What the fuck is their problem?

They are the 4th economy in the EU, yet they are silent and the media don't talk about them too much. Are they so happy with themselves?

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we live to enjoy life in iberia

>. Are they so happy with themselves?

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The Ceuta/Gibraltar thing is stills funny to me

The Moors don't give a shit, they sre focused on their wine, food and 3 hour lunch breaks. I am very jealous.

I think morocco and argeria are not part of the EU

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They are embarrassed from losing one of the largest empires ever known and from browning up a lot.

>from browning up a lot.
lmao , what does it means

Their empire lasted 3 centuries longer than your shitty attempt Caleb McJonssonstein. You barely managed to stays World hegemons for 1 century and are already crumbling, all the while being seriously challenged as such by fucking russians of all people throughout 2/3rds of it.
Spain had the longest lived Empire in Europe right after Rome and the ERE.

They've always been brown

>meme flag

They are in a permanent state of being broke and facing severe unemployment for most service jobs, while having some of the most profitable tourist attractions and luxury products and commodities in Europe. It's quite bizarre how spaniards come to our country to find employment instead of the other way around.

List of based empires:
2Spanish Empire
3Byzantinian Empire

>It's quite bizarre how spaniards come to our country to find employment
What the hell can you even do in Panama?

This but unironically.

You guys don't know how to enjoy live. I feel bad for you.

Come here to have some tortilla with wine in a sunny day and stop worrying about everything.

But Spain is the 4th economy, yet it's not in the news. Weird for such a country.

Why do you post this every day, retard bot?

>and stop worrying about everything.
You don't worry about your national debt?

shipping, importing, convenience flags and registry, tourism. We do nearly everything

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They are gone.

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you wouldnt believe how many people here dont give a shit on anything happening outside spain's borders

>Are they so happy with themselves?
Exactly, you've just summed up Spaniards

I thought that's what the Germans were for?

Post moar piggies

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No. I don't worry about anything, I just do what I can in each moment and that is.

Having high purposes in life distracts you from actually living.

Politics has been co-opted by women and fags. The rest of us are just laying low and enjoying life until it all falls apart.


There is always a way to enjoy life.

>No. I don't worry about anything, I just do what I can in each moment and that is.
You don't worry about big fucking debt that threatens your life or massive degeneracy in the country?

>shipping, importing, convenience flags and registry, tourism. We do nearly everything
And Spaniards work there are lawyers or engineers or?

>They are in a permanent state of being broke

What are you talking about? We're rich. Our Ministry of Equality just approved a €20,319 million budget. Spain yes!!


>and facing severe unemployment for most service jobs

Severe unemployment, and at the same time massive immigration. But it's not a conspiration, dude.

>It's quite bizarre how spaniards come to our country to find employment instead of the other way around.

Come on. If you said Spaniards migrate to Ireland, Germany, UK, France, OK, I'd agree. But to Panama? Please

Especially when you live in Spain

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Why would I?

The world is coming to and end. Whatever happens I have no choice over it. But I can choose to enjoy life the best I can and retain my happiness and moral integrity.My believe is that's the best I can do for others as well.

That's true, back in 2020 I meet this spanish gay dude he knew alot about Vox and why people were voting for them and shit, very cool guy btw

>You don't worry about big fucking debt that threatens your life or massive degeneracy in the country?

I'm very worried about that. Unironically. They are trying to destroy our country, and they are succeeding.

>But I can choose to enjoy life the best I can and retain my happiness
How can you retain happiness when all that surrounds you is death and decay ?

Normal reaction.