have zero discipline. Simple as. Nick’s a fag, but hats off to the guy. He won. Where’s Richard spencer now? Where’s Patrick little now? Where’s coach red pill now? Where’s Paul Nehlen now?

Yes they are all a jokes, paid shills or both.

>Anyone can surpass him
When they do it I will support them.
Until someone does I will support Nick.

So every single public figure that comes even close to Any Forumss views is a joke.

Now, who would want us to believe that?
F is for Frens.

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One of the funniest things ive ever witnessed has been a mexican larping as a white, pushing white nationalism.
Fuentes? is that his name?

Hes not white, hes a spic

you worship a mexican

>He's not German, he's Austrian, he has an Austrian last name. You worship an Austrian.


>Now, who would want us to believe that?
The plague of current times is people not believing reality because it is sad.

He should stick to pandering to basement dwellers on the internet. I couldn't even finish watching his speech because of his cringe attempt at copying Trump's mannerism

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Actually you’re right. He criticizes Israel which is a no no. Very bad. I agree with you. Anyone who criticizes Israel should NOT be taken seriously and should be nit picked

He is a faggot spic that deserves a bullet

is that your only criteria? they have to out isreal and then they are white in your books?

Yeah it sure is sad. But there are gifted and special people on our side.
Like Nick, Or Mr Taylor.

Now u just sound mad.
Was it when he talked about the Jews that made you so mad?

he's a white mexican

This is basically my position. Nick does not inspire confidence for me because he is just such an insufferable prick and I do not like him, but I cannot deny he is currently the figurehead of the right in America. I do not think he will “take power”, but I will support him and his movement until something or someone better comes along. And I do believe someone better will come along, at least someone a little more likable.